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    LOCATION - ERDA - INSTRUMENT.* WARRANTY DEED No* 6 ORAN TOR: MARGARET BRYAN GRANTEE: Wm* B* BRYAN and FRED BRYAN, DATE: MARCH 30, 190 4, CONSIDERATION |UOOO.OO RECORDED: AUG* 9*190A,BOOK YY,PAGE 595 OF DEEDS, TOOELE COUNTY DESCRIPTION: Sf£ SE£ Sac* 26 and Nf& NE£ and b£NW£ Sec* 35, together with all right, title claim and interest of grantor in and to the water of what is known as Rose or Bryan Springs ex­cept that heretofore conveyed, to-wit ,to James A*foods f waters of North Spring - To Paul Broubay the ordinary and average flow from South Spring and to 0*S*L* R.R*Co*, Aq ,0Qu gallons every 2% hoars from the Middle Spring- ALSO an undivided 1/3 interest as the widow and heir of George W.Biy an, deceased, to SW£ SW£ Section 25 - SE$ 0l£ Section 26 - BE£ NB£ Section 35 - Nfi Hff Section 3°- Twp. 2 South, Range A West, together with all improvements on said land*