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Public Service CoMsaieslaa May 16, 1950 Bsge 5 power or jurisdiction in tbs CaBamissioa over the proposed sale of tbs facilities of the las Tegas Land sai. Hater Company to tbs las Yegaa Talley 8ster District. Answering query Be. 8. ^doubtedly the Iffcf end Ipfcf Act# preride for tbs creation aad establishment of a quasi public entity endowed with a ll the characteristics of & public u tility for the procurement, storage sad sale of water to a ll who desire such service. Hs think there is ao question hat that the water district, whoa it acquires the proper facilities for the sale and distribution of water to the consumers ia aay of Its area, iasedlate$r becomes subject to the public service eomaissian law with respect to the rates, charges a d practices for and in connection with its water service and that this CoBBtiasiaa is mow vested with jurisdiction thereover particularly so ia view of the language incorporated ia Section 16 of the Act as amended at 19%9 batatas, page 81b, reading: ’’So beard or commission ether than the governing body of the district and the public service commission of the State cf Nevada shall have authority to Six or supervise the making of such rates sad charges.” Tour query is answered is the affirmative. Bespectf ully submitted, /&/ M M l BXffil, Attorney General Sy s/tf. T. Mathews Special Assistant wsum Attorney General