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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, June 10, 1980






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 10 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000246. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    AGENDA SENATE MEETING #5 June 10, 1980 Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #4 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations A. Entertainment and Programming Board 1. Radford Smith, Chairman VI. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board B. Ad Hoc Fee Investigation Committee C. Ad Hoc Committee Reports VII. Old Business A. Vacant Senate Seat-Science, Math & Engineering (vote) 1 . Joe Petrizzo VIII. New Business A. May Stipend-Lise Wyman (Action item) B. Vacant Senate Seats (nominations) 1. Business & Economics (1) 2. University College (2) C. Ad Hoc Dorm Relations Board IX. Open Discussion X. Adj ournment CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 MINUTES SENATE MEETING #5 June 10, 1980 Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 I. Call to Order The fifth meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by the Senate President II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Scott Karosa Rick Oshinski Dorothy Halpin Mike Taylor McGarry Skip Kelley Dale Uulen Ray Corbett Sandy Williams Claire Dowell Howard Reign Derrek Yelton David Martinez Denise Rajnovich Lisa Rollins Kelly Campbell-absent excused. III. Approval of Minutes If 5 Senate President Burzinski corrected Radio Board that John Wennstrom reports to the Vice-President of Educational Services. Also the Appropriations Board meeting was held in the Moyer Student Union Building. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes of Senate Meeting 114 stood approved as corrected. Senator Karosa moved to suspend with the rules and move down to Old Business item A. The motion was seconded. Discussion took place. Senator Karosa felt that it was appropriate to give the College of Science, Math & Engineering a vote right away. There was a call for the question which was seconded, and passed with fourteen in favor and two opposed. The vote on the main motion passed unanimously. VII. Old Business A. Vote on Science, Math & Engineering Senate Seat Joe Petrizzo who was the candidate spoke briefly before the Senate before the vote. He gave the Senate some of the reasons of why he believed he could do a good job on the Senate. Joe Petrizzo felt that he could keep an open mind on issues brought up before the Senate. Senator Kelley moved to approve by secret ballot the motion was seconded. The motion passed with fourteen in favor and two opposed. Joe Petrizzo was vote on unanimously. Senate President Burzinski asked him to take a seat at the Senate table as a Senator. Senate Meeting it 5 June 10, 1980 Page 2 IV. Executive Board Announcements A. Senate President Announcements Senate President Burzinski reminded the Senators about the Senate I.D. cards. Pictures will be taken at the I.D. booth betwenn 11:30- 12:30 p.m. Also, please add the the agenda under committee reports item D. Radio Board. B. Student Discount Cards Presdi ent Chanos that the University would be receiving Student Discount cards to be distributed throughout the year. 20,000 cards will be distributed during registration. C. Las Vegas SUN Brain Grennspun asked President Chanos to write a column in the Las Vegas SUN newspaper. George stated that this columns intent was to represent the students, thoughts, values, and beliefs. The column will take stands on issues. D. Easter Seals President Chanos is working with the Easter Seals Society about the traffic si tutation concerning the handicapp. A letter was sent to Regent Cashell considering the installment of an over-head flashing school zone signal and pedistrian crossing in opposition of a-'traffic light. Also there was mention of Easter Seals and CSUN bringing in the Charlie Daniels Band. E. Fee Re-Structu ring Committee President Chanos announced to the committee that he apologized for not attending the meeting he had scheduled. However, he announced that three letters have been sent. Two to the Regents secretary and one to Regent McBride asking for information before the June 27 Board of Regents meeting. F. Entertainment and Programming Board Nomination President Chanos gave his opinion of Radford Smith as the Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman. He felt Radford has the potential to to the job and endorses him highly. He talked about a 6 month trial basis. He urged to the Senate to understand the importance of the nomination of Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman. G. Bike Committee Vice-Presi dent Reyes announced that Claude Warren would be speaking to the Senate under open discussion concerning the committee. The committee would be concerned with the education of bicycles and their security. H. Law-School Vice-President Reyes announced that the studyjhad been completed concerning the law school in the state of Nevada. The results were negative. However, she would like to see a committee formed to investigate further. Senate Meeting 115 June 10, 1980 Page 3 I. Re solutions Senate President Burzinski announced to the Senate the letter for Senator Cannon concerning the Draft Resolution. And announced that the Club Days Resolution, and Red Rock Resolution were sent out, and responses should be coming back soon. V. Executive Board Nominations A. Entertainment and Programming Board, Radford Smith Chairman Senator Martinez moved to let Radford Smith speak to the Senate;after he • spoke there would be a brief question answer period. The motion was seconded. Discussion took place. Senator Kelley moved to amend the main motion following Senator's Martinez question-answer period to have a move to approve including a personnel session. The amendment was seconded. Discussion took place. President Chanos remarked that Radford Smith should be allowed to remain in the room and all times. There was a motion to amend the amendment to have a 10 minute recess after the question answer period. Discussion took place on the amendment to the amendment to the main motion. There was a call for the question on the amendment to the amendment which passed unanimously. The vote was taken on the 10 minute recess which passed with twelve in favor and three opposed, and one abstention. The Senate went back into discussion on the amendment o£ the main motion to approve with a personnel session. Senator Kelley called for the question which passed with fourteen in favor and two opposed. The amendment tied with eight in favor and eight opposed. Senate President Burzinski placed his vote to oppose the amendment which caused it to fail. Therefore, the amendment to the amendment was no longer effective. Discussion took place on the main motion to let Radford Smith speak, following a question answer period. There was a call for the question which passed unanimously. Vote on the main motion passed unanimously. • i Radford Smith addressed the Senate expressing his ideas concerning Entertainment and Programming Board. He stressed on the fact that a majority of the CSUN students voted for a change this year and he represents that change. He also s tressed that experience is not the only factor. His program dealt-: with mostly better promotion with an emphasis on concerts and speakers. The Senators were then able to ask Radford question concerning his program and experience. Senator Kelley moved for a 10 minute recess the motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Senate President Burzinski called the meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate back to order at 6:30 p.m. President Chanos moved to approve Radford Smith as Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman the motion was seconded. Senator Oshinski moved for a point of personal privilege to have a secret ballot the motion was seconded. Discussion took place. Senator Corbett called for the question. The motion was seconded and passed with twelve in favor and four opposed. The vote was taken on the main motion to approve Radford Smithf by the use of the secret ballot. Radford Smith was voted -on as the Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman with ten in favor and six opposed. Senate Meeting #5 June 10, 1980 Page 4 Dave Gist spoke briefly to the Senate recapping his administration as Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman. lie also expressed all the responsibility that the Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman has to the students of UNLV. Denise Rajnoivch left at 7:15 p.m. Senate President Burz.inski reminded the Senate that the power and responsibility is given to the Senate. VI. Committee Reports A. Approriations Board Chairman, David Martinez, read the minutes of the Appropriations Board. He announced that the board is getting ready to form in to sub-committees Senator Kelley moved to approve the motion was seconded. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved as read. There will be a meeting tommorrow at 4:00 p.m. in the Moyer Student Union Conference room. B. Fee Resturcturing Committee Vice-President Reyes read the minutes of the informal meeting held on June 6. Fees for the Radio board and Entertainment and Programming Board were discussed. There will be a meeting Friday at 1:00 p.m. C. Radio Board Acting Chairman, Dale Hulen, read the minutes of the Radio Board. It was announced that the call letters of KULV would be changed to KUNV. Sena tor Karosa moved to approve the motion was seconded. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved as read. The next meeting will be Monday at 2:30 p.m. 1. Location of KUNV Studios and Offices John Wennstrom discussed the location with the Senate. Senator Hulen moved to approve the plans as presented to give the Radio Station the 144' of the "Yell" office and the vacant hall-way in the Student Union. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 2. FY-7 9-80 Budget John Wennstrom explained to the Senate that the money needed to be approved by June 15 for the prices to remain the same for the transmitter bid. Senator Hulen moved to approve a $23,500.00 budget increase and transfer of funds to the 901 CSUN Radio Station account from the 906 CSUN contingency account for the 1979-80 fiscal year. The motion was seconded. Senator Karosa called for the question seconded and passed unanimously. The vote on the main motion passed with fourteen in favor and one abstention. VIII. New Business A. May Stipend Lise Wyman Senate President Burzinski passed the gavel ° Senate Presdient Pro Tempore Kelley and spoke about the reason for the stipend of Lise Wyman. He remarked the Lise had caused nothing but trouble. She was not present to during the month of May to help the new Vice-President Susana Reyes. Therefore, the Executive Board of 1980-81 saw it fit to give her $1. Senator Hulen moved to endorse the action of the Executive Board the motion was seconded and passed unanimous.!,,. Senate Meeting ft 5 June 10, 19 80 Page 5 B. Vacant Seante Seats 1. Col lege of Business and Economics (1) Senator Martinez nomi nated Ron Deems the motion was seconded. 2. University College (2) Senator Oshinski nominated Tom Foskaris the motion was seconded. Nominations will remain open until the next Senate Meeting. C. Ad Hoc Dorm Relations Board Senator Oshinski stated that there is a lot of work to he done and wants the input of many people. Senator Oshinski moved to form an Ad Hoc Dorm Relations Board the motion was seconded and passed unanimously. IX. Open Discussion Senator Corhett requested that next week an extension of Dave Gist stipend for the month of June to help Radford Smith. Senate President Burzinski thanked members of the gallery for staying through the entire Senate Meeting. Danny Campbell thanked Dave Gist for a job well done during his administration as CSUN President 1979-80. Senator Hulen moved to give Dave Gist a Done Good award for a job well done the motion passed unanimous 1y. Senator Kelley moved to adjourn the motion was seconded and passed with twelve in favor, 3 opposed and 1 abstention. Dave Gist gave a few closing remarks to the Senate and let them know he is always willing to help. X. Adjournment The fifth meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. by Senate President Burzinski. Respectfully Submitted by, Respectfully Prepared by, Martin J. Durzinski Senate President Robin S ta r1i n Senate Secretary