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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    6 SPECIALTIES ?√? EXECUTIVE SIFTS Iff SALES INCENTIVES ?√? PREMIUMS Mr* Thomas Shanahan Towns House Travel 1640 Monroe Dearborn S, Michigan Dear Toms A few weeks ago we finally got out to Las Vegas to take advantage of the prise that we won at the S.P.E.A. Las Vegas night* A1 Freeman and his secretary Arlene were most gracious with a wonderful room, good food, etc* It was just too bad that we only had time to stay the two days instead of the full three. We did not call on Towns House Travel for travel arrangements inasmuch as we drove out to Los Angeles to pick up our children who had been there all summer* 3 19-331 EAST CIV BOURN STREET MILWAUKEE 2. WISCONSIN REPLY TO: HAROLD L. SCHILLER REGIONAL OFFICE Kupper. Inc. 13337 FENKELL AVENUE DETROIT 27, MICHIGAN August 31,1962 BR 3-6444 Sincerely yours HLSjLMH Copy to Mr. A1 Freeman HAEOLD L. SCHILLER