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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    th©r« was a total of 101,716 lineal feet of water Bains in the distribution, system. Of this amount 42,638 lineal feet, consisting mainly of redwood pipe, was retired during the years 1040 to. 1$&3 inclusive. This was un­doubtedly replaced with new cast iron pip®. Thee© replacement® were prob­ably made in the older portions of the City and the Water Ccarpany probably had to remove and replace a certain amount of pavasent. The majority of the alleys in which the water Bains are located are u»pav©& and pavement reaaaoval and replacement for these locations was required only where the pip© crosses a paved street. Probably, the major portion of the pip© ia the system as of January 1, 1940 was originally installed as redwood pip© and by 1943 had been ssiilrely replaced with cast Iron pip©. 'n as sumption has been mad© that the pipe so replaced lies within the area bounded by Mate and Fifteenth Streets and Meecuite Avenue and Charleston Boulevard. It Is felt that this assumption is reasonably correct Inasmuch as this area included meet of th® 'built-up sections of La® Yagas in 2,940. A field inspection of th© satire distribution system was made on June 5* 1952 and th® type and amount of pavement over th® entire system was tabulated. In th© area outlined above there is approximately 106,900 lineal feet of distribution mate, of which approximately 45,600 lineal feet is under paved areas. Assuming an average trench width of 16 inches, the total amount of paving which the water utility would lav© been required to remove and replace is 68,700 square feet. Most of this pavement is light asphaltic concrete and at an average price of $0.40 per square foot for removal and replacement, th© reproduction cost, new, would ”0© $27,480. Th© depreciated cost, with a rossainteg life expectancy of 85$, would be $23,360. It is felt that this is a very generous estimate sine© it was -7-