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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Page 9 MUSIC AND ARTS ART LEAGUE, Las Vegas Pres: Secy: Marilyn Glover 5204 Alta Dr. OR 8-2816 Gladys Marsh OR 8-5299 Election: May BARBER SHOP QUARTET Silver State Serenaders Secy: John Lynatt DU 4-2160 COMMUNITY CONCERT ASSOCIATION Southern Nevada Pres: Morris Kishner 55 Country Club Drive OV 7-1750 Secy: Miss Florence Relin 555 Griffith Ave. DU 4-0960 Election: Fall COMMUNITY CHORUS, Las Vegas Dir: Antonio Morelli c/o Sands Hotel Las Vegas Blvd. S. RE 5-9111 Co-Chairman: Lincoln Liston 1219 Barnard Dr. OR 8-2617 Meet: every Tues., 6:30 p.m. & every Sunday, 2:30 p.m., Convention Center, Rm. 1 OPERA ASSOCIATION, Las Vegas Pres: Morton Saber 1908 S. 6th RE 5-6695 Secy: George Patterson 1100 Jessica DU 2-5144 Election: April SYMPHONY SOCIETY, Las Vegas Pres: Edwin A. Adamson 109 S. Third St. DU 2-6911 Secy: THEATRE Dr. Howard Chase DU 4-8613 Exec. Dir: Andy Berg 2233 Ellis, N.L.V. MI 2-3847 POLITICAL DEMOCRATIC CENTRAL COMMITTEE Clark County Chairman: Van Engelstead 136 W. Victory Rd.(mailing address) 211 South 3rd. -offices Henderson, Nev. DU 2-4545 DESERT HILLS "YOUNG DEMOCRATS" Pres: John DeBuono 1312 Silver Lake Dr. OR 8-3179 Secy: Bonnie Harriman NORTH LAS VEGAS "YOUNG DEMOCRATS" Pres: Vivian Lindenberg 2701 St. George North Las Vegas, Nev. MI 2-1629 Secy: Mary Lamb 1605 Patricia North Las Vegas, Nev. MI 2-2803 YOUNG DEMOCRATS OF So. Nev. Pres: Sam Marber 2216 Paradise Rd. DU 2-2693 Secy: La Wanna Ann Gibbs Ml 2-4675