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I agree.LAS VEGAS LAND AND W TE A S S I G N M E N T c-°n 'VV>6 A’JO NCfc.— *** Cotiesp- Pi's — 111"" WHEREAS, the Las Vegas Land and Water Company, a corporation of the State of Nevada, hereinafter called "Company", entered into the following agreements with Estella C. Beam, a widow of 8454 Croydon Avenue, Los Angeles 45, California: ,a J 0*T ^ l ... a. Agreement dated April 20, 1948, (identified as NLD 2049) for installation of water mains to serve Block 5, Noblitt Addition, Las Vegas, Nevada. / o V b. Agreement dated April 12, 1949* (identified as NLD 2245) for installation of water mains to serve Block 4, Noblitt Addition, Las Vegas, Nevada, which agreements provide, among other things, for refund to 0 said Estella C. Beam of certain revenues collected by the Company as set forth in Article II of said agreements, and, WHEREAS, by order and decree in the estate of Estella C. Beam, Case No. 44959* the United States District Court for Nevada conveyed to Thomas T. Beam, an individual of 8454 Croydon Avenue, Los Angeles 45, California, all right, title and interest of Estella C. Beam in the above mentioned agreements, and, WHEREAS, the Company entered into the following agreement with said Thomas T. Beam: - 1 - A-47 U C r *