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    jS/jf <wr' ';n§ ; ; i*: to lease said premia** tor the period of sixty months trim the day of 191 under the toms, previsions, covenants end conditions of the form af lease with privilege of purchase, hereto attached, considered, referred to and mads a part of this agreesnt, &nd marked Exhibit ?’B*, the said lease to he executed by ? the said parties hereto at the time of the completion of said dwell* ing house, and before the said lessee enters into the possession of the same* It is mutually agreed and understood by and between the parties of this contract that said building shall be erected under the supervision and direction, and to the satisfaction, of the Engineer of said Company, who shall have full authority to Judge #f the manner of executing every part of the work in said building, and the quality of any and all materials used or intended to be used therein; and' that the decision of said Bnginear on all matters, relating to the amount, estate and condition of the work on said building, with respect to the ?con* struct!©® of some, or in any wise relating to anything to be done under this agreement,.' shall be binding and final on both'parties* It is further agreed and understood by and between the parties hereto that-the work of said Building shall be executed as directed by the'plans, drawings and specifications as nearly as practicable, and" in a good workmanlike and substantial manner, and that all the materials used in the construction of the building shall bs of:good quality of;their respective kind, and that s&id Company shell not deviate from the drawings or specifications, un* loss the same be authorised by said engineer* On theexccution of this contract, and the delivery of said deed, the said lessee hereby acknowledges the title of said has Vegas hand Is Water Company in and to the promises herein dee* crlbed, and to be hereafter leased, and agrees never to assail or resist said .title. 111 m*bm