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ORDINANCE NO. 757 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 24, CODE OF LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, 1949, AS AMENDED, BY DEFINING HOME OCCUPATIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE CONTROL OF THE SAME; PROVIDING DISTRICT REGULATIONS FOR R-A (RANCH ESTATES) ZONES; FOR R-E ( RESIDENCE ESTATES) ZONES; FOR R-1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE) ZONES; FOR R-2 (TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE) ZONES; AND FOR R-4 (APARTMENT RESIDENCE) ZONES; BY PERMITTING FAMILY DAY CARE HOMES AND DAY NURSERIES IN THE ABOVE ZONES UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; BY AMENDING C-1 (LIMITED COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT REGULATIONS TO PERMIT COMMERCIAL NURSERIES UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; BY AMENDING SECTION 21, AS AMENDED BY SECTION 3 OF ORDINANCE 657 TO PERMIT MAUSOLEUMS UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATED THERETO; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION HEREOF. The Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas do ordain as follows: Section 1. Section 9, Chapter 24, Code of Las Vegas, Nevada, 1949, on Page 370, defining home occupation Is hereby amended to read as follows: HOME OCCUPATION: A customary occupation of a non-business nature carried on by the occupant of a dwelling as an incidental or a secondary use in connection with which there is no change in the character of the dwelling, and there is no display, no stock in trade nor commodity sold on the premises, no assistants employed and no mechanical equipment used except such as is necessary for purely domestic purposes. Clinics, surgeries, hospitals, barbershops, beauty parlors, business offices and professional offices shall not be deemed home occupations. Section 2. Section 14, Chapter 24, Code of Las Vegas, Nevada, 1949 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 14. R-A (Ranch Estate) district regulations. A. USES PERMITTED: 1. One family dwellings of a permanent character, placed in a permanent location, containing not more than one (1) kitchen, and used by but one family. 2. The following light agricultural uses: (a) Field crops, truck gardening, berry or bush crops, tree crops, flower gardening, nurseries, greenhouses, orchards, aviaries, apiaries. (b) Farms devoted to the hatching, raising and marketing of chickens, turkeys, or other poultry, fowl, rabbits, fish, frogs; provided, however, that no killing or dressing of poultry or rabbits shall be permitted other than the poultry or rabbits raised on the premises and that such killing or dressing is done in an accessory building. (c) Sale of any of the products of any of the aforementioned permitted uses upon the premises upon which such products are produced; provided, that no permanent or commercial building shall be constructed primarily for such sale. (d) Small livestock farming, the keeping, breeding and raising of domestic animals as an incidental use, but not for commercial purposes. 3. Uses customarily incidental to any of the above uses, including the office of a physician, dentist, minister of religion or other similar profession, provided: (a) That such office is situated in the same dwelling unit as the home of the occupant; (b) That such office shall not be used for the general practice of medicine, surgery, dentistry, but may be used for consultation and emergency treatment as an adjunct to a principal office; (c) That there shall be no assistants employed. 4. Accessory buildings, including a private garage, accessory living quarters, guest house, recreation room; a detached stable, barm, corral, pen, coop, kennel, poultry or rabbit killing and dressing room or other similar structure, when located not less than one-hundred (100) feet from the front lot