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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las fagas, Nevada fceosmber X, tlffl \ £8 1O&n0i o?n8 Pga&c9i#fic Railroad Company, Nevada* Gentlemen: pip* line Reexfteernrdiinngg ftrio mt hae ooolndn 3e~oXtnloonh oata stt hIer ooln d stockyards site souths* sstesOly along Charleston Boulevard to Shadow Street, formerly uaed to s^ rve Home Mutual Hater Company# ten oente T(h0i0s* 10w)i lple rco fnofoirtm f moyr vtehrisb apli poef fleirn et oi pnay place, and I will remove-sane from the .-round, haul the pipe away, and restore the aurlVoe of the ground to ita former condition at no aspens* to the Railroad Goa. any* Ray H* Smith 509 No. 7th-Street*