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M h i Form 30-2 C. S. S-29-30.000-U SHEET_ _OF_ .SHEETS WORK ORDER AUTHORITY—Detail of Estimated Credits Las Tfrgos Land and fmter Land -DEPARTMENT Xmia -DIVISION Baeemfoer 30, .19 20 LOCATION: ^ %ga® , description: j^ire var i0usi parcels of land deeded Clark County l©ard of a^errisor®, ftr* ley Murtia* f ill lam 9. |«% Consolidated *«?** i Telepteig Cosipany, City ®f Im Tegaa, First State Bank, ,Q» P» 3683*» J» &» taravsy et al.t period lay 1905 to iogaot 1926. AM'8^ Ifeyada_ 137 STATE- VALUATION SECTION NO- DEPARTMENT IT NO.. 1645 ACCT. NO. DESCRIPTION lead la ©look 91* adjoining dnkts to Togas fowasite doodad to Board Of Education * M 1293, date of entry Juno 1914 Betireraest of land sold to Peter Bool - M 1196, July 1914 Btetlrsnent #f land deeded to City of Las Tegas tm duB$> ground * M 15$9 f February 1913 Betlreraant of land sold to Oraiaer* M mi, fey 1919 Sotiroiaent of land sold to First Bank of Las 7©gsn * M mm* $wm 1921 donated to Clark County for Fair Sr©nnd, M 2412, July 1922 Retirement of land, sold to . 0# Boggs* M 2469, July 1922 Betfxeaent of land sold to J. 1. Lararoy, M 2612, Boo, 1923 QUANTITY UNIT ;iooo.< 77.1 UNIT COST LABOR MATERIAL OR Transportation CHARGES fMp* d B® iron Jyseuat 2.755 n.s? ma.03 0.015 •96 £1.43 3. 160.16 25.13 0.361 vt.n *24 26,860 963.41 &&42I2: && W9w&+ww 31.515 1032.04 493.37 4,369 u**m 63.66 *241 6.09 3.76 Estimated Credit to “Reserve for Property to be Retired” Estimated Credit to “Property Retired and Not to be Replaced” Estimated Credit to “Equipment Retired from Service” - Estimated Credit to_______________________»_______________________ Estimated Credit to “Donations” or “Grants in Aid of Construction” TOTAL Estimate By_ Date_ 1 9 - Approved- . Approved.