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    ESTABLISHED 1888 jQp^iclay 7-5371 PRESS CLMffe BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York PONCA CITY, OKLA. NEWS Circ. D. 11,237 - S. 11,356 SEP 24 1953 Rifa/5/nger Will Marry In Nevada I LAS VEGAS, Nev. (JP) ?╟÷ W h i 1 e I nearby crapshooters tried to make sevens and elevens, gRj||^j^j\^rJ^b and Dick Haymes today gariflbYed once more with matrimony. The 34-year-old actress and her crooner, 35, will recite vows each has said three times before, in a single ceremony in the Gold Room of the Sands Hotel. DistricfW^^Trmik MacNamee will officiate at the five-minute ceremony, Jack Entratter; general manager of the Sands, will- be the only attendant. Photographers and reporters will outnumber the invited guests three to one. The unpretentious affair will be quite a contrast to the screen star's lavish French wedding to Prince Aiy Khan in 1949. Miss Hayworth will not even have a new wedding gown. She said she Would wear aj blue linen straight dress which she j has worn before'* Heyghead will be covered .by a toa'-t-colored hat of! ohm ujy and vei'-CAt. PAA will Ifee^r giovesg'to match the hatd' * Few Guests Invited Only guests .mvited are business and legal assakgtes;Of th% couple. The oply relates on hand will be the bride's tw| daughters. They are Rebecca, iJpAjfche offspring of Miss HayWdfth.'gi marriage to Orson Welles, and .tl#wrincess Yasmine, 3%-gJike'lher Moslem father a direct, descendant" of the prophet Mo- hariffefed^^gy. Final l^ilrier to the wedding was j cleared $u|?·terday when Haymes>. copped a|;?║even-minute divorce decree from-f^ora Eddington Flynn Haymes". jfess than an AJiour later, he brougfl^ta back tSAthe courthouse, w^reAoth ne^<j>usly filled out the j|fctj|ge lice^i; forms. Both italnps and Rita claimed permanemli. evidence in N e v a d a, but said WMy. will socfemove near | Greenwic|fJ|Cdnn., wl3|re they are looking- ?Σ≤Mad house. o' FIa|hs to Commute "All m?╜wca,k is in tip East," the crooner eMpsdned. Miss H|p?║ybrth said^she plans to commuted^ptween the East Coast and Hollyl|??od for picture making. Should :'$he government win its deportation case against the Argentine-born crooner, what country will he and Rita then live in? "I'm not going to be deported,' he answered. "We both intend to live in the U.S.A." The crooner said he. will move into Miss Hayworth's suite at the Sands right after the wedding., A| reporter asked him if he had ever tasted any of Rita's cooking. "Who marries Rita Hayworth forj cooking?" the singer asked. ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CUPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York MACOMB, ILL. JOURNAL Circ. D. 8,756 SEP 25 1953 pta Happy, j Weeps As She {Becomes Bride LAS VEGAS, Nev. UP)?╟÷Itita Hay-1 wortk and Dick Haymes are on the fbtirth honeymoon for each of! them today following a brief flash-j bulb-lit wedding jn a gambling re- | sort hotel. ^Illllr "I vfeel wonderfully ha^y," the r^dhajced bride said after the j three-minute ceremony. '"I am j married to the man Igreally love, j It sounds so wonderful to be called j Mrs, Haymes." The movie star and the crooner fly to.New York Saturday and later to Philadelphia, where the bride-; groom starts a night club engagement Monday night. "Our careers, in fact nothing, will ever separate us," Rita declared. She said she'll travel with Hayines on his night elub tour. They have rented a house in Greenwich^ Conn. Miss , Hayworth s.aid she]fe%ommute between there j ancH Ifel^obd for one picture a ^yearg. The ceremony was performed by Judge Frank MacNamee in the Gold Room of the'" Sands Hotel. Roulette games and "sl8tl''"m"achfne? continued whirring, in the nearby casino. Daughters Present. Rita's twbmfiaugfiters, Rebecca, 8, by her marriage to actor Orson Welles, | and Princess Yasmine, 3V2, by ex-husband Aiy Khan, looked on fnrni a divan. The bridal couple said their "I do's" firmly. Big tearsAcame into Rita's- eyes at the words. The double-ring ceremony was over before she got her ring on Dick's, finger; she put it on afterward. Little Yasmine shrilled, "Mama, I want a ring, too." Miss Hayworth wore a short - ?√ßj sleeved, blue linen dress, a toast- colored tulle - and velvet hat and matching gloves. Her-bouquet was of orchids and lilies of the valley. Jlaymes wore a blue- pin-stripe suit with blue tie. Before her marriages to Welles and Prince Aiy, Rita Was wed to oilman Edward Judson. Haymes' previous wives were actress Joanne Dru, dancer Joanne Marshall, and, Nora Flynn Haymes, ex-wife of Errol Elynn. In connection with "his immigration difficulties^ meantime, the honeymooning;' Orooher could take cheer from a federal c^ttrt decision Thursday in Miami,;-fla. y In a similar "case at Miami, Judge John W. Holland ruled in Federal District Court that the re- E turn of Harry 0. Voiler, 62, former Miami Beach newspaper publisher, from Puerto Rico in 1951 "did n,t cohstitute an entry into the United States within the meaning of the 1917 Immigration Act." Puerto Rico. and Hawaii are insular possessions of the United States. Judge Holland held that "For a resident alien to make a] reentry, he must*go to a foreign port" ^^ipfelSHEC 1888 ^^ay 7-5371 BRBm^com^M^ ojgj^vD.. 5.816" gy HAYWORTHf DICK HAYMES (MHONEYMOON Las Vegas, KeV: iP^Rita Haiy- weorth and Dick Hayines are on the fourth honeymoon for' each of them today following a brief flashbulb-lit wedding ia a gambling resort hotel.*- - "I feel wonderfully happy," the redhaired bride said after- the three-minute ceremony. "I am marMed to the man I really love. It, Jmffids so wonderful to be cal^"Mr& Haymes/*^i|&'a~ d'TK'inbvie star and the crooner fly Jit 'lew York Saturday v and lat^io Philadelphia, Where the bridegroom starts a night club engagement Monday night. "Our careers, in fact nothing, will ever.separate us," Rita 4e- clare'd. She said she'll travel with Haymes on his night club tour. They have rented a house in Greenwich, Conn.' Miss Hayworth said she'll commute between there and Hollywood for one picture a year. The ceremony was performed by Judge Frank MacNamee in the Gold Room of the San rig fflflffl. Roulette games and slot ma'cnm- es continued Whirring in a the nearby casino. Rita's two daughters, Rebecca, 8, by her marriage to actor Orson Welles, and Princess Yas- [mine, 3%, by ex-husband Aiy Kahn, lookedftelfrom a'diviHr??╟÷ The bridal couple said their "I do's" firmly. Big tears came into Rita's eyes at the words. The double-ring ceremony was over before she got her ring on Dick's finger; she put it on afterward. Little Yasmine shrilled, "Mama, I want a ring, too." Several hundred'persons lined! the way as the couple, arm in | arrh;.;walked from her quarters in ! a remote part of the hotel to the j ceremony. Miss Hayworth wore a short-J sleeved, blue linen dress, a toast-1 colored tulle and velvet hat and matching gloves. Her bouquet was Of orchids and J&lies of thej Valley: Hayes wore a blue pin- stripe-.'j&uff with blue tie. Before her marriages to Wel- jes and Prince Aiy, Rita was wed to oilman Edward Judson. Haymes' previous wives were! actress Joanne Dru, dancer Joanne Marshall, and Nora Flynn Haymes, ex-wife of Errol Flynn. The crooner got a Nevada divorce ^^dnesday from Nora, who obtained a^alif ornia decree from I him last week. I In connection with his immi- j gration difficulties, meantime, jthe honeymooning crooner could Itake cheer from a federal court p^Mon yesterday in Miami, Fla. j | yjlf a isphilar case at Miami, j-Jtidge John W. Hollapd ruled in I Federal District Cofc that the return of dHar#p. Jtfoiler, 62, former ; Miami Beach newspaper publisher, from Puerto Rico in -1951 "did not constitute an entry ! into the United States within the meaning of the 1917 Immigration Actf* a Puerto Rico and Hawaii are insular possessions of the United States. Judge Holland held that* "For a resident.alien to make a: reentry, he must go to a foreign port." ESTABLISHED 188a O BArc,aY 7"5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York MANISTEE, MICH. NEWS-ADVOCATE Circ. -D. 4,185 ^ 1953 SB>_24 RITA HAYWORTH /TEDS TODAY LAS VEGAS,'-Nev,. ?╟÷CUEM- Rita lay worth and Dick Haymes, nervous as beginners, make it four apiece today when they exchange wedding vows amid the clicking ol dice,, and whirl of roulette wheels ih a gambling hptal...g>^?·|d^ While a gay mob* of tourist! play their chips in a casino downstairs, th flame-haired movie beauty and the crooner, will say their, t%pb'sgin the press, conference vpohi of the plush ^aJgsdjsyjgjje^... Rita, M; acting like an excited bride, made this ceremony th% simplest of her career. Wedding No. 3 to Prince Aiy Khan featured ... champaigne, royal guests arid lavish clothes. But for her fourth wedding, Rita'- Chose an old dress of blue linen., a plain gold wedding b^nd and a simp^eV Civil ceremony with ho deeoraJp|?║6 and only 10 guests. >?√ß?√ß'-..'fiim The actress, who. usually. dp'dges the press, this time invitfej%<i$tenj all ?╟÷^newsreel ?√ß; cameras Incl^fdH-to the wedding (in this* ganSbling mecca. - -ggyg -o - Judge . Frank, MacNamee was called in^??d perform the ceremony, KRlyg 20 ghours after Haymes won| Hpi^ix-vjifeek, quick Nevada divorces decree lj%$$^it:dr& Eddington Flynn] ^i grounds "she-lost interest in the| .marriage .'W^^'?Σ≤ ESTABLISHED 1888 O BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPIr4??&REAU 165 Church Stree^New York AURO^S ILL. , BEACO$|pEWS Circ. D. 27;&^P; 28,338 gS?·p|||l953 /HAYMES, RITA GAMBLE AGAIN ON MATRIMONY LAS VEGAS, Nev., $f- ?╟÷ While nearby crapshooters tried to make sevens and elevens, Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes today gambled once more with matrimony. The 34-year-old actress and her crooner, 35, will recite vews each has said three times before, in a simple ceremony in the Gold Room pf the Sand?║uSptel. \ District JudgejTrank MacNamee jwll officiate/, at the five-minute ceremony. Jack Entratter, general manager of the Sands, will be the | only attendant. Photographers and | reporters will outnumber the in- ! vited guests three to one. |||f The unpretentious affair will be quite a contrast, to the screen sta^.. lavish French wedding to | Prince.Aiy Khan in 1949. Only guests invited are business and legal associates of. the couple. | .The only-relatives on. hand, will be> [ the^bride's two~6^ughtefs,." " They are|;:Rebecca, 8,^ the offspring of j MisSsv||&yworth's marriage to Orson WeJJte^^and the Princess Yasmine, I 3%^R0 her Moslehi father, a df- rec^pescendant <bf the prophet MohaJ^ned. - ; .^^ Ffi^f'fearrier to the wedding was cle?·%ct Wednesday when Haymes coppM-.a seveft-mtnute divorce decree gfrom Nora Eddington Flynn Ha^ne^.' Xess than ar hour later, He!bii<Kifht Rita back to the court- hc^sie, ;where bcrth|jfiervously filled out^ the.,'marriage..^[eense forms. S^^dg,thee^yjeiijment win its deputation jp?║tse^a|';the Argen- tine^gm" .(^(^^j.j'^hat country will he and Rita then live in? "I'm -nol..g0ig?║ toi-^je. jd^tfrted,'' he answered. "We ,bcth intend to live in the_ Vh^ted ^ta^^t Ameri- ca.'.' r&L^^^s The hxobwf'^said' he vml move into Mislgl^worth's suite at the Sands right after the weeding. A reporter Saced him if he had ever tasted any-of Rita's cooking. v "Who marries Rita Hay worth for cocking?" the singer asked lger asked, j