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I agree.Wharfage charge on water furnished vessels at l,$an Pedro, Aug* 1st, 1913* Mr, H, I , B e ttis, A u d i t o r , Dear s i r : - Answering your le t t e r of July 30th, 1913, on the above subject, and returning herewith copy of ordinance which you submitted, I have to advise 'that under this ordinance the Company w ill have to charge wharfage of fiv e cents per thousand gallons on a l l water delivered to vessels. This includes water delivered fo r use by the vessels themselves or for any other purpose, For water delivered to the vessels fo r their own use, the Company w ill have to charge in addition to the above wharfage charges, the rates fixed by the ordinance now in e ffe c t, (a copy of which, I understand, Mr,Jessup has). The Company w ill also have to charge the regular wharfage rates on commissary supplies, and i t is further obligatory to charge wharfage o f one cent per barrel on a l l o il handled over it s wharves to vessels fo r any purpose whatsoever. Trusting that this is su ffic ie n tly e x p lic it, 1 am, Yours very tru ly , C-M,