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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, April 1991



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2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 Ruth Fite, Executive Director Jeanne Schomaker, School Principal Terri Herman, Bulletin Editor April 1991 Nisan - lyar 5751 Sanford D. Akselrod, Rabbi Eileen Kollins, President SCHEDULE OF SERVICES YOM HASHOA SERVICE Friday, April 5 10:00 a.m. YISKOR SERVICE OFFICE CLOSED 8:00 p.m. Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Oneg Sponsored by Sisterhood Friday, April 12 8:00 p.m. Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Baby Naming of Amy & Madison Levine Guest Singer ?Renee Campos? Ipneg Sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Ira Rievine in honor of their son Steven's Bar Mitzvah on April 20th at 10:00 a.m. Friday, April 19 6:00 p.m. 2nd Grade Shabbat Dinner *7:30 p.m. Services Conducted by Rabbi Akeslrad Oneg Sponsored by 2nd grade and Mr. & Mrs. Larry Schwartz Friday, April 26 8:00 p.m. Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Adult Choir Performing Oneg Sponsored by Dr. Larry & Dr. Marlyn Lehrner in honor of their daughter Stephanie's Bat Mitzvah on April 27th at 10:00 a.m. *Please note time change of Services Never Again: Service Memorializes Victims of Holocaust Another Holocaust must never be allowed to happen. This is the principle of Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. People worldwide observe Yom Hashoah and set aside this day to memorialize the lives of the 6 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews who perished in the Nazi concentra?tion camps, in the Nazi?s gas chambers and crematories. This annual observance seeks to remind all people of the dangers of bigotry and indifference to evil. Yom Hashoah falls this year on April 11. To commemorate this day, the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas along with six local Synagogues will be holding its annual community-wide Holocaust Memorial Service at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 11, at Congregation Ner Tamid, 2761 Emerson Ave. Chairman Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad of Congregation Ner Tamid points out that while there are obvious religious aspects to such a day, it is not a religious observance as such. The date, internationally recognized, comes from the Hebrew calender and corresponds to the 27th of the month of Nissan on that calendar. This is the date Israel has set aside to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust. In Hebrew, Holocaust Remembrance Day is called Yom Hashoah. Rabbi Akselrad comes to the chairmanship of this year?s Service with renewed incite. Last year, Rabbi Akselrad was part of a nation-wide delegation of Rabbi?s who visited Poland. The purpose of the trip was to renew ties with the remnants of the Jewish community still living in Poland estimated at some 5,000 Jews. In addition, Rabbi Akselrad visited several concentration camps including Auschwitz and Treblinka. In referring to this year?s Yom Hashoah Service, Rabbi Akselrad noted, ?Having seen for myself the vestiges of Man?s inhumanity to Man, it is still difficult to believe. I can only hope and pray that such an annual observance shared by Jews and Non-Jews alike will encourage us to work together for the betterment of all peoples.? (cont. story on page 4) YAHRZEITS April 5th David M. Wanderer Abraham Siegel Wolf Reichel William Wulfstat Belle Goldberg Bernard Ohriner Rose Kraskne Ross April Kate S 12th i Silber Bernard Woodland Hal Fein Ruth Miller Meyer Itzkowitz Herman Markowitz Stern April 19th Jennie Canes Rabin Dora Nathanson Pauline Rosenblum Sidney Peltyn Nathaniel Chaiken Isidore Grant April 26th A1 Liebman Hannah Nirke Joseph Unger Augusta Sternberg Herman Wishnak Isadore Wexler Rose Kogon Sarah PitcherCongregation Ner Tamid Rabbi?s Message The war is over. As of this writing it seems that all of our soldiers are accounted for and many are on their return home. A job well done! Now comes the next difficult task: building the peace. The next few months and years will tell a history of the Middle East. With Iraq?s military might all but gone... with the high cost of war vivid in the minds of millions around the globe, who knows, maybe the Arabs will give peace a chance. Even so, the scenarios are endless and the pressure to be put on Israel will be very great. Though Israel stayed her hand during the Gulf conflict (at a very high price, and a very high risk) it is difficult to determine what benefits, if any, Israel will reap. To be sure, Israel?s stature has risen. Her relationship with America is now at an all time high. And with Iraq out of the picture, threats to her security are greatly reduced. These are tangible important benefits. Yet, Israel faces growing unemployment, and millions of new Soviet immigrants who will undoubtable be taking jobs held by Palestinians. Tensions will surely rise. Moreover, aid to Israel might actually decrease in real dollars because America will argue that Israel?s security is now safer than ever before. We must be wary though. Peace can not be imposed. And one cannot gainsay the the threat of Syria to Israel?s and America?s vital interests. It was all but too late when the world woke up to the evil of Saddam Hussein. Let us pray that we will not be so naive when it comes to Syria?s President Assad who is just as ruthless, just as dictatorial, and just as lustful for territorial acquisition as Saddam Hussein. Even as we cheer the victory of our men and women in the armed services, let us hope that the politicians can be just as determined and inciteful in shaping the peace. We do not want to fight the same war twice. Once was more than enough. BAR MITZVAH Steven Schwartz attends Cashman Jr. High and he is in 7th grade. His hobbies are drawing and playing Nintendo. He also en?joys camping and water sports. He would like to become an Architect. Steven?s Bar Mitzvah will be on Saturday, April 20th at 10:00 a.m. B?shalom, Sanford D. Akselrod Rabbi Welcome New Members We are starling a new column to welcome our newest members to Congregation Ner Tamid. Sfevert, Lisa, & Eric Weissman Arthur & Judith Liebert President's Message Dear Congregants March was a busy and productive month for Ner Tamid. A special thank you to all who helped with our many events - our Purim services and carnival, cantor Harold Ohrbach in Concert, the NTTY service, the Model Seder co?sponsored by the Jewish Family Service, the Jewish War Veterans Sabbath, and of course our wonderful Passover Seder, without the leadership of our Rabbi and members in planning and executing these events as well as the interest and loyalty of our congregation in attending, we would not have had the great month we did. A highlight of the month was a wonderful tzedakah project completed. Generous members donated shampoo, soap, towels, etc. Dee Smith of the Mirage Hotel was able to facilitate a very generous contribution of eleven cases of shampoo, conditioner, and hand lotion from Elaine Wynn. Sister Klaryta, active on behalf of refugees as well as the homeless has passed on these gifts to the Friendship Corner. She was very appreciative and indicated just how important our mitzvah is to those truly in need. Thanks to all who were instrumental in this endeavor. Coming events are equally important. Join us for the community - wide Yom Ha-Shoa service at Ner Tamid on April 11th. Don?t forget the Sisterhood Square Dance. Our goods and services auction is May 11th. Please call the temple to let us know the merchandise or service you can donate. Remember we are receptive to any suggestions you have to make our temple meet your needs. I hope you and your family have a happy and healthy spring and that you come often to Shabbat services and our special events. Sincerely, Eileen C.N.T. President r Page 2 Congregation Ner Tamid BAT MITZVAH Stephanie Lehrner is celebrat?ing her Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, April 27th at 10:00 a.m. Stephanie, a Texas native, has lived in Las Vegas for six years. She is an honor student at Cannon Junior High School. Her interests include: competitive swim?ming, music, and cooking. Stephanie is the daughter of Larry & Marilyn Lehrner. New Voices!!! If you enjoy singing... the Temple Adult Choir always welcomes new voices. Just show up for practice Monday nights at 7 p.m.. If you have any questions, call Shirley & Art Gellin at 457-6320' GUEST CANTOIAL SOLOIST... RENEE' CAMPOS The Temple is pleased to have the talented guest soloist ?Renee? Campos? visit Ner Tamid for our services on April 12th. Renee? was born in Cleveland, Ohio and raised in California. She has been a profes?sional entertainer for 20 years, and has used her talents in 36 Broadway Musicals, in Night Clubs, as Director of Children?s Plays in LA., as a Consultant and Music Director for Community Theater in Chicago, as Soloist for Valley Beth Shalom Temple Choir in Encino, California, and as Cantorial Soloist for High Holidays at Shir Chadash New Reform Temple in Woodland Hills, California. Renee? has always had a love of Jewish Liturgy, and says, ?I?ve always felt, since childhood, that I would be led towards cantoring. It brings me great joy and, I hope, my singing brings others the same feelings.? She sang and did comedy for many years with her husband Philip who died 3 1/2 years ago. She has 4 ?incredible? children: Ted (16), Bonnie (13), Lonny (10), and Benjamin (6). We look forward to a good turn-out at services for Renee?s exceptional singing. Yiskor - Passover 1991 April 22,1990-April 5,1991 William Ackerman David Asner A1 Baron Mortimer Benisch Louis Letizia Bernard Levine Rose Levine Harry Levy Jeffrey David Berger Lawrence A. Lewin Henry Blair Lorraine Borukh Eveylyn Bycher Harold Carter Benjamin Cincinatus Ada Chaiken Leon DeFaine Jack Edlow Rudolph Elman William Eskin Tress Garfield Joseph Geier Samuel Gellin Ruth Getzell Joseph David Glyman Helen Goldberg Bent Gorosch Lyndl Gorosch Jon Gousdavas Harry Greenberg May Greenwald Gertrude Guberman Fannie Havison Rose Herman Max Heyman Sydelle Hirsch Ethelle Hoffer Frank Hoffer Reed Jacober Robert Johnson Sol Kaminsky Emily Kenner Ruth Kleban Lyia Kotik Irma Kyle Alfred Landsberg Mel Lane Marian Layton Sidney Lewis Ruth Lipman Faye Mandel Lottie Marco Louise Matloff Danny Matter Peggy Potter Bertha Rosenthal Philip Rosenthal Mary Rubinfeld Irving ?Jim? Ring Molly Ruden Blanche Ryder Elaine Sassoon Mike Schall Louis Schindler Shirley Schecter Marvin Sedway Stuart Segal Murray Shaw Penny Sheer Daniel Silverman Dr. David Simon Nathan Simons Bobbie Sperling Sid Stern Fannie Strauss Fannie Sussman Rene Swartz Clara Tepper Harvey Victorson Lenora Victorson George Vinnik Pearl Weinstein Julius Weitzman Adele Welch Irving Wender Frieda Zabinofsky Traditionally during Passover we re?call loved ones who have died during the past year. Please let our office know if you wish the name of a loved one to be added to our Yiskor list. Pacre 3Congregation Ner Tamid YOM HASHOA SERVICE (cont. from page 1) The Guest Speaker for the evening will be Dr. Carlos Rizowy, Ph.D., J.D., a son of Holocaust survivors, a prominent practicing attorney in Chicago, a university professor, and an authority on in?ternational relations. According to Federation Ex?ecutive Director Norman Kaufman who has heard Dr. Rizowy speak, ?You will see, hear and be stirred by one of the most motivational speakers of our time.? Dr. Rizowy?s blend of legal and academic understanding, with his experience in Israel, his native Uruguay, and as a noted interna?tional speaker, provides an un?usually sharp focus on the realities of present trends in political life. His ability to provide creative insight, and his facility for seeing the grand design amidst a tumult of details enable him to synthesize the mounting data into a under?standable analysis that inspires his audience. The service is free and open to the public. Parents are urged to bring their interested teenagers. More information may be obtained by calling the Federation Office at 732-0556. The Jewish Federation of Las Vegas is the Jewish community?s umbrella organization where community priorities are devel?oped. The Federation allocates and coordinates services in re?sponse to local needs and repre?sents the voice of the organized Jewish Community. The Federation is a way of working together voluntarily, in order to achieve certain accepted Jewish communal objectives re?quiring joint planning and action. SAVE THIS DATE!!! ISRAEL INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION... This year's Israeli Independence Day Celebration is set for: Sunday, April 21st, 1991. It will be held at the Sands Hotel and Casino in the Main Ballroom from: 12:00 noon until 4:00 p.m. with opening ceremonies starting at 1:00 p.m.. Mark your calendars now and start getting in shape, because this year's Walk-A-Thon is going to blow you awayI Those participation in the Walk-A-Thon will meet in the Sands Foyer of the Ballroom at 10:00 a.m. Sources say the route will be a little longer than the past few years and some surprises are in store for all. If you are interested in participating as a group, contact Jack Schuster (658-2090) or Bill Feldman (732-0304). We hope to see you there! LIFE CYCLES & JEWISH ETIQUETTE? Would you like to know more about Jewish life-cycle customs? Do you understand Jewish wed?ding traditions? Do you know what to say and do when someone is mourn?ing? Do you know about Brit and baby-naming customs????? WELL NOW YOU CAN! The very successful Outreach pro?gram at Ner Tamid is presenting ?Life Cycles & Etiquette? on Sunday, April 14th at 6:30 p.m. in the Temple social hall. Find out all the answers to your questions at the next Outreach event. Baby-sitting will be available to parents who call in their reservations to the Temple office - 733-6292. The Out?reach Program is co-sponsored by Congregation Ner Tamid and Jewish Family Services and is open to the public. Page 4 FORUMS TO BRING LOCAL RELIGIONS TOGETHER Congregation Ner Tamid Because there is such a need for programs of this kind, we are delighted to be hosting the first of 199 l?s Inter?religious Forums. The program is titled ?What We Believe: A Step Toward Mutual Understanding.? The series of five Sunday evening discussions will begin at 7:00 p.m. at Congregation Ner Tamid on Sunday, April 21st. The series will bring to?gether religious leaders from Juda?ism, Christianity (Protestants, Catholics, and Mormons), Islam, Hin?duism, and Buddhism & the Bahai Faith to discuss topics selected by NCCJ?s Interreligious Council and individuals who attended 1990?s forums. This year?s topics include ex?plorations of the religions... Teachings Concerning Creation (April 21), The Role of Women (May 5), Marriage and Divorce (May 19), and The Suffering of the Righteous (June 2). A fifth ?Open Forum? (June 9) is slated to give individuals an opportunity to ask panelists any questions they wish. The 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. forum format includes a 5-7 minute presen?tation by each panelist, moderated questions and answers, and a social portion in which those attending can become acquainted and talk on a per?sonal basis. The hosting Congregation provides refreshments. The five programs will be held (in order) at Congregation Ner Tamid, The LDS Institute, St. John?s Greek Orthodox Church, University Methodist Church, and Christ the King Roman Catholic Community. Speakers at the first Forum at which creation and related beliefs con?cerning the role of Science and Religion will be discussed include Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, Congregation Ner Tamid; Father Patrick Leary, UNLV Center for Religion and Life; Wendell Gray, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; Mujahid Ramadan, Masjid Muhannad of Las Vegas; Bhagwan Singh, UNLV Professor of Philosophy; and Eileen Norman, Baha?is of Carlsbad. The moderator will be Aleda Nelson, project chairman and NCCJ Board Member. The program is free and open to the public. To reserve a seat or for additional information, contact the National Conference of Christians and Jews at 458-1600. Megillah Donated to Temple The Temple would like to give its sincerest thanks to The Bossak family for the recent donation of their families Megillah. The Temple did not have this traditional story of Esther to read at Purim until this year. The Megillah was purchased at Mt. Skopus in Israel in the summer of 1964 by Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Bossak while they, and their children, were visiting Israel. Samuel Bossak was attracted to the Megillah because of his love of religious values and beautiful objects. This holy scroll was presented by Aaron and Emily Bossak for their grandmother Eleanor Bossak in honor of their grand?father Samuel Bossak. We are all the richer for their kind generosity. JEWISH LECTURE SERIES Professor Steven L. Spiegel is the fourth and concluding speaker in the Annual Jewish Community Lecture Series of Las Vegas, Sunday, April 28th at 7:30 p.m. Congregation Ner Tamid is this years facility host. Dr. Spiegel is Professor of Political Science at UCLA and author of ?The Other Arab - Israeli Conflict: Making America?s Middle East Policy, from Truman to Reagan?? which won the 1986 National Jewish Book Award. In his Las Vegas lecture, Professor Spiegel carries his analysis a step further with his topic ?America?s Mideast Policy, from Truman to Bush.? He states that American policy toward the Middle East is peculiarly affected by the influence of particular Presidents. He will explore the attitudes and approaches of the individuals at the top of the American government who have made America?s policy toward the Arabs and the Israelis. He will show the differences and similarities between them, particularly emphasizing special traits about each President; and there will also be an emphasis on the current administration and where American - Middle East Policy is heading. Professor Spiegel?s articles have appeared in magazines, journals, and major newspapers and he has authored and edited five additional volumes on international politics and foreign policy. He is interviewed on radio and television to discuss current world events, and invited to lecture at national and international conferences, to community and civic groups, and on university campuses. One should not miss hearing this outstanding professor; so much has happened since the midsummer of 1990. Harry L. Goldberg, O.D. Pane 5Congregation Ner Tamid f Newsletter Update For any questions regarding the Temple newsletter, please con?tact Terri Herman in the Temple Office on: Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. There is still a deadline of the 15th of each month for newslet?ter submittals. But, any articles you can get into the office before the 15th will insure their place?ment in the next bulletin. Any submittals received after the 15th of each month will be put in as space and time permits. We would like to try and get the newsletter out in a timely manner and appreciate your coop?eration. f THANK YOU ) THANK YOU THANK YOU For the Donation of Books for our Library: 1. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kallick, 2. Mr. & Mrs. Hank Marcuse, 3. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Einhorn 4. Mr. & Mrs. Art Gellin. For the Donation of a Card Table and Chairs from Ms. Beatty Clark. For helping to pay for security from Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gust. For the toy from Mr. & Mrs. A1 Kai chain. For the toys and games from Alan & Cheryl Miller. For the Passover Wine for the Temple Seder from the Chaplin Family. V-... ^ NEED TO GET INTO THE TEMPLE? In case of an emergency, call our custodian, Richard, at 737-7002. # ..............^ "Hillel Guide to Jewish Life on Campus" This resource book is now available for anyone who would like to refer to it. Con?tact the Temple Office at 733-6292. i .... J f ^ Sorry Charlie... but only Vegas Chips & Dick Falk get our thanks for their help on our Hanukkah Bazaar! fr Rabbi Akselrad would like to be helpful to you and your family whenever possible, par?ticularly by visiting Temple members and their families when they are in the hospital, or nursing homes. The Temple office tries to maintain a current list of those who are hospi?talized, so please call the Temple office to let us know when you are going into the hospital. Office # 733-6292. ^ J rr " ^ A Special Thank-You... To everyone that was so thoughtful during my recent illness. I truly appreciate your love and support. Dyane Kohnen ^... J) f Notice to all t Non-Members Subscriptions to the Temple Bulletin will expire with this edition unless you have sent in the $5.00 needed for processing. If you still wish to do so please send a check to the Temple Office: 2761 Emerson Ave., L.V., NV. 89121. ^ ?.. J ((-------------------------?............ ^ WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP? The Shade Tree, an over?night shelter for homeless women and women with chil?dren in Las Vegas is looking for volunteers to work one day per month (3 hour shift). If you are interested, please contact Ter?esa Canfora at 361-4184 or Kim Perron at 791-7616. The Elks will be holding their annual picnic for under - priviledged children on April 13th. They are looking for vol?unteers to help. If you are in?terested, please call 792-5629. - JJ Page 6 Congregation Ner Tamid ARE THOSE CLOTHES TOO TIGHT?? DO YOU HUFF AND PUFF WHEN WALKING A BLOCK? THEN WE HAVE THE SOLUTION FOR YOU!!! The low impact areobics class, formerly at Desert Springs Hospital, is being held in the Temple social hall every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Classes are from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., taught by Cassie Smith. With over 15 years as an areobic instructor, Cassie promises this class to be fun and healthful. Each class is $2, payable at the door. Dress in casual exercise clothing and be there for warm up, promptly at 5:30 p.m. fr .fr At most Friday night services, congregants can participate in a special way by accepting honors such as: lighting the Shabbat candles, dressing and un?dressing the Torah or say?ing the blessing before and after the Torah reading. The Temple gives any of these honors to synagogue mem?bers who enjoy participat?ing in the Shabbat service in this special way. If any congregant wishes to have such honors, please call the Temple office at 733-6292 so we can schedule your honors on a convenient day for you. fr TEMPLE WISH LIST 1. Books for our Library. 2. Incidental kitchen items or $100. 3. Floor scrubber or $150. 4. Commercial stove with grill top. 5. Fire-proof Filing Cabinets. 6. Wallpaper or $50. 5 SCRIP C CAN R RAISE I INCOME P PAINLESSLY DELIVERY AVAILABLE. PURCHASE SCRIP DAILY AND FRIDAY NIGHT AFTER SERVICES IN THE TEMPLE OFFICE 733-6292 WE NOW HAVE AVAILABLE: SMITH'S. VON'S. 6 ALBERTSONSI fr V NEW IN TOWN ???? Our Membership Committee would happy to hear from anyone wishing information on our Temple. Any members who know new people in town or anyone who would like information on our Temple to please feel free to call anyone on our Membership Committee Mary Fox................................................................456-4452 Jack Nitzkin..........................................................435-1932 Rita Moses-Malkin...............................................451-9412 Dyane Kohnen......................................................870-2204 Sheldon Rosenberg..............................................870-8105 Janis Rounds.........................................................896- 0013 Barbara Rosen......................................................454-5060 Paae 7RELIGIOUS SCHOOL EVENTS Congregation Ner Tamid PURIM SERVICES... Some of the children getting involved with the service. TU B?SHVAT... The students helped to plant trees for this holiday. TU B'SHAVAT... Someday this tree will be bigger than any of these students. PURIM SERVICES... The Rabbi kept saying, "Are yall havin a good Purim?" PURIM SERVICES... Some of the participants at the Purim Parade. Page 8 Congregation Ner Tamid PURIM CARNIVAL... Some of the beau?tiful costumes at this years carnival. PURIM CARNIVAL... this year came complete with pony rides! PURIM CARNIVAL... The "Meshuggina Klezmorim Band" provided a beautiful backdrop of music for the event. Lee Schreiber - Violin, Jay Poster - Clarinet, & Jackie Brown - Piano. PURIM CARNIVAL ...Shirley and Bill Bossak are two of the many volunteers who helped with the event. MOMMY DADDY & ME... One of the many classes with the youngest of our religious school. Paoe 9 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL EVENTSCongregation Ner Tamid SAVE THESE DATES if ^ SATURDAY EVENING MAY 4TH Goods & Service Auction THURSDAY, MAY 9TH Book Review & Luncheon of Elliot Krone's "Dining Out In Las Vegas". Will be $5, For Res. call: 733-6292 SATURDAY, MAY 11TH ^ Last Tot Shabbot for Year! J (f -----------------------^ ANNIVERSARIES Abraham & Mara Braun Arthur & Jan Cobb Richard & Hope Cummins Mort & Janet Goldstein William & Kathleen Mahon Ronald & Karen Maim Jay & Charla Rauthhause Hy & Jeanette Schwartz Joseph & Sondra Schwartz Sy & Shirley Silverman Charles & Nancy Vinnik OOPS! Sorry we missed... Elliot & Millie Silver stein's Anniversary - February 5th. ^ ? -J Come One Come Y?all Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Las Vegas, NV 89121 Your check is your reservation Be there y?all! (with western barbecue and dancing) ? Date: Saturday, April 13th ? Where: Congregation Ner Tamid ? Time: 6:30 p.m. ?til ? ? Price: $ 18.00 per person Send check to the Temple Office by April 6th:Congregation Ner Tamid W>\ Hold this date... Sunday, April 7th Everything you always wanted to know about Sisterhood, but were afraid to ask. ? Date: Sunday, April 7th ? Place: Social Hall, Congregation Ner Tamid ? Time: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. ? Cost: FREE All Sisterhood Members as wen as ALL Temple ladies are urged to attend this important event. We will be honored by the Guest Appearance of: PHYLLIS SHAPIRO ... Former President of Western Federation of Temple Sister?hoods, and currently on the board of National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods. What is in it for you: ? Discover how Sisterhood Membership benefits you and our Temple. ? Learn how Sisterhood functions. ? Make new friends. ? Try the tasty snacks and desserts that will be served.. We cordially invite ail our Temple Sunday School Mothers to be our special guests at this exciting workshop... plan now to have your husbands babysit! Your RSVP is important to our planning. Please call to say ?Yes? to: ? Mary Fox 456-4452 ? Helen ZHser 254-6678 ? Temple Office 733-6292 P.S. A Short general Meeting will take place to announce Sisterhood?s Slate of officers and take nominations from the floor. V W BIRTHDAYS Irving Berger Peter Fishman Morris Ginsberg Irving Joffe Sheryl Kogan Arnold Paul Joseph Schwartz Thomas Stuart Rae Barnett Pamela Berger Clair Bycel Arlyne Gerstler Naomi Goldsmith Bonnie Kamer Dyane Kohnen Shirley Paul Beth Sprague Malcolm Doctors Arthur Gellin Bruce Grobstein Mort Kirson Bobbie Newman Richard Rosen Gilbert Shaw Darin Tiep Eli Baron Eleanor Bossak Lillian Eisner Lillian Goldberg Ruth Kallett Sheila Kaufman Jennifer Ohriner Marsha Targon-Collins Jason Chenin Judith Denton-Pratt David Glasser Richard Miller Ronna Nitzkin liana Furman Brian Spoor Abbie Spoor Joseph Unger Jessica Braun Daniel Chenin Zachary Corzine Nathaniel Eisenman Angie Harbach Kelley Mann Michael Rosenfeld Mara Siegel Rachel Sloane Gillian Doctors-Wells Judy Kollins Lisa Marano OOPS!... sorry we missed Rachel Cherry?s & Linda Chenin's Birthday in March. Pape 11 Congregation Ner Tamid fr TOT SHABBAT CONTINUES For the fifth time this year, Congregation Ner Tamid will hold their highly successful Tot Shabbat Mark your calendars now for May 11th at 10:00 a.m. A new member and new chairperson, Helene Smith, has promised a fun filled morning for all the children, ages 2-6 and their siblings. Place: Ner Tamid Sanctuary Time: 10:00 a.m. Dates: May 11th This program, as always, is open to the whole community; but, R.S.V.P.'s are a must. To make your reservation please clip and mail the attached sign-up coupon to: Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89121 Or call Sheryl at the Temple office: 733-6292 r YES, WE WOULD LIKE TO SIGN UP FOR THE TOT SHABBAT: NAME:_______________________________________ ADDRESS:, PHONE:___ ?I l_. CHILD?S NAME: J Religious School Wish List 1. Printer - compatible to SPRING BREAK III Apple ll series. There will be no 2. Toys for Pre-School Religious School or Hebrew School from 3. Library Books March 24th thru April 6th 4. T.V. & VCR Classes Resume on 5. Art Supplies April 7th ^----------------l \----------------JJ Principals Message An open letter of thanks to all those who helped with the Purim Carnival!!! I would like to personally thank all those who helped with the Purim Carnival. It was be?cause of this concerted effort by all, that our Purim Carnival was such a success. The children were excited weeks ahead of time, this enthu?siasm soon spread to the whole Temple community, thus pro?ducing such a SUPER turnout for this event. We attribute the success of our Purim Carnival to the great food (including homemade Ha- mantashen), fun game booths made by the students, special events such as the clown face?painting (Jellybean), the exhila?rating pony-rides, Judaic items provided by our own Shushan Gift Shop, and the wonderful background music donated by the ?Meshuggina Klezmorim Band?. No carnival would be complete without all the great prizes and specially donated raffle items. To tie it all together, the deco?rations made us feel as though we were all in Shushan Village. This year a new tradition was started at our Purim Carni?val... A Book Fair! This highly successful event helped to bring in even more revenue and books for the Library. I am very happy to report to you that through all of our efforts, the Religious School is purchasing bulletin boards for the classrooms, and mini-blinds for two of the classrooms from those proceeds. Thanks Again!, Jeanne Schomaker School Principal J Page 12 ? Congregation Ner Tamid (p . ^ Nominations for Sisterhood Executive Board President - Rita Moses Malkin Ways & Means - Maxine Gratz and Marcy Samarioff Programming - Gail Godarov and Phyllis Mark Memberships - Sandy Ewan and Audrey Mishalow Treasurer - Marlen Sherman Recording Secretary - Helen Zliser Corresponding Secretary - Frances Klamian Parliamentarian - Dyane Kohnen Golden Chai News The month of March was a busy time for Golden Chai, beginning with the meeting on the first Thursday. We initiated our new lunch program which now includes fruit or salad and dessert along with the bagel and cream cheese and drink. We are charging only one dollar for lunch and hope this policy will be successful. Also at this meeting the Arts and Crafts group met for the first time in the morning before the general meeting. We expect to see some beautiful results from this group. To top off the event we had a delightful program of magic by Joey King. On March 10th we had the concert by Cantor Orbach, which we co-chaired with the Brotherhood. We were very pleased with the atten- North American Federation of Temple Youth ?We are the members of the new world Jews. We are the members.? These are the words that 700 Jewish high school youth were singing on the second night of the North American Federation of Temple Youth?s (NFTY) national convention. From February 8-12, Jewish teens and ad?visors from throughout North America gathered at the Ramada Renaissance in East Brunswick, New Jersey for a unique weekend of social, service, and study. Amongst the over 800 people gathered in a community of Shabbat prayer on the first night were the two of us. Our weekend of exploration in?cluded college planning, the Middle East Crisis, Reform Judaism in the nineties, social action programming, and developing youth group leadership. The programming centered on NFTY?s permanent themes of My Self, My world, and My Judaism. And while we were able to bring back to Ner Tamid plenty of information from these work?shops, the most informative parts of the weekend were the keynote speak?ers. We heard from a couple who team lectured about the trials and tribula?tions of sexual identities for youth in the future. The assistant to the United States Ambassador to the United Na?tions spoke about U.S. foreign policy. Finally, Rabbi Alexander Schindler, President of the UAHC, spoke about the importance of NFTY in today?s world and shared with the advisors his grati?tude for the work and dedication given to tomorrow?s lead. All of these important people and issues were complimented with amass NFTY trip to the United Na?tions. Gathered in one of the minor assembly halls, the youth were given the opportunity to question and inter?act with representative of the