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University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

iM/( outgoing of 2y{ successive throws (shots) of the roulette *s ball# <y> Gabriel ROTUSTEJN The players put their stakes, at their *i on 1, or??* In^nieur jdf.?√ß ?√ß Ooiices or on the 3 cases, having the inscription gstakes* (nisefl),, , n>. . . 13 that is to say on 1, or on 2, or on the 3 right ?╟≤?╟╓ ; each raris-5* of these cases is equivalent to a full number# ?╟÷f- The access (entrance) of the left cases is not allowed to the players# let us admit that the number 21 is just gone out# She players put their stakes, at their liking, on on?? or many cases marked "stakes", thus on the cases + , ?╟÷ . ?╟? ?╜ , Where the word "stakes?╟Ñ is printed, is inscribed# In order to the stakes remain on the layout, it must go out t of ; - : q-: qf h/. 22, for a ifcake put, placed on the + , that is to say on ABVAKGB 20, for a stake put,placed 09 the ?╜ , that is to say on HECOIL 21, for a stake put,placed on the * , that is to say on REPETITIQH In the event that anyone of these 5 numbers (22, ?╟≤ 20 ?╟≤ 21) do??sn,t going out, the stakes of the 3 cases + , - j and ?½ , will be acquired by the Bank: the play are losing# If one of these 3 numbers is going out, for instance if the 22 is going out, the Bank is picking up the stakes of the 2 cases - and =*?√ß ?╟≤ The stakes placed on the + , thus on ADVMCE, remain on the layout, the numeration being advanced of one unit* It is the croupier who, at that time, transfers on the left ease , the stakes placed on the right ease + ; the players, owners of these stakes, art not allowed to touch these stakes, so transferod by the croupier. The paymaster croupier doesntt pay# is paying nothing for the time: one must wait the next shot TihrowTof roulette's ball. The stakes so displaced by the croupier, which stakes are so winning on the first degree, are thus finding on the left zone + : they can only become defini- tively winning as if the next roulette*a threw makes appear a new advance of or c- unifc to the numeration, that is to say if the 23 is going out* If the 23 doesn*t go out, the hereabove stakes, displaced by tho croupier, which, stakes were laying on the left case + , are lost by the players, and acqui- red by the Bank, and the croupier picks up these stakes. On the contrary, if after the 22, number 23 is going out, the stakes displaced bit, the croupier, which were lying on the left case + , are winning at the second degree: they are definitively winning, and the Bank must pay# How does the Bank pay V We will see later. In the above example, where the stakes have been put on the carpet after the going out of number 21 : if the following number which goes theqout is number 20, tho zones + and =a will be lost, the Bank picks up their stakes; the stakes which are p&t at right, on the - , or RECOIL zone, are winning at first degree, the numeration being recoiled oi- one unit; these stakes, placed on the zone - printed ii stakes", are displaced, transfered by the croupier, and put by himself into the left case - : these stakes, winning at the first degree, are acquired, by the Bank if anyone number, except the 19, is going out. If number 19 is going out, the two-degreesplay Is realized for the stakes which have been put on the case - ; they are definitively winning; the Bank pays# In similar way, it must, in order to the stakes put on the right zone = become definitively winning, go out after the 21 ; 21 a second time, and 21 a third time; the two-degrees play hasbeen realized, op the. zone = - r . .. 1 the Bank, ?√ß- pays. Payment of the definitively winning chance, thus winning on the second degree. , \ v..: ' / . :?╟≤ to o.ation of~the' bheorilial^aymenF s A stake m, ?/imiing on one of the 3 right cases above, were the word ?╟╓"stakes^" is inscribed, is equivalent to a stake winning on a full number; thus, it wins 35m and become thus,capitalized, equal to s m + 35 m = 30 m#. But,I repeat, this new play Cgste#;, In this Group of 6 eases, oeing a*,#.#/#**##