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I agree.NINTH CIVILIAN DEFENSE REGION 13 SS MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. Juno 17, 1942 Dear Sirs Enclosed is a sample of a notice mailed to consumers of the Phoenix, Arizona Water Department with their water bill. This sort of publicity is highly desirable, and it is recommended that you have copies of this notice printed and mailed to all consumers on your water system with the water bill. Such publicity will b® to your advantage as well as to that of the consumers.® It is the desire of this office that as wide publicity as possible be given to this information ~ particularly to subject Ho. 3 as some previous instructions have been • issued advising that bath tubs be filled when the air raid alarm sounds. Too much emphasis cannot be given to the change of instructions in this conneotion. It will be appreciated if you will send this office a copy of the notes which you use in your water system. Very truly yours. o. e . a R::o l d , phs Sanitary Engineer Enclosure - 1 J