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Jewish Federation of Las Vegas Annual Report, Community on the Move, 1995



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    Community On The Move A n n u a l R e p o r t 1 9 9 5 Jewish Federation Of Las Vegas 3909 South Maryland Parkway, Suite 400 ? Las Vegas, Nevada 89119-7520 ? (702) 732-0556 Dr. Allan N. Boruszak PRESIDENT'S REPORT Dr. Allan N. Boruszak, President The last two years have been busy but rewarding as President of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. They began with the hiring of a new Executive Director, and are finishing with a million dollar plus Campaign, and the entrance of our newest beneficiary agency, the Jewish Community Center of Southern Nevada. Some of the accomplishments during my administration include the dedication of our building, the Sigesmund Center, development of the Hebrew High School program, hiring of an Endowment Director, and record setting Campaigns. I am proud that Las Vegas has led the nation in card for card Campaign increases for the past two years. There is a lot of work left to do. We need to complete our Demographic Study so we can plan for the future. We need to increase Campaign dollars to allow us to provide for the needs of our community. I am confident Elaine Galatz and her administration will achieve these goals. I want to thank all those who have supported me the past two years, the contributors, volunteers, Board Members, the Federation staff, and most of all my family, who showed patience despite the enormous time commitment and many meetings. Let's do bigger and better in the years to come! Ronni Epstein EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT Ronni Epstein, Executive Director The past few years have been pivotal in the development of the Jewish community of Las Vegas. They have been years filled with opportunity and challenge and a strong sense of vision for our Jewish future. They have been difficult in many ways but filled with direction and accomplishment. Today we are much closer to building the institutions and providing the programs and services that our Jewish community so desperately needs. Our Demographic Study is nearing completion and will serve as a blueprint for our planning process. The agenda is full...a full-service Jewish Community Center, an expanding Jewish Family Service Agency, a Jewish Home for the Aged, a Jewish Community Day School, a growing Hebrew High School program, expanding synagogue religious schools, a vibrant Jewish Student Union at UNLV, a superior Holocaust Education program, a growing Jewish Com-munity Foundation, responsive Community Relations program, developing Young Leadership..the list is unending. How fortunate we are to have these dreams and see so many of them come to fruition in such a short time. However, the "adventure" is just begin-ning. With the guidance and wisdom of people such as Dr. Allan Boruszak, our President with whom I had the privilege or working these past two years, and the many dedicated members of the Federation Executive Committee and Board it is obvious we can achieve anything we set out to do. The next few years are crucial. The help and cooperation of members of the total com-munity will be the key to our success. I look forward to working with our new President Elaine Galatz and to truly becoming a "Community on the Move." I want to thank my staff for their hard work this past year and all of you for your continued support. CAMPAIGN REPORT Michael J. Novick, Campaign Chairman Our Campaign this year was a wonderful success. We gave thousands of individuals the opportunity to perform the mitzvah of Tzedaka, the most people we have ever touched. We were able to provide the Jewish community in Las Vegas, Israel, and throughout the world with $1.3 million of important services from funds raised this year, an increase of 25% card for card-the greatest good we have ever been able to do. This success is indicative of the caliber of so many of our Jewish Federation's accomplishments and programs - our Jewish Community Center of Southern Nevada, our Hebrew High, our local youth groups, Goldberg Lecture Series, Business and Professional Luncheons, and Jewish Family Service Agency - plus the Jews we help in Bosnia, Sarajevo, and Israel where tragedies like the Oklahoma bombing is unfortunately a more frequent experience. Our 1995 Campaign was very strong, but we must remember the money we raise must keep pace with our continually growing community and its needs. I would like to thank all the solicitors who helped with this year's Campaign - hundreds of individuals doing mitzvot. Special thanks to the Greenspun Family for their challenge gift which helped us add 900 new gifts to our Campaign; to Allan Boruszak, a president who truly leads by example and is our number one solicitor; David Dahan and his Super Sunday committee for a phenomenal job; Amy Boruszak who spearheaded our Demographic Study and Needs Assessment and who brought thousands of new Jews onto our rosters; Sheldon and Miriam Adelson for hosting and chairing our Major Gifts event; my committed ampaign abinet; the Federation staff; and my wonderful wife, Emily, who not only led our most successful Women's Division ampaign, but who, along with our son Aaron, allowed me the time to devote to our people. ? B'Yadidut Michael J. Novick WOMEN'S DIVISION REPORT Leslie Simon, President Emily Novick, Campaign Chairman Women's Division has had a stellar year thanks to the involvement and participation of our Board of Directors, and over 800 concerned and committed women in our community who made gifts this year to our Federation. Campaign efforts saw us all working overtime to reach an incredible $485,000 representing a 35% card-for-card increase. Over 400 new women made first time gifts in 1995. From our Board Retreat and Board Training Sessions to our programs and luncheons, our women put forth great effort to achieve the goals we set at our June Planning Conference. Through the able guidance of Cheryl Miller, Board Members participated in an informative training session. Under the most capable direction of Education Vice President Betsi Steinberg, wonderful and informative education packets were compiled for each of our Board Members; stimulating CLAL, (National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership) Breakfast Study Sessions were again offered; and an outstanding Education Day, chaired by Arlene Blut and Sandy Mallin was held. Outreach Co-Vice Presidents Maria Letizia and Bonnie Pomerantz, conducted very successful Coffee and Conversation sessions for newcomers. The four fabulous coffees at the homes of Reesa Niznick, Sharon Sigesmund, Emily Novick, and JoAnn Oppenheimer welcomed over 100 new women to the Las Vegas Jewish community. Susan Fine, Barbara Fischbein, Lil Kronberg and Joan Zimmerman chaired our most memorable Lion of Judah Event at Charlie Trotters; Susan Smith and CaroleTurk chaired our lovely Pomegranate Luncheon at Carole's magnificent home; and Nancy Gerson, Carol Speigel and Heidi Straus chaired our spectacular Main Event Luncheon at Spago. Adding to our successes was the announcement of our first Lion of Judah endowment. There's no question that Women's Division is a vital part of this "Community on the Move!" Leslie Simon Emily Novick Jewish Federation Of Las Vegas 1994-1995 Board of Directors Executive Committee President First Vice President Second Vice President Secretary Treasurer Executive Director Women's Division President Women's Division Campaign Chairman Dr. Allan N. Boruszak Michael J. Novick Douglas Unger Sandy Mallin Dennis Stein Ronni Epstein Leslie Simon Emily Novick Board of Directors Sheldon Adelson Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Daryl Alterwitz Shelley Berkley Brian K. Berman Amy Boruszak Michael A. Cherry Ron Cook David Dahan Dorothy Eisenberg Philip Engel Mark Fine Judy Frank Elaine Galatz Gene R. Greenberg Melanie Greenberg Danny Greenspun David L. Gross Rick A. Hollander Eva Kallick Edythe Katz Ron Kirsh Dr. Stephen A. Kollins Marty Loeb Arthur Marshall Hal Ober David Ober Dr. Marvin A. Perer Irene Perer Dr. Neville Pokroy Arne Rosencrantz Milton I. Schwartz Lenard Schwartzer Sharon E. Sigesmund Marta Sorkin Judge Fran Fine Starmer Deanne Stralser Jerry H. Turk Dr. Harris J. Waters Gary Zimmerman Past Presidents A1 Benedict Dorothy Eisenberg Phil Engel David Goldwater Senator Bill Hernstadt Lloyd Katz* Jerome D. Mack Arthur Marshall Hal Ober Dr. Marvin A. Perer Arne Rosencrantz Past Campaign Chairmen Nate Adelson* Mel Exber Neil G. Galatz Stan Mallin Michael J. Novick Dr. Marvin A. Perer Leonard Rosen* Irving Steinberg Dr. Leon Steinberg Jean Z. Weinberger* William Weinberger Eli Welt 1994-1995 Women's Division Board of Directors Executive Committee President First Vice President Campaign Second Vice President Education Third Vice Presidents Outreach Secretary Treasurer Parliamentarian Publicity Immediate Past President Women's Division Director Leslie Simon Emily Novick Betsi Steinberg Maria Letizia Bonnie Pomerantz Carole Turk Cheryl Miller Sharon Sigesmund Arlene Blut Sandy Mallin Suzan Loeb Board of Directors Miriam Adelson Bonnie Berkowitz Karen Borgelt Amy Boruszak Linda Chenin Debra Cohen Linda Cohen Helen Edell Marilyn Etcoff Rene Feinstein Susan Fine Barbara Fischbein Karen Galatz Rhonda Glyman Nancy Gerson Geri Gilman Eva Kallick Lil Kronberg Susan Langsner Cari Marshall Vivica Marshall Cheryl Miller Reesa Niznick Vivica Marshall Dee Ober Irene Perer Wendy Plaster Esther Pokroy Heidi Samo Jane Schorr Phyllis Schwartz Susan K. Smith Carole Speigel Jo Weingarten Joan Zimmerman Ex Officios: Liz Ackerman Judy Frank Carolyn Goodman Melanie Greenberg Edythe Katz Marlyne Kirshbaum Lynn Rosencrantz Roberta Sabbath Reba Saiger Chai: Jayn Marshall Esty Rousso Sara Saltzman Jean Weinberger* Honorarian: Evelyn Bittker Sustaining: Dorothy Eisenberg Myra Greenspun Shirley Kravitz Judge Fran Fine Starmer Elaine Steinberg Faye Steinberg *deceased CRBVWOBV JRTHDAY ISRAE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE Elaine Galatz, Chairman Building on last year's new structure the committee enhanced the allocations process to provide for greater accountability for donors to the Federation's Annual Campaign. By visiting those local agencies and synagogues that are funded through the Campaign, members of the committee were better equipped to make appropriate decisions on how the community dollars should be spent. Sub-committees were formed to work with individual agencies in the community. This process will be invaluable in developing commu-nity priorities for the future, and will assist in a greater understanding of the needs of our agencies and synagogues. BRANDEIS SOCIETY Lenard E. Schwartzer, Chairman The Brandeis Division, comprised of members of the legal profession, concentrated this year on face to face solicitations aimed at educating and involving increased membership in the Society. An event, open to members of the division and their guests featured Dr. Carlos Rizowy, a practicing attorney special-izing in international legal issues and foreign policy who discussed Israel, the Palestinians, and the PLO. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIVISION Dennis Stein, Chairman The Business and Professional Division had a most successful season this year with many meetings being oversubscribed. The programs were very well received and included some of the most prominent community leaders as presenters. These included Superintendent of the Clark County School District Brian Cram, Mayor Jan Jones, Jerry Turk and Donald Snyder discussing the Fremont Street Experience, Congressman John Ensign, District Attorney Stewart Bell and Sheriff Jerry Keller. COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, Co-chairman Hal Ober, Co-chairman The Community Relations Committee spent the year developing a plan and structure to become a proactive force in the effort to improve relations between the Jewish and the general community. A set of bylaws was created to provide an appropriate guideline under which this committee will function. Issues including the Statewide elections and school board concerns were at the top of the agenda for the current year. A community-wide committee, representative of the Jewish organizations in Las Vegas, is being formed to move ahead with the future development of this program. FEDERATION FOUNDATION Daryl Alterwitz, Chairman This year saw major developments in the Jewish Federation Foundation program. With the hiring of a professional consultant from the Council of Jewish Federations the committee developed a set of goals and objectives to help increase the effectiveness as well as the assets of the Foundation. Several new endowments were created including the first Lion of Judah endowment gift. The committee is poised to begin a full scale marketing of the program and will be developing materials to help educate the commu-nity to the importance as well as the advantages of establishing endowments with the Jewish Federation as a method to secure the Jewish future of Las Vegas. GOLDBERG JEWISH LECTURE SERIES Georgia and Dr. Stanley Ames, Co-Chairmen William and Dr. Doris Soroky, Co-Chairmen For the first time the Goldberg Jewish Lecture Series was co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas and the Jewish Community Center of Southern Nevada. The program continued to bring the highest quality speakers to our community. Lecturers included Alex Grobman, Ph.D., Director, Martyrs Memorial and Museum of the Holocaust in Los Angeles who discussed"Those Who Dared: Rescuers and Rescued"; Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, noted lecturer and author who spoke on "Jewish Humor: What the Best Jewish Jokes Say About the Jews"; and Steven F. Windmueller, Ph.D., Executive Director, Jewish Community Relations Committee, Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles whose topic was "Positioning the American Jewish Community into the 21st Century, from Jewish Internet to Political Interest". HOLOCAUST EDUCATION Edythe Katz, Chairman The Holocaust Education committee of the Jewish Federation, Clark County School District, and the Governor's Advisory Council on Education Relating to the Holocaust, sponsored the 1995 Holocaust Education Conference, "The Legacy of Schindler's List - Helping the Young to Remember," February 15 and 16. This 2 day conference, attended by over 900 students, educators and guests was held at the Sands Expo Center. The Gertrude Sperling Library is changing to the Dewey Decimal System, and will make books more accessible to all Nevada school libraries when we go on-line with a new computer system. A permanent part-time librarian was hired this year, and the Kronberg Media Center received a TV and VCR from KVBC-Channel 3. The Committee, with the local synagogues and Nate Mack B'nai B'rith again sponsored the annual Yom Hashoah Service with Rabbi Earl Kideckel as chairman. Over 500 people heard Professor David Wyman speak on "The Abandonment of the Jews." Las Vegas has been chosen to participate in Steven Spielberg's "Shoah" Project. Six members of the Holocaust Education Committee, under the Chairmanship of Myra Slotnick, will train to interview survivors of the Holocaust. JEWISH STUDENT UNION Anne Silk, President Shelly Katz, Director Approximately 40 members of UNLV's Jewish Student Union have been instrumental in creating activities to build community among its Jewish students. For the first time, the Jewish Student Union is under the direction of a part-time professional staff person. In addition, Dr. Hal Rothman serves as faculty advisor. Chabad of Las Vegas helped the students build a Succah and provided food and entertainment for a Purim party. Other events were Kabbalat Shabbat services conducted by students and special guests, Shabbat dinners prepared by students, a car rally, movie nights, ping pong tournaments, the Israel Experience and a car wash. Two students participated in the UJA Winter Mission to Israel and three students attended the UJA Leadership Conference in Chicago. The JSU was represented on Super Sunday and at Israel Independence Day. JSU's presence on campus is a vital link building relationships and community among our students. MAIMONIDES SOCIETY This year the Health-care Division concentrated on increasing the membership in the Maimonides Society. An event was held for members and guests with Dr. Michael Thaler, noted historian and civic activist who discussed the historic prospective of euthanasia. Dr. Marv Perer was chosen to serve as chairman of the Western region Maimonides Society for the United Jewish Appeal. PLANNING COMMITTEE Amy Boruszak, Chairman The Planning Committee oversaw the development and implementation of the Demographic Study and Needs Assessment. The study, currently underway, is being conducted by Dr. Gary Tobin of Brandeis University and Keith Schwer, Director of the UNLV Center for Business and Research. Final results of this study will be available over the next few months and will serve as the blueprint for planning future programs and services for the entire Jewish community. PUBLIC RELATIONS-MARKETING COMMITTEE Eva Kallick, Chairman The Public Relations-Marketing committee worked to promote the Jewish Federation to the overall community. This year they focused on Super Sunday in order to reach as many new people as possible and educate them to the needs of the Jewish community. The Jewish Federation of Las Vegas was chosen as a pilot community for a special project to market UJA "Homecoming Trips to Israel". By utilizing direct mail, television advertising and newspapers, increased interest among members of our community in visiting Israel was generated. The committee also helped publicize the Demographic Study and Israel Independence Day. YOUNG LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT David and Christi Ober, Co-chairmen This year's Young Leadership Development program provided a forum for future leaders of the Las Vegas Jewish Community to learn about the critical issues facing today's Jewish world. Utilizing speakers from CLAL (the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership) the program covered topics which included social action, tzedakah, Israel politics, local needs and the challenge of being a Jewish leader in the 90's. All the participants will be actively involved in various committees and programs of the Jewish community. 1995 REVENUE United Jewish Appeal Campaign Miscellaneous Income Total Income 1995-1996 ALLOCATIONS UJ A/ISRAEL Local Agencies and Services: Adat Ari El B'nai B'ritli Youth Organization Chahad of Southern Nevada Congregation Ner Tamid NTTY/TNT Congregation Or-Bamidbar Interfaith Student Center Jewish Community Center of Southern Nevada Jewish Family Service Agency Jewish War Veterans Solomon Schechter Day School Temple Beth Am Temple Beth Sholom Nate Mack Religious School Kadima/United Synagogue Youth Pre-school Valley Outreach Synagogue Jewish Federation Programs: Business and Professional Group Community Relations Federation Foundation Holocaust Education Israel Independence Day Jewish Student Union Las Vegas Hebrew High Yom Hashoah Young Leadership Development National Agencies: Anti-Defamation League American Jewish Congress American Society for Alyn Hospital Association of Jewish Family and Children's Agencies B'nai B'rith Foundation of the U.S. (Hillel/BBYO) Camera Council of Jewish Federations CLAL (National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership) Jewish Braille Institute JCCA (Jewish Community Centers Association) JTA (Jewish Telegraphic Agency) JESNA (Jewish Education Service of North America) National Conference on Soviet Jewry National Foundation for Jewish Culture NJCRAC (National Jewish Community Relations Committee) National Tay-Sachs North American Jewish Students Appeal Jewish Federation: Administration Fundraising & Collections* Reserve for Losses on Collections: Total Community Reserve: (Paid from separate emergency fund) Oklahoma City Relief Effort UJA Pilot Missions Program Interfaith Student Center * includes Building Fund Campaign $1,300,000 28,041 $1,328,041 $412,350 461,962 43,000 161,005 210,724 39,000 1,328,041 15,000 1994-1995 JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS STAFF Executive Director Ronni Epstein Women's Division Director Controller Jewish Student Union Director Hebrew High Director Program Director Suzan Loeb Anthony Figueredo Shelly Katz Cheryl Weisberg Joshua Abbey Jewish Reporter Editor Director of Marketing & Sales (Jewish Reporter) Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Susan Hecht Georgianna Mayon Sharon Heiman Annette LeBlanc DATES OF FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS The Jewish Federation of Las Vegas EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE will meet on Wednesdays in the Federation Board Room, beginning at 7 p.m., on the following dates: September 13 January 10 May 8 October 11 February 14 November 8 March 13 December 13 April 17 The Jewish Federation of Las Vegas BOARD OF DIRECTORS will meet on Wednesdays in the Federation Board Room, beginning at 7 p.m., on the following dates: September 27 January 24 May 22 October 31 (Tuesday) February 28 November 29 March 27 December 20 April 24 The 19% ANNUAL BOARD MEETING will be held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, June 5, 1996. YOUR SUPPORT OF OUR LOCAL SYNAGOGUES IS VITAL TO OUR COMMUNITY'S GROWTH ORTHODOX Chabad of Southern Nevada 1254 Vista Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 (702) 259-0770 Rabbi Shea Harlig Congregation Or-Bamidbar 2959 East Emerson Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 (702) 369-1175 Rabbi Nissim Elmaliach Congregation Shaarei Tefilla 1331 South Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89104 (702) 384-3565 Rabbi Yitzcliak Wyne REFORM Adat Ari El 3310 South Jones Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 (702) 221-6064 Canter Gary Golbart Bet Knesset Bamidbar Sun City Sumnierlin Community Center 9107 Del Webb Boulevard Las Vegas, Nevada 89134 (702) 363-1068 Carl Friedman, Service Leader Leo Wilner, Service Leader Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 East Emerson Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 (702) 733-6292 Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad Bella Feldman, Cantonal Soloist Temple Beth Am 9001 Hillpointe Road Las Vegas, Nevada 89134 (702) 254-5110 Rabbi Mel Hecht Lola Rivera, Cantonal Soloist INDEPENDENT Valley Outreach Synagogue Robindale Road Henderson, Nevada 89014 (702) 436-4900 Rabbi Richard Schachet CONSERVATIVE Temple Beth Sholom 1600 East Oakey Boulevard Las Vegas, Nevada 89104 (702) 384-5070 Rabbi Earl S. Kideckel Cantor Simon Bergman Temple Emanu-El P.O.B. 80636 Las Vegas, Nevada 89180 (702) 877-0045 Cantorial Soloist; Dan Gelbart Midbar Kodesh Temple 2657 Windmill Parkway #230 Henderson, NV 89014 (702) 454-2880 Cantor Robert Fisher