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Savoy Hotel dinner menu, November 2, 1898


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Note: Handwritten menu Restaurant: Savoy Hotel & Restaurant Location: London, England

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    Alternative Title

    Carte du jour, Savoy Hotel


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    Archival Collection

    Digital Project


    men001060. Bohn-Bettoni Menu Collection, 1854-1939. MS-00793. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    12 3/8 x 8 3/4 inches
    250 bytes





    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries



    Men001060 <br> <br> <br> Carte au Tour. <br> Cavrix <br> Royal Hatuires <br> Diner 29.10.98 <br> <br> <br> POTAGES <br> Creme de tomate <br> Lamballe <br> Petite Marmite <br> Bisque d'écrevisses <br> Vermicelle <br> Brunoise <br> Queue de Boeuf <br> Bortsch <br> Tourtue claire <br> <br> <br> POISSONS <br> Quenelles de brochet à la Mayonnaise <br> Turbot hollandaise <br> Eperlaus fils <br> <br> <br> Sole Montreuil <br> Cabillaud aux queues d'écrevisse <br> Homard a l’Americaine <br> Auges a cheval <br> Laitaucer a la Russe <br> Merlou Berry <br> Anguille au Matelot <br> Blanchchaille <br> Rouget au Safran <br> Saumon a la Royal <br> <br> <br> ENTREES <br> Filet de mouton à la Clermont <br> Poulet poele tureme <br> Faisai ei pocotte a lfreuses <br> Ris de veau aux petits pois <br> Tomuerdos chauser <br> Housse de volaille au madère, <br> Parfait de Strasbourg, <br> Becassine a la Douglas <br> Escalopes de foie gras aux truffes, <br> Tête de veau en Poulette <br> Orties au Champagne <br> <br> <br> CURRIES: <br> Of fole <br> Eggs <br> Lobster <br> Pragous <br> Mutton <br> Chicken <br> Lapereau <br> Boulay <br> Duck <br> Papu <br> Grouse <br> Faisau <br> Pigeon <br> Savouries: Badau <br> Laitues <br> Sweet: Boubay Mabraugee <br> <br> <br> ROTS <br> Poularde <br> Pigeon <br> Caille <br> Poulet Reine <br> Grain <br> Canetou Anglais <br> Canetou Rousais <br> Perdreau <br> Fraisou <br> Grouse <br> Moureittes <br> Orthaus <br> Becassiue <br> Comard Sausage <br> <br> <br> LEGUMES <br> Asperges <br> Outiebauts de Paris <br> Chousfflears <br> Epinards <br> Haricots verts <br> Petit pois <br> Romates faries <br> Cardons <br> Celeri cardons ala noelle <br> Mais <br> Flagelets <br> <br> <br> ENTREMETS <br> Bombe Marie Louis <br> Gateaux <br> Domino Rose, <br> Coupe Jacques, <br> Salade d’orange, <br> Souffle Polauge <br> Papier Fantaisie glacee <br> Pair Cherry <br> Ceries Juliet <br> Auaos Monster Joe <br> Glaces: Vaiulle, fraise, eitow, orange, cafe, chocolat <br>