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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, February 15, 1983






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 13 (Part 1) Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000364. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA Senate Meeting #14 Session #13 4:00 p.m. February 15, 1983 MSU 203 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #13 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations A. Vice President Pro Tempore - Eric Emerson B. Nevada Student Affairs - Senator Eglet, and Mounts C. Appropriations Board Members - Senators Mounts and Corrales D. Radio Board Chairman — Joe Petrizzo VI. Board, Committee and Department Head Reports A. Bylaws Committee B. Elections Board C. Entertainment and Programming Board D. Faculty Committees 1. Financial Aid 2. Admissions Committee 3. Code Committee E. Nevada Student Affairs F. Student Services Committee G. Other H. Appropriations Board UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 Senate Meeting Agenda #14 Page 2 VII. Unfinished Business A. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement a. Derek Wicliff 2. Education a. Michelle McDonald 3. Health Sciences VIII. New Business A. Appointment of Science, Math and Engineering Senator 1. V.J. Hirsh 2. Cara Iddings 3. Frank Rivera B. Disqualification of the Candidacy of Jef Wild for the 1983 Executive Elections DiBenedetto C. Nominations for Outstanding Teacher of the Year - Clay IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES Senate Meeting #14 Session #13 4:00 p.m. February 15, 19 83 MSU 20 3 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Bill DiBenedetto David Mounts Stephanie Pettit Ginger Clayton - August Corrales Trent Parks Robert Barnum Robert Eglet Cathy Powell - unexcused absent Mike Waller - late Calvin Valvo - excused absent Catherine Clay Marc Miller Jim Eells Eric Emerson III. Approval of Minutes #13 Senator Corrales moved to approve the minutes from Senate Meeting #14, and Senator Eglet seconded. Senator Corrales moved to amend the minutes to delete from section VI, item E, the sentence "The nomination of Jeff Chadwell was with-drawn." Senator Mounts seconded the amendment. There being no further additions or corrections, the minutes stood approved. IV. Executive Board Announcements 1. President Oshinski Dean Kunkel has agreed to the terms of the Day Care Con-tract which President Oshinski presented,, in his State of the Campus Address. At next week's Senate Meeting, the Day Care Contract will be up for Senate approval. The Credit Union contacted him about the possibility of starting a campus student loan service or giving the stu-dents the opportunity to join the credit union. In order for the credit union to do so, the university must submit a formal written request. President Goodall is willing to allow the credit union on campus, but he will need the Senate's endorsement and a letter from President UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE MEETING #14-February 15, 19 83 page 2 Oshinski. 2. Senate President Wild Announced that MaryBeth Nitzschke has resigned from U her Arts and Letters Senate Seat but will remain the Security Coordinator for the Guardian Angels. Bill DiBenedetto has resigned from his Academic Advisement Senate Seat effective at the end of today's Senate meeting. He has also resigned his Bylaws Committee Chairmanship which is effective at the end of the By-laws Committee meeting to be held on Thursday. He will continue to servd on Publications Board. On Wednesday, February 16 at 1:30 p.m. in the Gold Room, there will be an Academic Standards meeting. On Thursday, February 17 at 1:00 p.m., the Financial Aid Committee will be meeting in the Library Conference Room. Please withdraw Senator Corrales from section V, item C. Add to Unfinished Business, item B. Emergency Item 0 Form-ulation of Election Rules. Also add Jeff Chadwell as a candidate for the Science, Math and Engineering Senate Seat and withdraw Frank Rivera as a candidate. V. Executive Board Nominations A. Senator Eglet moved to approve Eric Emerson as Vice Presi-dent Pro Tempore, and Senator Clay seconded. The motion passed with 9 in favor, 0 opposed and 2 abstentions. B. Senator Clay moved to approve Senator Eglet and Senator Mounts as members of the Nevada Student Affairs, and Senator Emerson seconded. The motion passed with 9 in favor, 0 opposed and 2 abstentions. C. Senator Barnum moved to approve Senator Mounts as a member of the Appropriations Board, and Senator Eglet seconded. The motion passed with 10 in favor, 1 opposed and 0 abstentions. D. Senator Clay moved to approve Joe Petrizzo as the Radio Board Chairman, and Senator Eckert seconded. The motion passed with 11 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. VI. Board, Committee and Department Head Reports A. Bylaws Committee Chairman DiBenddetto read the minutes from meeting 13-4 held on February 10, 1983. Bill DiBenedetto, Cathy Clay, Trent Parks, Robert Eglet, August Corrales and Michelle Hon(alternate member) were present. Mike Waller and Tammy Niedermeyer were unexcused absences. The committee passed a motion to submit Bylaw #20(S.B. 006, Two-Thirds Vote). Senator DiBenedetto moved to approve the minutes and Senator Clay seconded. There being no additions or corrections, the minutes from meeting 13-5 stood approved. B. Elections Board There was no report. C. Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman Hamilton read the minutes from the meeting SENATE MEETING #14-February 15, 19 83 page 3 held on February 11, 1983(Meeting #12). Members present were Larry Hamilton, Deron Shields, Jerry Whitsett, Sam Lieberman, Roby Turner, Marc Miller and David Mounts. Calvin Valvo was excused absent, and John Michalidis was unexcused absent. The board approved $215.00 to the Dorm for the repair of their pool table. The board made the decision to leave the selection of an organization to work Mardi Gras up to the discretion of the Chairman. This selection is to be made before today's meeting. Senator Mounts moved to approve the minutes of meeting #12, and Senator Eglet seconded. Senator Mounts moved to amend the minutes to delete section VI, item A($215.00 for Dorm Pool Table Repair). This motion died due to the lack of a second. There being no additions or cor-rections, the minutes stood approved as submitted. D. Faculty Committees 1. Financial Aid There was no report. 2. Admissions Committee There was no report. 3. Code Committee There was no report. E. Nevada Student Affairs There was no report. F. Student Services Chairman Eglet read the minutes from the meeting held on February 10, 19 83. The members present were Stephanie Pettit, Sindi Glasgow, Sam Lieberman, Rusty Smith, Jim Eells, Michelle DeTillio and Chairman Eglet. The members who were excused absent were Pam Jacka, Karen Eckert and Denyce Tuller. Sindi Glasgow was appointed by the chair to organize and conduct the Feasibility Study for Copy Service. Senator Eckert moved to approve the minutes and Senator DiBenedetto seconded. The minutes stood approved with no opposition. Chairman Eglet announced that the Lecture Note Service has generated approximately $3,000.00 in revenue. G. Other - Publications Board Chairperson Griffith read the minutes from the meeting held on February 14, 19 83. The members present were Dr. McCullough, Linda Lehman, Mario Guerrina, Lisa Grif-fith and Randy Hockfeld. Stephanie Pettit was excused absent and Richard Kalian was unexcused absent. The board suggested these provisions in the Bylaw regarding the selection of editors for CSUN: 1.) The CSUN Publications Board has the power to hire all CSUN editors-in-chief, 2.) The sole dismissal of editors-in-chief rests with the Publications Board following due pro-cess set out in the Operating Policy of the board. 3.) Applications for editors of the YELL and Quick-silver are acdepted beginning the first week of April, interviews begin the first week of May and the board shall nominate an editor for the REBEL YELL and one for the Quicksilver by May 31 to be SENATE MEETING #14-February 15, 19 83 page 4 approved by the CSUN Senate. 4.) The editors of CSUN publications shall serve from June 1, or after Senate approval, until May 31 the following year, ., The board requested that the senate move to amend the motion to keep the YELL in the "same format " and state instead that the REBEL YELL be printed in "broadsheet size," This wording is what the Senate actually meant by the motion and has more clarity. Please add that Bill DiBenedetto was excused absent for this meeting. Senator Eglet moved to approve the minutes with the correction, and Senator Miller seconded. The minutes stood approved as: corrected. Organizations Board Chairman Eckert announced that there will be meeting on Wednesday, February 15 at 3:30 p.m. in the Oasis Rm. Elections Board Chairman Crum read the minutes from meeting #15, held on February 10 and 15. The members present on Feb. 10 were Randy Crum, Delane Fitzpatrick, Dave Mounts:, Calvin Val-vo and Jim Wunrow. Those who were excused absent were Mary Borsell ino, Mike Waller, Michelle O'Donnell, Mario Guerrina, and April Morse. The meeting was called to order at 4:04 p.m. on February 10 with the above members present and recessed until February 15, 19 83 at 3:30 p.m. The meeting was called back, to order at 3:40 p.m. on Feb. 15 and roll call was taken by observation. Randy Crum). Dave Mounts, Mary Borsellino, Mario Guerrina and April Morse were present. The meeting was adjourned due to lack of quorum. Senator Eglet moved to approve the minutes from meeting #15, and Senator Clay seconded. There being no additions or corrections, the minutes stood approved as read. H. Appropriations Board Chairman Goussak read the minutes from the meeting held on February 14, 1983. Members present were Pam Jacka, Sindi Glasgow, Rosana Reyes, Cathy Powell and Greg Goussak. Pam Jacka was approved as the new vice-chairman. Senator Clay moved to approve the minutes and Senator Eckert seconded. The minutes stood approved as read. VII Unfinished Business A. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement Senator DiBenedetto moved to close nominations for the Academic Advisement Senate Seat, and Senator Emerson seconded. Senator Mounts objected to the consideration, and Senator Corrales seconded. The objection to the consideration failed with 7 in favor, 3 opposed and 1 abstention. Senator DiBene-detto withdrew his motion to close nominations. There is a correction to the minutes to change "Daryl" 1.101 f to "Derek" Wicliff. 2. Education a. Michelle McDonald There were no further nominations. SENATE MEETING #14-February 15, 19 83 page 5 3. Health Sciences There were no nominations. B. Emergency Item - Formulation of Elections Board Rules Senator Clay moved to suspend the rules and move to New Business, item A, and Senator Emerson seconded. The motion to suspend the rules failed with 8 in favor, 2 opposed and 1 abstention. Senator Clay made a motion to move into a committee of the whole, and Senator Eglet seconded. The motion passed with 9 in favor, 1 opposed and 1 abstention. Discussion took place. Senator'''"Waller ^was^ 4 c3 4 ^p.'rra, Senate President Wild passed the gavel to Senate Presi-dent Pro Tempore Clay. Senator DiBenedetto moved to rise and report, and Senator Emerson seconded. The motion passed with 7 in favor, 2 opposed and 3 abstentions. Senate President Pro Tem-pore Clay reported that there was no report. Senator Clay moved to approve the Elections Rules Proposed Revisions with the following amendments: 1. In section I. Filing, item B, delete "CSUN" and insert the words "Elections Board Chairman." 2. In section IV, Campaign Contributions Limitations, item C, add the sentence, "The limit on contribu-tions will be set by the Elections Board." 3. In section VII, Counting of Ballots, item B, change the "three" to a "two." President Oshinski seconded the motion. Senator Miller moved to amend section VII, B to change it to a minimum of 4 members present, and Senator DiBenedetto seconded. Senator Corrales moved to amend the rules to state that the whole board be present when ballot boxes are to be opened, and Senator Eckert seconded. Senator Mounts objected to the consideration of this- motion, and Senator Clay seconded. Senator Corrales withdrew his amendment. The amendment to have 4 members' present was being discussed. -, Senator Eglet moved to amend the amendment to have 3 mem-bers present, and Senator Emerson seconded. There was a motion to end debate which passed with 12 in favor and 0 opposed.. The vote on the motion to amend the rules to allow 3 members present during opening of the ballot boxes was 12 in favor, Q opposed and 0 abstentions. There was discussion on the motion to approve the Proposed Elections Rules as amended. Senator Corrales moved to amend to delete from section IV, part C the sentence "The limit on contri-butions will be set by the Elections- Board." Senator Eglet seconded the motion. Senator Eglet then withdrew his second. Senator Corrales' motion died due to the lack of a second. Senaotor moved the previous question, and Senator DiBene-detto seconded. The motion was not necessary, because no one else wished to speak. The vote on the motion to approve the proposed elections rules as amended passed with 8 in favor, 3 opposed and 1 abstention. SENATE MEETING #14-February 15, 19 83 page 6 VIII. New Business A. Appointment of Science, Math and Engineering Senator 1. V.J. Hirsch 2. Cara Iddings 3. Jeff Chadwell Senator Eglet made a motion to allow each candidate to speak for no more than 3 minutes each, the candidates would speak in the order that they are listed on the agenda, followed by a question and answer period. The senate will vote on the candidates and whoever receives 50% + 1 of all of the votes cast wins; if none receive 50% + 1 of the total votes cast, the candidate with the least votes is dropped and there is a run-off between the two remaining candidates. Senator Mounts seconded this motion. There being no objections, the motion was approved. The candidates spoke. Senator Eglet called for a roll call vote. Cara Iddings was appointed to the Science, Math and Engineering seat with 7 votes in favor. There were 4 votes for Jeff Chadwell. B. Disqualification of the Candidacy of Jef Wild for the 1983 Executive Elections - DiBenedetto This item was withdrawn. C. Nominations for Outstanding Teacher of the Year - Clay Senator Clay nominated Professor Bell from the Hotel College. Senator Mounts nominated Professor Izzolo from the Hotel Col-lege. Senator Eckert nominated Prof. Zane from Physics. Senator Miller nominated Borsenik from Hotel. Senator Eells nominated Niles from Science. Senator Corrales nominated Walton from Philosophy. Senator Waller nominated Fitzgerald from Ethnic Studies. Senator Iddings nominated John Werth from the Science, Math and Engineering College(Computer Science). Senator DiBenedetto nominated Seidman from the Business and Economics College. Senator Eglet nominated Anderson from Finance (Business' and Economics). Senator Parks- nominated Beatty from the Communication Studies department. Senator Emerson nominated Dr. Sherman from the Computer Science department. Senator Clay moved to close nominations, and Senator DiBenedetto seconded. The motion to close nominations passed with 10 in favor, 1 opposed and 1 abstentions. D. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats A. Arts and Letters Senator Clay nominated Paul Berger. Senator Eglet nominated Frank Regina. IX. Open Discussion Senator Waller announced that there will be a speaker, Joe Black, tomorrow in the MSU Ballroom at 7:00, p.m. for Black History Month. President Oshinski announced that he will be out of town on Thursday and Friday in Carson City. Vice President Eckert will have his signature authority. The Intercollegiate Athletic Council has a new chairman, Tom Shaffter. In the next few months, the council will be determining the seat arrangement for the Sports Pavilion so now would be the time to get your input to the Athletic Council. The current SENATE MEETING #14-February 15, 19 83 page 7 proposal gives students 1500 seats on the floor and 1000 seats in the balcony. X. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.