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I agree.Piles: 80-11 and 36-25 Nev. March 5, 1953 Las Vegas Valley Water District 900 South 5th Street Las Vegas, Nevada Attention: Mr. Thomas A. Campbell President Dear Sir: I have your letter of February 24th in connection with request of the City of Las Vegas for an easement along the South fifty (50) feet of the SE^ of Section 31* Township 20 South# Range 61 East. With your letter you attached a draft of a proposed Resolution which you stated would be passed in two or three weeks. I would like very much, If the language is approved by your attorney and by the directors, if the Resolution would read as follows: NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: That the Las Vegas Valley Water District does not object to the granting of an easement by Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company and Union Pacific Railroad Company for roadway purposes to the City of Las Vegas, along, across, through and over the South fifty (50) feet of the Southeast quarter (SE&) of Section 31, Township 20 South, Range ol East, in the City of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, and in the event said easement is granted and, pursuant to said proposal the District shall thereafter acquire said land, the District is willing to accept the said land subject to said easement.