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Jewish Federation correspondence, meeting minutes, and other records, item 06




Board of Directors meeting minutes for the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, Nevada, November 5, 1986.

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    JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS JFLV BOARD OF DIRECTORS November 5, 1986 Minutes Present: Mike Cherry Jerry Countess Dorothy Eisenberg Paul Eisenberg Donald Eisner Bill Feldman Judy Frank David Funk Elaine Galatz Neil Galatz Dan Goldfarb Rabbi Mel Hecht Mimi Katz Norm Kaufman Dr. Stephen Kollins Dee Ober Hal Ober Dr. Marvin Perer Ralph Plotkin Dr. Neville Pokroy Geri Rentchler Arne Rosencrantz Dr. Tamar Saposhnik Doug Unger Gerald Welt Absent: Shelley Berkley Dr. Allan Boruszak Amy Boruszak Barbara Eisenberg Phil Engel Herbert Fischer Gene Greenberg Bill HernStadt Stephanie Kales Rabbi Louis Lederman Art Marshall George Rudiak Dennis Sabbath Mike Saltman Alice Schwartz Milton Schwartz Marta Sorkin Steve Stein Elaine Steinberg Irv Steinberg Dr. David Wasserman Eli Welt Hal Ober opened the meeting at 8:05 p.m. with the announcement that the Executive /Campaign Committees had accepted him as Campaign Chairman for 1987. He then called on Norm Kaufman to give a brief update on Campaign 1986 and a projection for 1987. Kaufman outlined the major events planned for 1987 and asked all the Board members present to attend the Campaign Cabinet kick-off on November 23. He then asked Hal Ober if he would report on the President's Mission which he attended with Dr. Leon and Faye Steinberg, Dee Ober and Norm Kaufman. Ober gave a moving presentation of their experiences in Poland and in Israel. He highlighted their experience in our Project Renewal community of Ashdod and urged anyone visiting Israel to make sure to go to Ashdod. 1030 East Twain Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 (702) 732-0556RE: JFLV Board Meeting November 5, 1986 page 2 Ober then read a letter from Leonard Weinberg, President of the Reno Jewish Community Council, thanking JFLV for printing news about the Reno community in the Reporter. Ober then advised the Board that a request had been received from the Reno Jewish community asking that JFLV create a position on its Board for a repre?sentative from Reno. There were very positive expressions in favor of it. Neville Pokroy made a motion to approve. It was seconded by Arne Rosencrantz and passed unanimously. Ober passed out two information pieces; one, an article from Sh'ma and the other an AJC piece on Israel's Rotation and the Peace Process. He urged the Board to read both articles. Hal then reported on the letter from the Coalition of Alternatives in Jewish Education thanking us for our assistance and sending us a check for $8.00, our fair share of the proceeds from their event. Jerry Countess gave an update on the progress of the Estorick Scholarships and the very strong support received from the Clark County School District. Ober then called on Dr. Perer. Dr.Perer has been an official representative of the Federation to the General Assembly for the past several years along with his wife, Irene. He reviewed the CJF resolutions briefly, took a few questions and received Board approval to go along with the resoltuions being proposed at this General Assembly. Ober noted that the Annual Board meeting was scheduled for December 10. A recommendation was made that a letter of congratulations be sent to Senator- elect Harry Reid and Congressman-elect Jim Bilbray. On unanimous approval of that recommendation, Ober directed that the JFLV office prepare and dispatch such a letter on behalf of the Board. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.