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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, March 20, 1979






Includes meeting agenda and minutes with additional information about the mandatory athletic fee resolution. CSUN Session 7 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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uac000215. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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AGENDA SENATE MEETING it 37 March 20, 1979 Moyer Student Union Building Room 201 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes 1137 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Senate Task Force Presentation VI. Executive Board Nominations i \ VII. Committee Reports A. Elections Board B. Organizations Board C. Entertainment and Programming Board D. Appropriations Board E. Publications Board F. Bylaws Committee G. S.E.F. Conim.ittee VIII. Old Business A. M.A.F. ballot question Proposal (from Senate Directive; President White) B. Vacant Senate Seats 1. College of Education (2; nomination) IX. New Business A. CSUN Year-End Publication Proposal (Senator Haldeman, UC) B. Annotated Yell Petition Presentation (Dennis Berry) X. Open Discussion XI. Adjournment MINUTES SENATE MEETING tf 37 March 20, 1.979 Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 I. Call to Order The thirty-seventh meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was called to order by the Senate President at 4:01 p.m. in Lounge 203 of the Moyer Student Union Building. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance She1 lee Willden Phillip Jackson Peggy Racel Lise Wyman Kirk Voelcker Lorraine Alderman Joyce Bridges Bill llaldeman Pam Roberts Marie Ropell Byron B.lasco Carol Tarpley Nina Ross Scott Greene (excused late) Lisa Wolfbrandt "Skip" Ko1 Icy Jeff Wild Nick Santoro Danny Campbell Cindy Vannucci (excused late) Dave Craddock Joe Matvay Absent David Martinez DeAnn Turpen (excused) Scott Gonzalez Cindy Simia III. Approval of Minutes 1137 Shellee Willden noted a correction on Page No. 3 of Committee Reports where she corrected the Elections Board budget from $3,000 to $2,000. David Martinez noted that although he received an unexcused absence for the last Meeting, he had requested, approximately one week prior to the last Meeting, permission for absence. (Cindy Vannucci. arrived at 4:04 p.m. - excused.) There were no further corrections or comments about the Minutes of Senate Meeting "37, therefore, they stood approved. IV. Executive Board Announcements Faculty Senate Committee The Senate President .informed the Senate that the Faculty Senate has requested that those student representatives on the Faculty Senate Committees be reminded to please make a point to notify the Senate of major action that is coming up that may effect any of CSUN's area. Mardi Gras Budget Tim Ilerlosky announced that tomorrow he will have a budget for Mardi Gras, which will be a total of about $9,300. These will be in the Senate mailboxes tomorrow. V. Senate Task Force Presentation At this time the Senate Task Force Committee was not prepared to make a presentation, so with no objections they proceeded with the business until a time that they are prepared. Minutes - Senate Meeting If 37 March 20, 1979 Page 2 VI. Executive Board Nominations There were no Executive Board Nominations at this time. VII. Committee Reports At this time the Senate moved back to Executive Board Announcements due to the arrival of two of the Executive Board members. Executive Board Announcements Field Repair President White informed the Senate that he checked into the field repair of the softball field for Intramurals Softball. The money was sitting in the line item to be put into the field repair, but probably won't be done because of the budget cuts. Judicial Council Meeting President White announced that Dennis Cobb, Chief Justice, had asked him to announce that he and the Judicial Board will not tolerate any lobbying for any issues going to the Judicial Council. (Carol Tarplcy arrived at 4:09 p.m. - excused.) Fine Arts_ Department President White announced that Dr. Owen Knorr, head of statistics, will be in front of the Senate Finance Committee with the budget. lie and the Committee are looking for feedback from people that are not art or music majors, but have taken some classes in these areas. He would like these people to submit a written statement, to go up to Carson City, to testify the value of these classes to their education. The Fine Arts Department needs this support if a new Fine Arts Building is to be built. V. Senate Task Force Presentation At this time the Senate moved back into the Senate Task Force Presentation. (Dave Craddock arrived at 4:17 p.m. - excused.) Joe Matvay, Lisa Wolfbrandt, Joyce Bridges, and Marshal Willick made the presentation to the Senate. The Task Force visited three schools in California: University of California, Riverside, California State Los Angeles, and Long Beach State. The Task Force then presented the Senate with their findings. David Martinez informed the Senate that he would like to see a thank you sent to all of these schools. He was informed that this has already been done. Lisa Wolfbrandt informed the Senate that all information is available in the CSUN offices. At this time Lorraine Alderman moved for a five minute recess, and was seconded. A division of the house took place, and the motion passed with 16 in favor. The Meeting broke at 5:43 p.m. VII. Committee Reports The Meeting was called back to order at 5:51 p.m. A. Elections Board Minutes - Senate Meeting If 37 March 20, 1979 Page 3 Pam Roberts reacl the Minutes of the last Elections Board Meeting. There were no comments or corrections to the Minutes, so, they, therefore, stood approved. B. Organi. za ti ons Board Tim Ilerlosky announced that there was no Organizations Board Meeting .last week, but the next Meeting will be Thursday, March 22, at 3:00 p.m. and items for Matching Funds will be brought up. C. Entertainment and Programming Board Tim Ilerlosky announced that there was no Meeting last week, but there will be one at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow. He read the Minutes from the Meeting held two weeks ago, and there were no corrections or comments, so, they, therefore, stood approved. Mr. Ilerlosky further informed the Senate that tomorrow there would be a special noon time event with Theatre Exposed. On Friday night there would be a Galle Expose '79. lie further announced that Mard.i Gras sign ups are still being taken. A Blood Drive will be held on the 17 and 18 of April. He also announced that the Roast and Toast will probably be held in May and will probably be held on campus. This week's movie is "Eyes of Laura Mars." D. Appropriations Board The Senate postponed this item of business until John Hunt returned to the room to give the report. E. Publications Board The Senate postponed this item of business until John Hunt returned to the room to give the report. F. Bylaws Committee There was no report. D. Appropriations Board The Senate moved back into the report of the Appropriations Board due to the return of John Hunt. Mr. Hunt informed the Senate that: the Board did not meet, but supplied the Senate with some Financial Information. The three accounts that are in trouble currently, after all expenditures have been encumbered as of March 16, are General Expense which has $3,000 left unencumbered, the Activities Board has $14, 531.00 left unencumbered, and the Yell has under $4,000 left. He further announced that the Appropriations Board will be Meeting next Thursday for the proposed projected budget for next year. The Meeting will be at 3:30 p.m. E. Publications Board John Hunt announced that the Executive Board will be submitting some names this week for the Publications Board. G. Outstanding Senator Award Committee Meeting Lise Wyman read the Minutes of the last Outstanding Senator Award Committee Meeting. Much discussion took place on the criteria for the Outstanding Senator, and Kirk Voelcker informed the Senate that he felt that it was the duty of the Committee to come up with the criteria for the selection of the Outstanding Senator, and the Senate should move on with Minutes - Senate Meeting If 37 March 20, 1979 Page 4 the Agenda, and the Chair concurred. The Senate then proceeded with the Agenda. VIII. Old Business A. M.A.F. Ballot Question Proposal (from Senate Directive; President White) President White informed the Senate that he put together last year's Athletic Fee Question as it was written and took it to Bill Ireland to write a pro side and the Yell to write a con side and both of the arguments will be attached to the Ballot. See Attached for Ballot Question. Much discussion took place on this item, and Dave Craddock informed the Senate that the ballot question is full of enticements. Jeff Wild then moved to refer this matter to all students at UNLV in conjunction with the Union Board Flection and General Election to include graduate students as well as those not taking seven or more credits, and was seconded. Lisa Wolfbrandt then moved to amend the main motion so that it i.s stated at the top of the ballot that this is the same question that was voted upon last gear, and was seconded. Jeff Wild, maker of the main motion, accepted this as part of the main motion. (Cindy Vannucci left at 5:43 p.m. - unexcused.) Kirk Voelcker then called for the question, was seconded, and failed. Pam Roberts informed the Senate that she is thinking of the money aspect of this matter, and she suggested that the Senate allow the Elections Hoard to use their discretion as to the printing of the ballot to present to the voter. "Skip" Kelley then called for the question, was seconded, and passed. A vote was then taken on the main motion which was to include last year's ballot question, and stated on the top of the ballot that this is the exact same one that was used last year, and sufficient publication will be made. Bill Haldeman moved for a Roll Call vote, was seconded, and passed with 13 in favor. She1lee Will den Yes Joyce Bridges Yes Scott Greene Yes Phillip Jackson Yes Bill Haldeman Yes Lisa Wolfbrandt Yes Peggy Racel Yes Pam Roberts Yes "Skip" Kelley Yes Wyman Yes Marie Rope 1.1 Yes Jeff Wild Yes Kirk Voelcker Yes Byron Blasco Yes Nick Santoro Yes DeAnn Turpen Carol Tarpley Yes Danny Campbell Yes Lorraine Alderman Yes Nina Ross Yes Cindy Vannucci Dave Craddock Yes Joe Matvay Yes David Martinez Yes Scott Gonzalez Yes Cindy Sim.ia Yes The motion passed unanimously. o — (Scott Greene and David Martinez .left at 7:01 p.m. - excused.) B. Vacant Senate Seats 1. College of Education (2; nomination) Wyman nominated Monique Woodard. Jeff Wild then moved to keep nominations open, since two seats are open and he would like to see Minutes - Senate Mooting 1137 March 20, 1979 Pago 5 more people running, and was seconded. (This is a definite table until the next Meeting. ) Bill Ilaldeman then objected to the motion to table, was seconded by C.i.ncJy Simia, and failed. Peggy Racel then moved to amend the main motion to vote on one seat next week and then leave one seat open, and was seconded. Discussion took place, and Senator Wild incorporated the amendment as part of the main motion, and the second concurred. A vote was then taken on the main motion to close nominations on the one seat right now and leaving the other seat open for another week, a division of the house took place, and the motion passed with a majority of 12 in favor. Byron Blasco informed the Senate that in the issue of the Annotated Ycl1 they reported that Bruce Bayne resigned from the College of Science and Math. IX. New Business A. CSUN Year-End Publication Proposal (Senator Ilaldeman, UC) Bill Ilaldeman read to the Senate three proposals for the Year-End Publication. "Skip" Kelley then moved that the Senate go with Plan 113, and was seconded. Discussion took place, and Danny Campbell moved to refer this matter to the Appropriations Board and let them tell us how much money we should allocate towards this project, and was seconded. More discussion took place, and "Skip" Kelley called for the question, and was seconded. The call for the question passed with a 2/3rd's majority in favor. A vote was then taken on the main motion to refer this to the Appropriations Board, a division of the house took place, and the motion passed with 15 in favor, 5 opposed, and two abstentions. At this time Peggy Racel moved that the Senate move on with the Agenda, and was seconded. Bill Ilaldeman objected to the motion, was seconded, and failed. The Senate proceeded with the Agenda. B. Annotated Yell Petition Presentation (Dennis Berry) Bob Blaskeyfrom the Yell addressed the Senate andinformed them of some of their reasons for the petition directed towards the new Annotated Yell. He further informed the Senate that only 40% of. the Annotated Yell is written by the students, and 60% is written by the faculty. They received 1,143 student signatures on the petition. The petition read as follows: "We, the undersigned, feel that the Annotated Yell has dropped in quality and student representation in comparison to last year's Yell. We consider it a benefit for all to have Annotated Yell Editor Mike Navarro removed from office immediately and restore the Yell to its proper function: a student newspaper paid by and for the students of UNLV. Discussion took place, and Bob Blaskeyinformed the Senate of a compromise he would like to make with two journalism classes on campus, and a proposal that the entire project of the Yell could be taken over by these classes. These classes could put together the newspaper and they would be doing it without stipends. This is an option for the Senate, and if they would go with it, it could go into effect on April 1. He informed the Senate that this would not be breaking the line with the Communication Department and would also be getting out of some financial difficulties. Discussion took place and Minutes - Senate Meeting If 37 March 20, 1979 Page 6 Jeff Wild moved to refer the petition to the Election Hoard for verifi-cation of the names on the petition and table until this is done, and was seconded. More discussion took place and Joyce Bridges moved to object to the consideration of the motion to commit, and was seconded. The objection passed with 16 in favor. The Senate now moved back into discussion on the general topic. Carol Tarpley informed the Senate that she feels that we should change the format completely, but we really don't need to change editors because we put our trust in him when we voted him in. Danny Campbell then informed the Senate of his reasons why he feels Mike Navarro should be dismissed, and he then moved to dismiss Mike Navarro as editor of the Annotated Yel1, and the motion was ruled out of order. Senator Campbell then objected to the ruling of the Chair. Peggy Racel then called for the question, was seconded, and passed with 18 in favor. A vote was then taken on the appeal of the Chair, which failed with 8 in favor, 10 opposed, and two abstentions. The decision of the Chair was upheld. Joe Matvay then moved to place this on the Agenda next week for action, and was seconded by Byron Blasco. President White the moved to amend the main motioriso that a resolution goes out that reads: The CSUN Senate resolves the Annotated Yell retain the original format with one-haIf format campus news, one-half Annotated Yell, with the campus news being the cover. More discussion took place and Peggy Racel moved to divide the question and called for the question, and was seconded. The call for the question passed. A vote was then taken on the resolution which passed with two opposed, and two abstentions. The Senate now moved back into discussion to place this item on the next Agenda. Peggy Racel called for the question, was seconded, and passed with three opposed. A vote was then taken on the motion to put this item on the next Agenda for action and passed with 11 in favor, 9 opposed, and one abstention. John Hunt moved for the Senate to make a resolution asking the Library to keep the building open at least one of the week ends during spring break, and was seconded. Bill Haldeman called for the question, was seconded, and passed with one opposed. A vote was then taken on the resolution which passed unanimously. Joe Matvay noted that he would like to see the resolution state that this was a unanimous decision of this body. Danny Campbell then requested that the Senate ask Ron Deems to try to keep Library hours open during final exams week. John Hunt: then informed the Senate that it cost us last year about $2,000 to keep the Library open for extra hours. X. Open Discussion Lorraine Alderman informed the Senate that whenever there is discussion on the removal of an officer it is through the process of impeachment. An impeachment committee is formed and then they see if the facts are justifiable. She further informed the Senate that she feels it would be good if we had facts next week to see if Mr. Navarro has not done his job. Minutes - March 20, Senate Meeting 1137 1979 Page 7 Jeff Wild then delivered the following speech to the Senate, and requested that this item be put on next week's Agenda: "Last week one member of the university community referred to another member of that community as a 'jackass.' You're probably thinking 'Well, so what? I've hear worse.' Well, I'll tell you so what. "What if the person doing the name calling were a Ph.D. — a member of the faculty, and the person to whom the name calling was directed were a student. If so, then this simple act of name calling takes on some salience to us all since we are all students. "What: if the person doing the name calling had asked the student a favor and the student denied the request. Then we begin to see the name called as an example of what might be called 'poor sportsmanship' — an immature and inappropriate response to frustration. "What is the person being called a jackass were an elected representative of the students and was being called a jackass because he denied the faculty member's request in order to protect the interests of the students he represented? "Well, the truth of the matter is that Dr. A1 Johns of the Political Science Department called C.S.U.N. President Chuck White a jackass in last weeks edition of the 'The Annotated Yell' (Vol. 24, Issue no. 6) because President White vetoed the Senate's allocation of $400.00 for Dr. Johns' group's trip to Carson City. "This particular act of name called upsets me — and it should upset you, for a number of reasons, but the most important of these reasons is this: as students we have a special relationship with the faculty. We have charged them with the responsibility of molding us into professionals in our chosen fields. Inherent in this responsibility is that the faculty provide an example for our behavior in the academic community. For an instructor to display such a lack of judgement erodes the credibility of the faculty, demoralizes all students and indicts the community as a whole. "I won't stand for it! I demand an apology to President White, to the Senate, to C.S.U.N, and to every student on this campus. I am outraged and demand retribution! If no apology is forthcoming, then I insist that the student representatives in the Political Science Department vote to deny Dr. Johns' tenure because he has failed grossly 'to promote excellence in educational standards' — a principle set forth in the Preamble of the C.S.U.N. Constitution." President White informed the Senate that he has made a complaint to the Ethics Committee about Dr. Johns. Carol 'l'arpley informed the Senate that she feels that the spectators that come into this room should grant the Senate the courtesy to be quiet during business, so the Senate can get on with their business and if they aren't quiet they should be asked to leave the room. Minutes - Senate Meeting If 37 March 20, 1979 Page 8 Bill Haldeman then informed the Senate that he wasn't asked those questions which the members of the Yell staff stated that they had asked those people who signed the petition. He also informed the Senate that firing the editor is not justifiable at this time. He also feels that we should draft suggestions first, then action could be taken. It was aksed of the Senate President to ask Ron Deems to look into alternative funding for the overtime hours of the Library during finals week. XI. Adjournment Danny Campbell moved to adjourn, and was seconded. A division of the house took place, and the motion passed with 11 in favor, 6 opposed, and three abstentions. The thirty-seventh meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate adjourned at 9:52 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: Respectfully prepared by: Marshal S. Willick Senate President Rene Bernier Senate Secretary MANDATORY ATHLETIC FEE RESOLUTION Do you favor instituting an athletic fee at $2 per credit with the understanding that students carrying seven credits or will be able to purchase football and basketball, tickets for $1 per game? It is understood that student sections will be established in both football and basketball: (A) The 3500-4000 seats in football will be between the End Zone and the 50 y^jird line, and sold as season tickets, as well as on a per-game basis. (B) The 780 balcony basketball seats will include Section 4 thru 12, excluding the loge. The 220 floor seats will be available in Sections "A" and "D". All 1000 tickets will be distributed on a per-game basis. It is also understood that when a new basketball arena is constructed, there will be a substantial, .increase in student seating, along with a better location of student seating. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS 4o05 Maryland Parkway Las Vagas. Nevada 83154. Telsphons (702) 733-3477 April 7, 1973 To: Bill Ireland, Director of Athletics 'V"".?\ From: R. Scott Lorenz, CSUM Presiden^V^/ Re: Resolution athletic Fee £ Student Seating Do you favor instituting an athletic See at $2.00 per credit with the understanding that students carrying six (5) credits or more will aole to purchase football and basketball tickets for $1.00 per ga-e?" I* i? ^?e rft ofd t h a t sections will be established in both i ct and baskefcbai1'- Th2 Soats in football will be between" tt> 35 and 50 yard l.ine and sold as season tickets. The basketball seats'will be be,ween section 4 and 11 from"the floor to the too tr- arer- " ' excluding the" loge, and will be distributed on a pe/game basis-,'"' ' It is also understood that whan a new basketball arena is constructed a substantial increase in student seating will become available, ' \®IB » 26'I,lurch 1979 Doctor Johns, Enclosed is the; text of a speach that I delivered to the C.S.U.N. Senate on Tuesday 20 "larch 1979. J- intend 'to foliov/ through "by introducing a resolution at the next Senate meeting (27 March 1979; condemning your remarks concerning uharles Y/hite and C.S.U.H. and asking for a formal apology to Charles White, U.S.U.N., and the entire student "body at U.N.L.V, Since delivering the speech, I've learned that your de-partment has no student representatives» Nevertheless, there are effective methods of achieving the same results on the Departmental level or on the Faculty level.; Ethical problems of this sort always figure "badly into the consideration of promotion, tenure and retirementa I"m sure that you realize that you've made a mistake — we are all human,1 and I sincerely wish to get this tiling ove-sr and done with.' You have done a great disservice to our community, however., and an apology which is as public as your statements is necessary to redress that disservice* I"11 oe sending you a copy of the resolution which I am presenting to the C,S.U.N. Senate and the results of its con-federation of the resolution within a few days, f Arts and Letters Peace and--Love, Jeif• V/lid, C.S.U.N. Senate Last Week one ..lstober of the University Community referred •to another member of that community as a "Jackass/'' You're orobably thinking "well, so what? I've heard worse." Wall, i M l tell you what. •what if the person doing the name calling were a PhD. — a member of the faculty, and the person to whom the name calling vie re directed w as a students If so, then this simple act of name calling takes on some salience t<» us all since we are all students, What if the person doing the name calling had asked the student for a favor and the student denied the request? Then we begin to see the name calling as an example of what might be called "poor sportsmanship" — an .immature and inappropriate response to frustration,' What if the person being called a jackass were an elected representative of the students and was being called a jackass because he denied the faculty member's renuest In order to protect the interests of the students he represents? Well the truth of the matter is that Dr. .AX Johns of the Political Science Department called C.S.U.N. President "Chuck" White a jackass in last week's edition of the "Annotated Yell" (Vol., 6), because President White vetoed the Senate's allocation of §400.00 for Dr. Johns' grouo's trio to Carson City. This particular act of name calling upsets me —• and it should upset you, for a number of reasons, but the most import-ant of these reasons is thisj as students we have a special relationship with the faculty, We have charged them with the responsibility of molding us into professionals in our chosen fields. Inherent to this responsibility is that the faculty provide an example for our behavior in the academic community,, For an instructor to display such a lack of judgement, as did Dr. Johns, erodes the credibility of the faculty,, demoralises all students and indicts the Community as a whole. I won' c stand for it ! I demand an apolgy to President white, "bo the Senate, 'bo C.S. U.Ii. and to every student on this campus.: I am outraged arxl demand retribution! If no apology is forthcoming, then I insist that the student representatives in the Political Science De >artment vote to deny Dr. Johns* tenure because he has failed grossly "to promote excellence in educational standards" — a principle set forth in the Preamble of the C,S.U.N. Constitution.1 c„c j Andrew C„ Tuttle John C. Unrue Robert E. Glennen Charles. White : marshal Williclc Rene Dernier John Hunt Tin Herloslcy • "Skip" Kelley