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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr. Calvin M. Cory Page 2 January 7, 1952 remembered that our application was filed, as I recall it, in July and apparently it was not until December that there was any slack in building permits. Possibly it might be well to develop this information to use in rebuttal to the contention of the city that we have throttled the growth of the City. Maybe a comparison of the first six months of 1951 and the last six months would be illuminating. Incidentally, I sent you a notice recently that you were supposed to report for a physical examination sometime in January. Maybe you could arrange to have that examination sometime the week of the 14th, this month, and we could talk over this case prior to our meeting with the various witnesses on Monday, Jan. 21st If you do plan to come in, be sure to let me know so I can arrange to be in the office.