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Kol Badmidbar, newsletter from Midbar Kodesh Temple, January 2000



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    KOL BAMIDBAR = Midbar 2000: j Bridging the Generations! THE VOICE OF MIDBAR KODESH TEMPLE VOL. VI ISSUE 1 TEVET/SHEVAT 5760 JANUARY 2000 the president 2 youth 3 education 4 events 5 Stone Bar Mitzvah 6 Baskin Bat Mitzvah 7 Chanukah 8 business ads 9 birthdays, anniversaries 10 yahrzeits 10 tributes 11 Start the millennium out right, join us for Shabbat services each week! KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 2 January 2000 v- From The President: LESSONS FOR THE FUTURE We are coming to the close of the twentieth century and preparing to begin a new millennium. Midbar Kodesh Temple is ready. We'll soon have a new building, a new rabbi, and a new administration. These will be the first of many changes. The annual meeting of the board of directors will take place on January 9, 2000. At that time I will step down from the presidency. The past five years, two as vice president and three as president, have been challenging as well as fulfilling. I have felt and appreciated the continued encouragement that many of you have provided me. I will remain on the board of trustees and support the new president with the same energy that I always have. I have always felt it to be an honor to help build the congregation and make Henderson/ Las Vegas a better place for Jews to live. I have learned many things about myself and the community in which I live. ,:It takes an effort to create something good. Just like family, friends and school, you get out of things what you put into them. I feel enriched by what Midbar Kodesh Temple has given my family and me. I will always be grateful to this congregation for entrusting me with its future and will carry with me the experi-ence of being your president for many years to come. Thank You! (SsSSSSfg&jES? SimS Bariy Fieldman E-MAIL IS A GREAT TOOL TO HELP OUR SYNAGOGUE STAY IN TOUCH WITH THE MEMBERSHIP GET WEEKLY UPDATES ON THE BUILDING, ON THE RABBINIC SEARCH COMMITTEE, ON COMMITTEE PROJECTS E-MAIL TO MIDBARKODESH@JUNO.COM TO BE PLACED ON OUR LIST Hi r\ KOL BAMIDBAR Editor ? C ; Hal Rothman ?<7 ? President </) >. Barry Fieldman ? Cantor r?. Robert D. Fisher 1 Office Administrator > V. ? > Maria Scher 5 CTTNnnw) n-o PUBLISHED MONTHLY KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 3 January 2000 Youth v U v U v U v?x v U v U v l y v U T" v l x v l x v U v U v t x v U I** ^ vU v l x v l / vl/ \ l / \ l / \ l / \ l / vlx vU vU \ ) / y | x y|v y | x ?jv ? i s Want to know about the next USY event? Curious when Kadima or Katan will meet next? Look no fur-ther, here are the January dates: Katan: Sunday, January 9th at 11:30 AM Kadima: Sunday, January 23rd at 11:30 AM USY: Thursday, January 6 at 6:00 PM Thursday, January 13 at 6:00 PM Saturday, January 29 at 6:00 PM For more information contact the Temple office at 454-4848. vlx vlx vlv vlx \ls vU vtx vlx \l/ vU "7(X "7|V "7|N /|\ ?(x vt/ vU vU vU vl' vl/- ?IV ^v U vU ^v t x ^v t y v t x IN ^v U v l x vU I** vU THANK YOU TO MR. AND MRS. STEPHEN WERSHBA FOR THEIR DONATION OF A TELEVISION TO MIDBAR KODESH TEMPLE Todah Rabah! T^e ?-oun<Jation par . J ^ C a m p ^ U f . a t U N L V Attention: Jewish college students ? Socialize ? Explore your heritage ? Meet new friends & old ? Network ? Attend great events Hillel is in the Interfaith Student Center at UNLV (ISC) 4765 Brussels Rd. Phone: 736-0887 or email with your name, address and phone number to receive a monthly newsletter and/or weekly email. 20'something Jewish Graduate Students & Professionals now have a place to meet, party and network. at any G . A . P . event Add yourself to the G.A.P. listserv with hundreds of other friends for weekly event updates AND get a newsletter of future events. HOW??? Call 661-4GAP or email with your name, address and phone number. B u MIDBAR KODESH TEMPLE 33 Cactus Garden Dr. Henderson, NV 89014 (Mountain Vista and Sunset) Behind Ethel M Chocolates) phone: 454-4848 fax: 454-4847 school: 454-5257 e-mail: web: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 4 January 2000 EDUCATION YELADIM ACADEMY NEEDS YOUR HELP TO EARN FREE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES! Yeladim Academy announces its 1999/2000 Campbell's Labels for Education? program Label Collection Drive! Yeladim Academy is asking students, parents, teachers and friends in the community to support us by collecting Campbell's? product labels for its Campbell's Labels for Education? drive. With this support, Yeladim Academy will earn much needed athletic and educational equipment. Our goal is to collect 30,000 labels during the school year. We are trying to earn an overhead projector, an electric stapler, a long reach stapler, a big screen microscope, and a cassette player. You can help by saving labels from hundreds of different Campbell's products. Eligible products include Campbell's? soups, Pepperidge Farm? bread, cookies and Goldfish?, V8? and tomato juices, V8 Splash? juice, Franco- American? SpaghettiOs?, Prego? sauces, Swanson? broths and poultry and Foodservice products. For more information on how to be a part of Yeladim Academy's Campbell's La-bels for Education? Collection Drive, contact Denise Schnitzer, at Yeladim Academy, 458-3555. Ma'ay an Adult Education News Great news for adults who would love to be able to converse in Hebrew, albeit on an elementary level at the beginning. Toby Rosenbush will conduct a beginner's Hebrew Ulpan. Classes will start on Sunday, January 16th at 11:30 AM. The Ulpan method was developed in Israel to integrate newcomers as quickly as possible into the mainstream. Almost every international language institution uses the Ulpan method to teach languages. You'll leam how to communicate in the shops, at social gatherings, at home, etc. We'll sing and laugh-all in Hebrew! Simple Hebrew reading is, of course, part of the program, and if you can't read, well, we'll teach you. We must have at least ten students in the class. The hour can be adjusted half an hour earlier or later to suit the majority convenience. Call the synagogue office at 454-4848 to register. There is no charge for the 10 week class, only for the materials used. Ma'ayan has been meeting every Tuesday night from 6pm to 7:30pm. This education program is designed for post b'nai mitzvah students through 12th grade. The first unit, led by Steven Doctors, focused on Jewish Identity. The students have discussed many difficult issues, such as "Is Judaism a culture?", the Law of Return and the differing opinions regarding patrilinear descent. Larry Davidson has now taken over from Steven to lead the second unit, "Jews Among the Nations." This eight week unit discusses the Diaspora, the practices of Jews in other countries, and the challenges facing American Jews. Any student interested in joining the class is encouraged to contact the synagogue office at 454-4848. You deserve to treat yourself to finally be able to speak Hebrew on a simple level, so call now!!! Shalom Ulhit-raot! (Be seeing you!) Toby Rosenbush KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 5 January 2000 Office Update by Maria Scher So here we are at the beginning of a new millennium. New board members, new statements, it all seems to be coming together. It's the time for the year's resolutions when everyone joins a gym or gives up chocolate, only to go back to their regular way of life in a month or so. I took this opportunity to move into a new apartment. It's very exciting and brings with it much opportunity. For example, I can eat whatever I want whenever I want. If I want cookies for dinner, I eat cookies for dinner. This is every child's dream! However, since I am an adult, this move provided the opportunity for more adult choices as well. I have decided to keep kosher. This is a big leap. I did not grow up in a kosher home. I do not have relatives who keep kosher. This is a solo flight with lots of support from home, but it's up to me how it turns out. So what about you? Will you be exercising every night after dinner, swimming laps at the pool, or giving up sweets? Will you decide to come to Shabbat services on a regular basis, learn to read Hebrew, or keep kosher? When I look back on past attempts at new year's resolutions, losing weight, working out, and other less spiritual avenues, I find they are so easily left by the wayside after only a few weeks. Perhaps, resolutions along spiritual lines will be better kept. Etz chayim: It is a tree of life to them that hold fast to it and all of it's supporters are happy. It may not be easy, but this year, try to make a resolution that will be rewarding enough to stick with for the rest of your life. 8 s . 8s 8?. & S? f f e 8*\ 8s ? i ?5, tt\e \ 8* Women's Social Club Mah Jongg every Monday night. For more information call Jil Glyman 897-5697 8* 8*? v * 8* 8 s 8? 8 s 8 s 8 s 8 s 8 s 8 s 8s Midbar Kodesh Temple is still looking for active volunteers. We must establish a committee to make hospital rounds. A social action/tikun olam committee needs to put in place. A community liaison is needed to work with Federation and other outside agencies to be certain Midbar Kodesh is represented at community gatherings. Please contact the office (454-4848) if you would like to help Midbar Kodesh Temple! Midbar Kodesh Temple has over 20 students in 18-26 year old age group and 14 of those have selected to be members of the synagogue. A special NO FEE membership is available to young Jewish people at the Temple. We encouraged this age group to become members and participate in synagogue life. Whether they chose to sit on committees, attend services or work with youth, their efforts and talents are appreciated and needed. Several young adult members are already involved at the synagogue as teachers, tutors or youth advisors. Cantor Bob Fisher is currently looking for Bar and Bat Mitzvah tutors to help with the over 20 students now in training. KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 6 January 2000 JOCELYN POLOTT BAT MITVZAH Jocelyn Elyse Hollander Polott will be welcoming the new millennium and the new responsibilities of being a Jewish woman simultaneously. On January 15, 2000, Jocelyn will be called to the Torah as the first Bar/Bat Mitzvah of Midbar Kodesh Temple during the next 1000 years. Jocelyn is a native Nevadan, the oldest child of Maria and Steve Polott and sister to Evan. Jocelyn has developed good friendships and a more enlightened meaning of being Jewish as an involved member of USY. She also works hard at being a straight 'A' student at Greenspun Jr. High. Jocelyn has a natural talent for playing the flute and has enjoyed doing so for over three years. She did not show quite as much talent for softball, but during the past five years her perseverance has paid off. Today she plays first base and is one of the most reliable hitters on the team. Of course, like every other thirteen-year-old, Jocelyn loves to instant message her friends on AOL, going to the mall, and the telephone! On Saturday morning, she will be reciting Haftorat Bo from the book of Jeremiah, the Maftir and two Aliyahs as well as delivering a D'var Torah. Her parents, brother and all of her family and friends who are traveling from out of state will em-brace this milestone of Judaism with love and pride. Mazel TOY to Jocelyn! CURIOUS ABOUT LIVING IN espailb If living in Israel is your short term goal or a distant dream, Tnuat AM can help you explore the road to aliyah - relocation to Israel. We provide information about employment, education, housing, finances, learning Hebrew, pilot trips, introductions to Israeli families, and more. Our activities will link you with other Americans who are investigating the possibilites of aliyah. Thousands of Conservative Jews have made aliyah from North America and are contributing significantly to Israeli society. Join us! For information, please call Conservative Judaism's Tnuat AM office at 212-533-7800, ext. 2021, or e-mail: Meet New People by joining one of the Midbar Kodesh Temple Chavurot! Contact Susan Cane (312-6250) for placement or to start a new one! JEWISH WAR VETERANS POST 65 Breakfast meeting -10:00 A.M. 1 st Sunday of every month County Inn Restaurant Sunset Road and Valle Verde, Henderson call Joe Fink 454-8929 KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 7 January 2000 JESSE STOKES BAR MITZVAH Jesse Aaron Stokes will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on January 22, 2000. Jesse is a native Las Vegan. Jesse is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Joel Stokes. Jesse has one brother, Adam, a law student at Tulane University, and one sister, Alexis, a Dental Hygiene student at Northern Arizona University at Flagstaff. His grandmother is Helen Serlin of Las Vegas, Nevada. Jesse's friends and relatives will be coming from local, national, and international areas to help celebrate this milestone with Jesse and his family. Jesse attended Warren Walker Elementary school and is currently a seventh grade student at Warren Walker Middle School. Jesse is an excellent student with a particular interest in snow skiing, track, and computers. Jesse's Haftorah, Beshalach, has the distinction of being the longest Haftorah of the year, and his Torah portion commemorates Moses leading the children of Israel across the Red Sea to freedom. Jesse has learned from his studies and preparations for his Bar Mitzvah that great effort is needed for such accomplishments. Please join in the celebration of Jesse's Bar Mitzvah, "A Special Day in the life of a Special Young Man." Mazel Tov to Jesse! QUORUM NEEDED FOR ANNUAL MEETING SCHEDULED FOR SUNDAY, JANUARY 9th The Nominating Committee of Midbar Kodesh Temple is pleased to announce the slate of officers being offered for election at the Annual General Meeting, to be held at Midbar Kodesh Temple at 10 am on Sunday, January 9th. Andrew Eisen Howard Baron Gerald Welt Stanley Ames Janet Stein Returning to the Board of Directors to finish their existing terms will be: Gail Alcalay Barry Eisen Amy Fieldman Edward Goldman Terri Baskin Steven Doctors Barry Fieldman Jo Laurens Neal Lewis Maria Hollander-Polott KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 8 January 2000 Welcome to the Midbar Mavens! Individuals age 55 and over are the largest growing group in North America. The Midbar Mavens of Midbar Kodesh Temple exists to meet the social and intellectual needs of this group. Started by Toby Rosenbush and Fred Ehrlich, the Mavens have been meeting for about four months now. Each meeting brings new friends (members and non), camaraderie, and social interaction as well as intellec-tual stimulation, book reviews, and discussions. Our "Four O'clock High Tea" was resplendent with biscuits, jam cakes, and of course, tea All were enjoyed while speaking only "the King's English." The Midbar Mavens meet on the last Wednesday of each month and we urge you to join this group of the "best and brightest Mavens," please call Midbar Kodesh Temple at 454-4848 and leave your name with Maria. You'll hear from us! Your Logo Or Message On Over One-Half Million Promotional Products?Even Clothing! Promote Your Image and Support Midbar Kodesh! With Every Order. A Donation Is Made To Our Synagogue Adventures in ^Advertising^ tastegas Jill & Nib Flanzraich Pb: 436-0867 Fax: 436-4905 E-mail: Promotional Items For Corporate Campaigns, Product Introductions. Special Events. B 'nai Mitzvot, Trade Shows And More! Congratulations to Jerry and Marcy Welt on the engagement of their son Coiy David Welt to Tamuna Rukhadze, daughter of Jenny and Sergo Rukhadze of Tbilisi, Georgia. Cory and Tamuna became engaged while visiting the Grand Canyon over their winter vacation to the United States. Cory, a Ph.D. candidate at MIT, met Tamuna in Tbilisi while working on his dissertation. They will both return to Tbilisi so that he may finish that work. Tamuna will continue her work with the National Democratic Party (yes, ours!) and would like to begin work on a second Master's Degree. Together they speak 6 different languages with 3 of those in common. Cory is the grandson of Midbar Maven Leon Horowitz and the brother of Tiffany Doctors, and known as Uncle to Jordan Doctors. KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 9 January 2000 ACE CAMERA 2655 Windmill Parkway Henderson, Nevada 89014 (702) 269-7699 fax (702) 269-7816 HOWARD & JEFFREY FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS FILM?PASSPORT PHOTOS?MODEL PORTFOLIOS NEW?USED?RENTALS?SERVICE in VONS Shopping Center, Pecos at Windmill 1 Financial Strategies, Inc. A Registered Investment Advisory firm 1 3 Steven A. Budin, J.D., CFP Certified Financial Planner 3737 Pecos-McLeod, Suite 102, Las Vegas, NV 89121 ( 7 0 2 ) 4 5 4 - 8 7 4 4 ? Fax (702) 454-8864 S e c u r i t i e s Sold T h r o u g h Linsco / Private Ledger Member NASD/ A Registered Investment Advisor jjp^ A M A S S A G E r O R H E A L T H Present this card for 20% savings m NEAL E. LEWIS CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT NEAL E. LEWIS, C.P.A. SUITE 2 0 2 A CENTURY PARK 1771 EAST FLAMINGO ROAO L A S VEGAS. N I V A D A 09110 <702> 3 6 9 - 2 3 3 3 FAX (702I 3 6 9 - 6 0 9 9 Life is Precious.. MORTUARIES ? CEMETERIES CREMATORIES Murray Artman Memorial Counselor 7600 S. Eastern Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89123 (702)464-8520 Res: (702) 456-9043 Elana Silberstein Professional, Personal, Efficient Service and That's The "Bear Facts" ( ? Prudential Americana Group, REALTORS? 2625 N Green Valley Parkway, #150 Green Valley NV 89014 Private 702 897-8788 Fax 702 458-5276 Mobile 702 461-1888 O An irtependenOy owned anc operand memto of The Prudential Real Estate Affiliates. Ire. ?gVfjm| Residential RetSS Land Cbgxnflon . ? J J Commercial LINDA C. WILNER Multi Million Dollar Club I 4485 South Pecos Road THE RIGHT CHOICE" Las Vegas, NV 89121 Office: (702) 384-3904,Fax: (702) 454-4254 Direct: (702) 456-8727 ? Toll Free: 1-800-935-SOLD (7653) r ? = | E-Mail: ? Pager (702) 877-5883 l1?IMLS^ 1 MAURA ROBINSON r r m <f Marble & Granite m Sales & Fabrication ? ? (H M fiSte ' 1 1 .; UUUVl C J L_J C / tic. #38957 5395 S Polaris Kitchen Counter Tops Las Vegas, NV 89118 Fire FSaces TeL (702) 795-7210 Flooring 1i- ?? ? - ? ?? KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 10 January 2000 BIRTHDAYS 21 Janet Belcove-Shalin Arlene Popowcer Anne Frank 16 Morgan Kaminsky Max Frank Brian Lipman Farrah Kaye Jake Perlmutter 2 Joseph Kover 17 Gregory Goussak Joshua Simon Aron Mizrahi 4 Bonni Baron Jason Perlmutter Esther Gordon Mira Slobody 5 Judith Lewis 19 Brian Block 6 Molly Brown Kathy Brookhart Noa Slobody Eunice cooper 7 Diana Pugh 24 Howard Levy 8 Sindy Eisen 25 Michelle Harnik 9 Jacob Gerson Daniel Riceberg Lauralee Rothman 28 Barry Cohen 10 Ben Mehr 29 Jeff Zucker Arnold Schneider 30 Jeffery Belkoff ?? Adalie Schraiber Ludwig Berger Ivan Sega Mildred Klein 13 Hannah Frey 31 Robert Dubin 14 Leah Trujillol Alan Popowcer 15 Maria Kahan Lawrence Monkarsh ANNIVERSARIES 2 Marc and Sandi Cramer 3 Mark Goldstein and Gail Alcalay 15 Carl and Adalie Schraiber 30 Alistair and Cynthia Crighton 31 Jonathan and Franc ine Bernstein Robert and Arlene Popowcer Midbar Kodesh Temple, its staff and board of directors wants to acknowledge the cel-ebrations of life and joy with our congregants, as well as the illnesses and sadness that completes life's circle. Please call, or have someone call for you, immediately so that we may serve your needs. Maria Scher (454-4848), Cantor Bob Fisher (794-4994) or President Barry Fieldman are always just a phone call away. WE REMEMBER January 1-Tevet 23 January 2-Tevet 24 January 3-Tevet 25 January 6-Tevet 28 January 7-Tevet 29 January 8-Shevat1 January 10-Shevat 3 January 15-Shevat 8 January 18-Shevat 11 January 21-Shevat14 January 24-Shevat 17 Mrs. Adele Goldstein Dr. Allan Russell Mr. Gordon Silverstein Mrs. Ruth Asen Mrs. Minna Rubin Mrs. Barbara Handmaker-Kaminsky Dember Mr. William Sucher Mr. Jason Deutsch Mrs. Celia Robinson Mr. Samuel Herron Mr. Leo Kaufman Mrs. Ada Myers Mr. Louis Mehr Mrs. Edith Segal Mr. Richard Held Mr. Isidor Nagel mother, Mrs. Julie Goldstein brother, mrs. Anne Frank grandfather, Mr. Howard Perlman sister, Dr.Robert Goldstein grandmother, Mr. Jeffrey Bordelove mother, Louis Kaminsky father, Rhonda Kaminsky brother, Mrs. Freda Goldstein grandmother, Ms. Maura Robinson father, Ms.Caryl Kahn father, Mrs. Jo Laurens mother, Mrs. Edward Baker father, Mr. Ben Mehr Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Segal father, Mrs. Fern Kaye father, Mrs. Min Jaroslow PLEASE LET THE OFFICE KNOW IMMEDIATELY IF YAHRZEIT DATES ARE NOT CORRECT 454-4848 1 KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 11 January 2000 WE RECORD WITH GRATITUDE THE NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS TRIBUTES In memory of Brother of Morris Greenstein, from Carmella Mandler and Family: Adrienne and Ron Pink Husband and Father to Stern Family, from Carmella Mandler Father of Elyse Voris, from Carmella and Avner Mandler TEMPLE GENERAL FUND In honor of Julie and Joel Ostrovsky, Mazel Tov on the birth of your daughter, from Hal and Lauralee Rothman Elaine Scher, a speedy recovery, from Roz and Shel Sbarra Bob Goldstein, a speedy recovery, from Anita and Herb Zola Alcalay and Mark Goldstein, and Rena. Alix, Silvi and Ruben; Irene Rugeti Dana and Lexi Schwartz, from your parents, Jeanette and Hy Schwartz Julie and Joel Ostrovsky, Mazel Tov on the birth of your daughter, from Karen and Marc Simon and Family: Gay and Bob Goldstein Rhonda and Louis Kaminsky, Mazel Tov on the Bat Mitzvah of your daughter, from Gay and Bob Goldstein Amy and Barry Fieldman, Best wishes on moving to your new home, from the Schnitzer Family In memory of Howard Finestein, from Thelma and Sherwin Lichtenfeld; Minna Ogintz; Gay and Bob Goldstein Jackie Ackerman's Father, from Gail Alcalay and Mark Goldstein JESSICA'S GARDEN FUND In honor of Ellen and Ivan Steinberg, Congratulations on your 36th Wedding Anniversary, from Harry Hymowitz EDUCATION FUND In honor of Bob Fisher, Happy Chanukah. from Karen, Marc, Josh, Brad and Greg Simon Yahrzeit Janice Y. Zirin, beloved Mother, by Beverly and Ardie Block Ruben Hoffman, by Francesca and Phil Hoffman Evelyn Ames, by Georgia and and Stan Ames "Ike" Caplan, beloved Father, by Marlene and Ivan Segal Thelma Kaplan, beloved Mother, by Bonnie and Marc Pomerantz Larry Putterman, by Howard Perlman Henry Perlman, by Howard Perlman Sam Popowcer, beloved Father, by Robert Popowcer Dorothy Hymowitz, beloved Mother, by Ellen and Ivan Steinberg Abraham Goldstein, by Ira and Freda Goldstein BUILDING FUND In honor of Roz Sbarra, A speedy recovery, from Gail Alcalay and Mark Goldstein Bob Goldstein, a speedy recovery, from Gail When making contributions, please print all names. ACKNOWLEDGE FRIENDS & FAMILY WITH A TRIBUTE OR DONATION. Call Roz Sbarra, 896-2598 Murray Artman of Palm Mortuary will donate a prcentage of each ned arrangement he personally makes with a Midbar Kodesh Temple member. rt $ ? i & Do you need business cards? Letterhead, Envelopes, Bar/Bat Mitzvah Invitations, or Birth Announcements? Get 10% off AND have a donation made to the Temple. Call Elaine at Maria's Quick Print 435-6503. % I? ? i i? ?? ?? ?? Murray Artman Memorial Counselor MORTUARIES ? CEMETERIES CREMATORIES Life is Precious... 7600 S. Eastern Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89123 (702)464-8520 Res: (702) 456-9043 KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 12 January 2000 Shabbat and Holiday Services FRIDAY, JANUARY 7 - 7:30 PM SATURDAY, JANUARY 8 - 9 AM CANDELIGHTING 4:23 PM PARSHA: VAEIRAH Birthday/Anniversary Shabbat Shabbat ends 5:25 PM FRIDAY, JANUARY 14 - 7:30 PM SATURDAY, JANUARY 15 - 9 AM CANDELIGHTING 4:29 PM PARSHA: BO Bat Mitzvah of Jocelyn Polott Shabbat ends 5:31 PM FRIDAY, JANUARY 21 - 7:30 PM SATURDAY, JANUARY 22 - 9 AM CANDELIGHTING 4:36 PARSHA: BESHALACH Bar Mitzvah of Jesse Stokes Tu B'Shevat Shabbat ends 5:38 PM FRIDAY, JANUARY 28 - 7:30 PM SATURDAY, JANUARY 29 - 9 AM CANDELIGHTING 4:44 PM PARSHA: YITRO Shabbat ends 5:45 pm JOIN US FOR AN ONEG OR KIDDUSH FOLLOWING EACH SERVICE. SPONSOR A Kl SHARE A SIMCHAH WITH YO DDUSH OR ONEG UR CONGREGATIONAL FAMILY MEMORIAL MENORAH PLAQUES Memorial plaques are $350 for members and $550 for non-members, for more information or to order a plaque, call Judie Lewis, 458-1805 or 369-2333. YAHRZEIT call the office, 454-4848, to give yahrceits for loved ones, so their names may be read at the appropriate Friday and Saturday services. SIDDURIM ? MACHZI to purchase or dedicate a siddur, m DRIM ?CHUMASHIM lachzor or chumash, call the office. MIDBAR KODESH TEMPLE 33 Cactus Garden Drive Henderson, Nevada 89014 (702) 454-4848 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED FUTURE HOME: GREEN VALLEY RANCH Non Profit Organization VS. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1373 J a n u a r y 2 0 0 0 M 9 D & A R K O D E S H ^EJVIPCE Sun Man Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 9:00 AM Service 2 9:30 AM Minyan 3 4 7:00 PM Education Committee Meeting 5 6 6:00 PM USY 7 7:30 PM Shabbat Service Celebrating Birthdays and Anniversaries 8 9:00 AM Service 9 9:30 AM Minyan 10:00 AM Annual Meeting 11:30 Katan 10 7:30 PM Board Meeting 11 12 13 6:00 PM USY 14 7:30 PM Shabbat Service Deadline for February bulletin 15 9:00 AM Service Bat Mitzvah of Jocclyn Polott 16 9:30 AM Minyan 17 18 19 20 21 7:30 PM Shabbat Service 22 9:00 AM Service Bar Mitzvah of Jesse Stokes 23 9:30 AM Minyan 11:30 AM Kadima 30 9:30 AM Minyan 24 31 25 26 4:00 PM Midbar Mavcns 27 28 7:30 PM Shabbat Service 29 9:00 AM Service 6:00 PM USY TOYOTA HONDA en 704 W Sunset Rd, Suite B-17 (1 Mile east of Sunset Station) Complete Foreign Car Service And Repair Specialist ^ . . . " VU ? ? j ? I 5% Senior Citizens Discount Tune-Up ? Brakes ? Clutches ? Oil Changes/Maintenance Engine Repair ? Electrical Repair ? Water Pumps ? Belts ? Hoses Starters ? Alternators ? Batteries ? Timing Belts ? Carburetors TUNE UP SPECIAL Includes: Spark Plugs, Scope Analysis, Timing Check. Road Test, 4 CYLINDER $ 4 4 . 9 6 6 CYLINDER 68 *30ic 60ic"90KT SERVICES 4Cyl $247.48 4 Cyl. Reg $269.95 Includes:Oil&Filter change ? Tune-up ? Fuel filter ? Air filter ? Transmission oil Change ? Transmission filter change ? Differential Oil Change ? Radiator drain & refill ? Brake inspection ? Tire rotation j ^ j Inspect belts & hoses LUBE, OIL FILTER CHANGE 24 point Safety Inspection 95 > Up to 5 Quarts 10W30 Castrol GTX TIMING BELT Replacement for Most Cars SOHC^8 . 6 - 5 " DOHC $251." 6 CYL. Call for price Factory recommended Replacement Interval every 60.000 miles j BRAKE SERVICE ? J $101, 90 PER AXLE For most japanese | cars & trucks . 4x4 Extra Includes:Pads or shoes | Machining Rotors/ i Drums; Packing Bearings I J Total Service for all japanese & european imports RADIATOR <S.ENG1NE DRAIN (S. REFILL 11 ? Total System Flush ? Includes 1 Gal. Antifreeze ? Most Cars AIR [ CONDITIONER I RECHARGE j $ 3 0 . n I? ?* RFerego.n S 4E9x.9tr5a 1 Includes | ? Check system for leaks a ? Check hoses & belts ? No extra fees for I hazardous waste Labor only AUTO TRANS SERVICE $ 4 8 . 0 0 Includes ? Replacement of Pan Gasket & Fluid ? Clean filter Screen Castrol GTX CV BOOT REPLACEMENT CLUTCH SPECIAL $104. Includes > Parts and labor 99i*$329,95 Includes ? Complete clutch assy. & Labor "Most Cars Additional Boot $46.45 extra for same axle. 'Major Credit Cards Accepted ?Free Estimates Exceptions apply ?4x4 ? Front W/D vehicles extra - ? ? ? ? J " 1 VISA NISSAN v w PAID ADVERTISEMENT LOX BOXES ARE BACK!! Remember when you were young and the lox man would deliver lox, bagels, cream cheese and all the trimmings straight to your door. Well those days are here again, but for a limited time only. MIDBAR KODESH TEMPLE will be delivering fresh lox boxes to homes throughout the community on Sunday, January 30, 2000. Lox boxes are everyone's favorite Superbowl party snack, so forget the pizza and order as much as you want! The proceeds from this special event support SCHOOL PROGRAMMING AT MIDBAR KODESH TEMPLE. So don't be the only one without a cream cheese mustache on that Sunday afternoon! LOX BOX SIZES Lox Box for 1 @ $12.00 each (includes 2 bagels) Lox Box for 2 @ $18.00 each (includes 4 bagels) Lox Box for 3 @ $24.00 each (includes 6 bagels) Lox Box Party Platter for 100 (call for pricing information) (includes 200 bagels) ORDER FORM Return order form NO LATER THAN TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 2000 to: MIDBAR KODESH TEMPLE, 33 Cactus Garden Drive, Henderson, NV 89014 Name: Phone number: Address: Apartment number: Directions: I support school programming (or am just really hungry), and I am pleased to order the following: Lox box(es) for 1 Lox box(es) for 2 Lox box(es) for 3 Check enclosed for: $ r y y f f ? f y y y y f f ? ? y ? f y y y i Tot Shabbat is Coming! Mark the dates on you calendars so that you don't miss out on these special services. January 28 - 6:15 PM February 25 - 6:15 PM March 24 - 6:15 PM April 28 - 6:15 PM May 19 - 6:15 PM Questions? Call the Temple at 454-4848 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - X MIDBAR KODESH TEMPLE'S RELIGIOUS SCHOOL IS PROUD TO SPONSOR THE FIFTH ANNUAL FUNDRAISER FOR PASSOVER Dear Friends, v . It's that time of year again. The kids of Midbar Kodesh will be conducting their FIFTH annual Passover Candy sale in February. They will be selling BARTONS KOSHER for PASSOVER confections. Every package has the "IT seal of Kashruth. Please help support all of the youth programs we have at our temple by buying Bartons candy. The Temple keeps 40% of all sales! To order your Passover Candy, please complete the order form and mail it back with the correct amount. Your check must accompany your order. Please make checks payable to MIDBAR KODESH TEMPLE. BOXES ITEM PRICE TOTAL A. PARVE BAR ( 2 . 5 o z ) PARVE B. CHOCOLATE. COVERED MACAROONS ( 8 oz) PARVE C. CHOCOLATE CAKE ( 1 2 OZ) PARVE D. CHOCOLATE MACAROONS ( 1 0 o z ) PARVE E. VANILLA MACAROONS ( 1 0 o z ) PARVE F. FRUIT DROPS ( 8 o z ) PARVE G. FRUIT SLICES ( 1 2 oz) PARVE H. DARK CHOCOLATE MATZO ( 1 0 oz) PARVE L PASSOVERASSORTMENT(6OZ)PARVE J. SEDER MINTS ( 6 o z ) PARVE K. RASPBERRY DAISIES(6 OZ) PARVE L. ALMOND BARK (5 oz) PARVE M. ALMOND KISSES ( 1 0 o z ) TIN, DAIRY N. MARSHMALLOW CUP (5 oz) DAIRY O. ALMOND BUTTER CRUNCH ( 5 . 5 o z ) DAIRY P. CONTINENTAL TRUFFLES ( 6 oz) DAIRY Q. MILK CHOCOLATE MATZO ( 1 0 oz) DAIRY R. CHOCOLATE DAISIES ( 6 oz) DAIRY S. T V MUNCH (5.5 o z ) DAIRY T. LOLLYCONES (2.5 oz) DAIRY U. CARAMEL NUT CLUSTERS ( 5 . 5 o z ) DAIRY V. MA NISHTANA BAG ( 6 o z ) DAIRY W. MILK BAR ( 2 . 5 o z ) DAIRY Name: Telephone #_ $2.25 8.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 6.25 11.50 12.50 11.50 10.00 10.00 8.50 14.50 8.50 10.00 12.50 12.50 10.00 10.00 4.75 10.00 7.50 2.25 C* O>? H oo m <N 2C CC 5 ^ oWn UJ < w- j O-C Qi. c This is our fifth Passover Fundraiser. You may either bring in, or mail this order form with your check made payable to Midbar Kodesh. All orders must be received by February, 13,2000. If you need more information, please call the Temple at 454-4848 A L L P R O C E E D S W I L L C O N T I N U E T O H E L P F U N D O U R R E L I G I O U S S C H O O L A N D O T H E R Y O U T H P R O G R A M S .