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uac000676. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT AGENDA SENATE MEETING 21-05 DECEMBER 7, 1990 4:00 P.M. MSU 2 01 I CALL TO ORDER II ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF SENATE MINUTES 21-04 IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V BOARD, COMMITTEE. AND DIRECTOR REPORTS VI. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A. Approval of David Gillespie as a member of the Student Campus Safety Awareness Committee. B. Approval of Mike Young as a member of the Student Campus Safety Awareness Committee. C. Approval of Bob Cudlip as a member of the By Laws Com-mittee . VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations. B. Approval of encumbering $30,000 out of the 905 account for Yellin' Rebel printing expenses for the spring semester. C. Approval of a KUNV line item change budget amendment of $9400 out of the 1500 line [student wages] of the 901 account to the 1100 line [professional salaries] of the 901 account. IX. OPEN DISCUSSION X. ADJOURNMENT /bjb UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA SENATE MEETING 21-05 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1990 MSU 2 01 4:00 P.M. VUI. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS D. Approval of Michael Barclay as a member of the Faculty- Senate Grievance Committee. E. Approval of Kara Kelley as a member of the Faculty Senate Grievance Committee. F. Approval of Gina Polovina as a member of the Faculty Senate Grievance Committee. G. Approval of Bud Benneman as Chair of the By Laws Com-mittee. H. Approval of Kim Reed as Assistant OSI Director. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS VIII. NEW BUSINESS D. Approval of Assistant OSI Director Kim Reed to act in the capacity of Interim OSI Director in the absence of Director Traci Smith. E. Approval of allowing the Executive Board to make emer-gency expenditures in excess of $500.00 and not to exceed $15,000.00 during the semester break December 14 - January 22. IX. OPEN DISCUSSION X. ADJOURNMENT /bjb UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT December 06, 1990 ATTN: All Senators RE: Snow Spectacular FROM: Sen. Ortega Anyone genuinely interested in volunteering their time to help the Special Olympics, please contact Crystal Ortega. Volunteers are needed on the day of the event, February 23,1991 at Lee Canyon Ski Resort. Also, volunteers will be needed to help sell t-shirts prior to the event during the months of January and February. All interested parties please submit your name, address, and telephone number to Crystal Ortega. Thank You for Your Help. Sincerely, BUSINESS CENTER SOUTH INDEPENDENT SERVICE PROVIDER QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire (1SP-200) has been designed to determine whether an employee/employer or Independent Service Provider relationship exists. Payments to businesses will continue to be processed on a General Request Form through the Purchasing Department. If the recommended service provider has been employed with any of the University of Nevada System (UNS) Agencies within the current calendar year, do not proceed with this form. Process payment for the Independent Service Provider on an employment document 1. Recommended Service Provider Laurence;Thomas f/s/o:STREETWISE ALIVE * Principal Representative: Laurence T. Business or Contact Phone #: 367-0317 2. Provider SSN or Tax Payer ID#: 94-3107755 3. Requesting Department: STUDENT GOVERNMENT (CSUN) Department Representative: Joe Bunin, President, Student Government Business Phone #: 739-3477 Describe nature of services and scope of work to be performed. Please attach a copy of the service provider proposal if possible. YES NO 5. Has the recommended service provider been processed through payroll on an employment docu-ment with any of the following University of Nevada System Agencies within the current calendar year: CCCC, DRI, NNCC, TMCC, UNLV, UNR, WNCC *<L 6. Will UNS or any of its representatives supervise, direct, control or conduct training for the services to be performed? XX. 7. Will UNS or any of its representatives furnish extensive equipment, tools, or supplies? (Guest Lec-turer/ Speakers exempt") (If you have any questions in regard to Question 7, please contact the Per- ^ sonnel Department, ext. 3504.) 8. Is UNS the only client for whom these or similar services are actively provided? }QL 9. Are services to be performed of a casual labor or unskilled nature? XX 10. Does this arrangement represent continuing or recurring work? XX 11. Has the recommended service provider performed this or other services for UNS in the past? If yes, when? QL If any answers to questions 5 through 10 are YES, this individual may be an employee. Please process the appropriate employment documents through the Personnel Department. . / If ail answers to questions 5 through 10 are NO, this individual is an Independent Service Provider. Please refer to ISP-300, ' Contract Procedures. "Guest Speaker/Lecturers may be processed on the SHORT FORM General Request Form as detailed on the attach* 1 samples. All information shown on the sample must be typed and completed along with this ISP-200 Questionnaire ar . forwarded to the Personnel Department. SPECIAL NOTE: ALL NON UNITED STATES CITIZENS MUST OBTAIN A WORK VISA PRIOR TO BEGINNING WOF The undersigned hereby certify that the above answers are true and correct. 1) Service Provider Laurence Thomas f / s / o Date 2) Assoc. Dean/Director/Dept. H e a d D a t e STREETWISE ALIVE Student Governmentl^eduHVe-Board^- A) Personnel Department Date 3) Appointing Authority/Dean FACSIMILE SIGNATURES ACCEPTABLE • FAX (702) 739-3850 Date ISP-200 RESOLUTION 2,1-0 / The Governor's Task force on AIDS is considering a policy requiring the reporting of individuals by name to their respective health districts or other governmental agencies; We believe that mandatory reporting of HIV antibody status will only exacerbate the fear and mistrust that attends HIV disease. We believe that people will go without necessary medical intervention and potentially unknowingly continue to transmit the Human Immunodeficiency Virus; Let is be resolved that: We are categorically opposed to mandatory reporting of HIV antibody status; We support voluntary reporting of HIV antibody status as a means of introducing an infected individual into the health care system; We also support voluntary reporting of HIV infected individuals as a means of enlisting the assistance of the Public Health System in notifying potentially infected individuals; The decision on whether or not to report HIV antibody status should remain with the physician and his/her patient; WE ARE OPPOSED TO MANDATORY REPORTING OF HIV ANTIBODY STATUS; However, if mandatory reporting is ever considered, it must be tied to state legislation that makes it unlawful to discriminate against. Whereas: Whereas: 09/29/90 13:28 7027330071 S.NEVADA NAMES PROJECT' PAGE RESOLUTION 2. / - \ We believe that mandatory reporting of HIV antibody status will only exacerbate the fear and mistrust that attends HIV disease. We believe that people will go without necessary medical intervention and potentially unknowingly continue to transmit the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Therefore, we are categorically opposed to mandatory reporting of HIV antibody status. We support voluntary reporting of HIV antibody status as a means of introducing an infected individual into the health care delivery system. )e also support voluntary reporting of HIV infected individuals as a means of enlisting the assistance of the Public Health System in notifying potentially infected individuals. The decision on whether or not to report HIV antibody status should remain with the physician and his/her patient. We are opposed to mandatory reporting of HIV antibody status. However, if mandatory reporting is ever considered, it must be tied to state legislation that makes it unlawful to discriminate against people who are HIV infected. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT MINUTES SENATE MEETING 21-05 DECEMBER 7, 1990 4:00 P.M. MSU 2 01 I. CALL TO ORDER Senate President Polovina called the meeting to order at 4:16pm. II. ROLL CALL PRESENT Senator Adair Senator Barkhuff Senator Benneman Senator Cudlip Senator Finmark Senator Jensen Senator Kostman Senator Lee Senator Love Senator Maultsby Senator Ortega Senator Reed Senator Ricci Senator Roth Senator Young Senator Tomory Senator Romero Senator Kannenburg ABSENT Senator Bernardi [excused] Senator Field [unexcused] Senator Bunin [excused] III. APPROVAL OF SENATE MINUTES 21-04 Motion to approve by Sen. Ricci. Motion passed by voice vote. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS SENATE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE BENNEMAN stated that he is still working on the retreat. SENATE PRESIDENT POLOVINA apologized for starting late, explain-ing that she had a delicate matter to attend to. She thanked the Senators and Directors who remembered to bring gifts, and stated that by Friday the Business Manager Search Committee should have a new Business Manager selected. She stated that there will be no Senate Meetings during the semester break, and that on the agenda is an item to approve the Executive Board's ability to ap-prove emergency item expenditures that needs to be voted on by the Senate. Senate President Polovina yielded the floor to Stu-dent Health Center Health Educator Ray Rodriguez, who spoke. V. BOARD, COMMITTEE, AND DIRECTOR REPORTS Organizations — Senate President Pro Tempore Benneman spoke. SHAC — Chair Tomory spoke. KUNV — Rob Rosenthal, KUNV Manager, stated there was no report. Publications — Director Ynigues spoke. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE MEETING 21-05 2 V. BOARD, COMMITTEE, AND DIRECTOR REPORTS Yellin' Rebel — Managing Editor Tucker stated that there was no report. Chair Tomory asked Director Ynigues about the Q. Judicial Council — Chief Justice Barclay spoke. Entertainment and Programming — Senator Maultsby spike. Chair Tomory asked Director Rosenberg questions about the budget. VI. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A. Approval of David Gillespie as a member of the Student Campus Safety Awareness Committee. B. Approval of Mike Young as a member of the Student Campus Safety Awareness Committee. C. Approval of Bob Cudlip as a member of the By Laws Com-mittee. D. Approval of Michael Barclay as a member of the Faculty Senate Grievance Committee. E. Approval of Kara Kelley as a member of the Faculty Senate Grievance Committee. F. Approval of Gina Polovina as a member of the Faculty Senate Grievance Committee. G. Approval of Bud Benneman as Chair of the By Laws Com-mittee . H. Approval of Kim Reed as Assistant OSI Director. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations. Motion to approve items A-H as a whole by Sen. Tomory. There was discussion. Motion carried by voice vote. Motion to make an emergency motion to place an item on the agenda by Senate President Pro Tempore Benneman. Motion carried by voice vote. (VOuaw-nAJO1 c^+M^Jjuj '/si^Hi Motion to approve SenatevResolution 21-01 by Senate Presi-dent Pro Tempore Benneman. There was discussion. Senate President Polovina recessed the meeting a 5:00 p.m. Senate President Polovina called the meeting back to order at 5:10 p.m. There was an extended discussion. Sen. Tomory called for the question. Motion carried by a 9-7-2 vote. B. Approval of encumbering $30,000 out of the 905 account for Yellin' Rebel printing expenses for the spring semester. Motion to approve by Sen. Pres. Pro Tem Benneman. Motion carried by voice vote. C. Approval of a KUNV line item change budget amendment of $9400 out of the 1500 line [student wages] of the 901 account to the 1100 line [professional salaries] of the 901 account. Motion to apporve by Sen. Kostman. There was discussion. Motion carried by voice vote. D. Approval of Assistant OSI Director Kim Reed to act in the capacity of Interim OSI Director in the absence of Director Traci Smith. Motion to approve by Sen. Tpmory. Motion passed by voice vote. SENATE MEETING 21-05 3 VIII. NEW BUSINESS Motion to make an emergency motion to add an item to the agenda by Senate President Pro Tempore Benneman. Motion carried by voice vote. Motion to approve Joel Kostman, staff member of OSI, to act as Interim Assistant Director of OSI by Senate President Pro Tempore Benneman. Motion carried by voice vote. Senator Reed resigned her position as Business and Economics Senator. E. Approval of allowing the Executive Board to make emer-gency expenditures in excess of $500.00 and not to exceed $15,000.00 during the semester break December 14 - January 22. Motion to approve by Sen. Kostman. Motion passed by voice vote. IX. OPEN DISCUSSION SENATOR BARKHUFF had no comments. SENATOR KANNENBURG had no comments. SENATOR KOSTMAN stated that he had never felt as if his position as Senator was menial until Pres. Bunin's comments, and stated that Pres. Bunin should show more support and respect for the Senate. He wished everyone a safe and happy semester break. SENATOR LOVE congratulated Chief Justice Barclay on his new job, and wished everyone happy holidays. SENATOR YOUNG stated that he disagrees that he, as a Senator, ;snJi here to decide on important votes without the opinions of his constituents. He stated that he, as a Senator, is a voice for his constituents, and while he supports the resolution, he could not vote without speaking to the members of his college. SENATOR JENSEN stated that he needed more information on the resolution, and that he liked it as a whole, but that it would have been better to have had more information prior to the meet-ing at which a vote was required. SENATOR ADAIR stated that he feels that an inportant issue which occurred from the debate over the resolution is that he was shocked into realizing that he is a liason to the students as a member of Student Government, and that he is planning on becoming more involved. He stated that he hoped the entire Senate has seen the importance and the weight that they carry. SENATOR FINMARK congratulated Kim Reed and Senator Kostman, stat-ing that she has complete faith in them. She stated that as far as the resolution is concerned, she felt that it was brought to the Senate too late, and that it needed to be done earlier. She congratulated Chief Justice Barclay. SENATOR ORTEGA thanked the Senate for their interest in volun-teering for the Snow Spectacular, congratulated Chief Justice Barclay, and wished everyone a good semester break. SENATOR RICCI stated that Pres. Bunin demeans the Senate's analytical process, but that the debates help her personally. She stated that she feels the Senate should be given the time to make informed decisions. SENATOR TOMORY congratulated Chief Justice Barclay, Interim Director Reed, and Senator Kostman. He thanked Pres. Bunin for his support on the resolution, apologized for the fact that it came up so rapidly to the Senate, and stated that he is glad that the Senate is becoming accountable and standing up on issues. He stated that he hopes that everyone is learning more about the SENATE MEETING 21-05 4 IX. OPEN DISCUSSION AIDS/HIV problem. He stated that he hopes that this education will help prevent desultory and biased comments by others in the future. SENATOR ROMERO congratulated Chief Justice Barclay, stated that he recommended the resolution and is glad that the issue came up. He stated that these types of issues make the Senate more aware, and that he hopes to get information on Sen. Tomory's trip to China. We wished everyone a Merry Christmas. SENATOR CUDLIP statd that the resolution is a lesson to the Senate, and that he is proud that the Senate finally made a deci-sion. He wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. SENATOR MAULTSBY stated that he personally disagrees with Pres. Bunin's opinion, as he feels that the Senate was elected to rep-resent UNLV on UNLV—related subjects only. He wished everyone good luck on finals. SENATOR ROTH stated that the debate over the resolution was a good thing, and that everyone got into the discussion. He stated that he also disagrees with Pres. Bunin as he does not think that it is just his opinion he has to vote on, as if it is just his own opinion, why does he have to speak to classes as a Senator. He wished Senator Tomory luck with the resolution, and wished everyone Happy Holidays. SENATOR LEE stated that he sympathizes with Sen. Tomory's posi-tion, and that he would have liked to support the resolution, but that there is some issues where his constituents must be con-sidered. SENATOR TOMORY stated that the Senate needs to realize that they are a legal government, and that the Senate is accountable to the state as well as to the students, and that if any Student Govern-ment member is impeached, they can be tried and go to jail, similar to the fact that if anyone is brought up on mal- or mis-feasance charges, it counts. He stressed that the Seante has a voice, and is the voice of the students. He wished everyone Happy Holidays. FROM THE GALLERY: DIRECTOR GRIPENTROG stated that she is disappointed in the way that the issue with the costume shop is being dragged through the paper, and that she never spoke to the reporter, and that the quote was not true. She stated that she feels a sincere disap-pointment in a certain Student Government employee who has become a self-employed spy, and asked what the point is in trying to hurt Student Government, and in making the student body lose trust in CSUN, explaining that she is fed up. She extended her apologies to Pres. Bunin and Nonja Ellis for implicating them. She wished everyone a Happy Christmas and New Year. DAVE GILLESPIE stated that it is the first time in three months that he has observed an item that was worthwhile on the agenda. CHIEF JUSTICE BARCLAY stated that it is not very often that he gives a real speech, but that he just wanted to say that he has never met a member of any Student Government who did not want to do the right thing. He told the Senate to come to the J.C. meet-ing on Monday. DIRECTOR REED stated that the decision concerning the resolution was very difficult, but had to be made. She stated that she agrees with the priciples Pres. Bunin spoke of, but added that SENATE MEETING 21-05 5 IX. OPEN DISCUSSION Pres. Bunin was harsh in his presentation. SENATOR KOSTMAN stated that he will not leave his position as a Senator, and that the Assistant Directorship is strictly volun-tary. FROM THE EXECUTIVES: SENATE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE BENNEMAN stated that the statement regarding the Vice President's conduct should have been taken directly to the Vice President herself, and that the Senate is not the place to do it, and that it was ridiculous and stupid to bring it up here. He stated that if someone has a problem with someone else, they should go right to that person. He stated that it is the same concerning the Appropriations Board, and that it was totally stupid. He asked if Chris Kindred is retarded or something, referring to the Yellin' Rebel as being up to their necks in stupidity. He stated that when he read the articles he became so angry that he got a headache and ill. He stated that the guy [Chris Kindred] is an absolute idiot, and that he would like to take him outside and tell him a few other things. He wished everyone good luck on their finals, and Happy Holidays. PRESIDENT BUNIN congratulated Director Reed and Senator Kostman, and stated that he personally put in a few good words to help Chief Justice Barclay receive his position. He stated that the Senate is not "menial", but that the Senate has to take a stand. He apoligized if it comes across as demeaning, and stated that his opinion, which could be wrong, is that the Senate is using improper criteria to judge issues. He stated that if a Senator cannot out debate him, then get off the Senate, and asked if he is yelling at the Senate too much. He stated that issues are to be debated, and that he is sorry if the tone of voice is too much for the Senate, stating that it is the Senate's responsibility to out debate him on the issues, and he explained that he will al-ways try to forcefully state his position. He told Sen. Tomory to lose the halo, stating that he finds so much to criticize, but that he doesn't take steps to help fix the problems. He stated that making the comment over Vice President Engel's use of a "dirty word" in the open discussion forum is self-serving, and stated that if there is any criticism with Director Rosenberg's performance, that Sen. Tomory should go to him, as Pres. Bunin is her direct supervisor. He told Sen. Tomory to go to Director Rosenber, or go to him, but to do something. He stated that the real problem with the paper is that they do not take positive steps to correct the situation. He stated that he is extremely sick and tired of the newpaper's ability to carry through a non-issue this far, and that this thing ended a long, long time ago. He stated that the statements made specifically in the article, especially his quote, were not a response to the question that occurred in the article, but that it a was made as a statement. He stated that he used to trust Tina Crinite, but that goes with incompetance, and that she takes things out of context, including Gross' statement which was made concerning Eddie Marshall and not about Nanja or himself, not as the paper presents it. He stated that the paper is a rag, and that this situation is enough to justify to shut down the paper, due to the crap that it is print-ing. He added that he wished the Editorial Staff would find 'news' to print. He stated that he hopes all agree with him on SENATE MEETING 21-05 6 IX. OPEN DISCUSSION that. He informed the Senate that the Parking and Traffic com-mitte has determined that the Gym Road will stay closed. He wished everyone a happy holiday. SENATE PRESIDENT POLOVINA congratulated Director Reed and Senator Kostman, and congratulated Sen. Pres. Pro Tem Benneman on being appointed to the By Laws Chair. She stated that the Senate sat for at least an hour debating over the resolution, and while she encourages debate, she doesn't appreciate when a speaker suddenly reverses his opinion. She stated that she did not understand why the Senate approved the resolution if they needed time to speak to their constituents,they should have tabled it. She stated that the Senate needs to go over parliamentary proceedures more thouroughly, and encouraged the Senate to pick up Robert's Rules of Order during the break to read. She stated that as far as comments were intended, none were meant to belittle the Senate or any particular Senator, and that no one has to feel badly for believing in what -fhe^ feel is right. She stated that the Senate should do what they think is right, even if it opposes Pres. Bunin's opinion. She stated that the Senate is a leadership building situation, and told the Senate to take a stand and to be leaders. She thanked everyone for the presents, wished everyone luck on their finals and to have an enjoyable break. X. ADJOURNMENT Senate President Polovina adjourned the meeting at 6:25 p.m.