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Las Vegas Review-Journal Wednesday, March 25, 1942 “ Avoid Waste” Campaign Contest ^Inaugurated by Review-Journal i t. Cooperating with the campaign i xS.She Las Vegas city commission . to avoid waste of valuable water, to the end: that the loeal supply will be sufficient to take cafe of I rabid growth and expansion, the I Review-Journal today’ announces | an “avoid waste’- campaign for (students in the local piiblic j schools, Which will bring' a dollar i a day in deferise stamps to lucky (youngsters, With grand prizes of $50, $25 and $10 , to be awarded i at comiftehe'ement time to the | winners under the contest rules. Here’s, the game: The Review-Journal will print leach day a contribution of hot imore than 25 words from some i student, covering any one of three 5 phases of' the water conservation , program, as follows:. " • 1. A slogan usable to per- I s u a d e people" to “Avoid Wash i ing Water.” /g | S | 2. Actual'instances of waste I “(observed by the writer, but I i without mentioning names. *• 3. Suggestions for avoiding . waste’. ‘Each dhy the best contribution; will be published in the Review-' Journal, together with the name; of the youngster. Every one pub- j lished will entitle the author- to $1 in defense stamps, if they’ll call at: the Review-Journal office. At the end of the school year, the youngster who’s had fhe most printed, will receive a $50 defense bond; to the one with the second largest number published, a $25 bond; and to the, third, $10 in defense stamps. The winners will be announced at commencement time. v The qontest is open to all students in the Las VegaS high and grammar schools, and as many contributions can be as desired. It is understood, however, that | all manuscripts submitted become the property of the Review- Journal to be used in any way desired. |