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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    MADISON SQUARE GARDEN PRODUCTIONS proudly presents the SILVER ANNIVERSARY EDITION of HOLIDAY ON ICE Part I OVERTURE. .The Holiday on Ice Orchestra conducted by BEN STABLER A HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCENE 1 its Happening ?╟÷ Its Today with the Ice-Squires and the Calender Girls Miss Soubrette GRETE BORGEN SCENE 2 The Silver Jubilee with the Silver Ballet Miss Silver Anniversary MAREI LANGENBEIN To You With Love ALICE QUESSY and RAY BALMER SCENE 3 Happy New Year Rock with the Party Goers Mr. New Year KRIS COOK THE PARTY HANGOVER Ole Houn' Dawg ALFREDO MENDOZA and JOHN LADUE ST. VALENTINE'S DAY The Heartbeat with the Escorts and the Sweethearts featuring Miss Funny Valentine CAROL JOHNSON The Rockin' Love-Ins TOMMY ALLEN and JUANITA PERCELLY SPRING HAS SPRUNG THE COOK FAMILY CAL, DORI, KIM, KRIS and KELLY THE MAD, MOD WORLD OF APRIL FOOLS. . with the Jokers and Hippie Animals SALUTE TO THE OPERAS. Aida Roxanne Maxcy Madame Butterfly June Leech Tales of Hoffman. . . . Lucille Carpenter Carmen Suzanne LaBak Pagliacci RONNIE ROBERTSON MEXICAN MONKEYIN' WERNER and DENISE MULLER with their Holiday Chimps A ROMAN HOLIDAY SCENE 1 The Clarion Procession with the Glamour-leers and Ice-Squires SCENE 2 The Gold Parade The Golden Goddess MAREI LANGENBEIN The Hero ..- RAY BALMER SCENE 3 The Flags and Silks Finale the Entire Ensemble LEAVE 'EM LAUGHING Cleopatra PAUL ANDRE Marc Anthony JOHNNY LEECH THE EASTER STORY SCENE 1 Grade AA large ?╟÷ A Dozen Fresh Twelve Glamour-leers SCENE 2 An Old Fashioned Walk The Glamour-leers and Ice-Squires SCENE 3 A Baby Buggy Romance . . .featuring GRETE BORGEN and JOHN LADUE SCENE 4 A Couple of Swells JUANITA PERCELLY and TOMMY ALLEN SCENE 5 The Old Fashioned Girls featuring the Glamour-Icer Show Girls CREATED, STAGED AND DIRECTED by DONN ARDEN SCENE 6 The Easter Parade The Fifth Avenuers ALICE QUESSY, RAY BALMER, ALFREDO MENDOZA, DAROLYN PRIOR, GRETE BORGEN, JOHN LADUE, MAREI LANGENBEIN, MIKE BURNS The Easter Bunnies THE COOK FAMILY Mr. Fifth Avenue RONNIE ROBERTSON INTERMISSION Part II ENTRE'ACTE OVERTURE .BEN STABLER Conducting FIREWORKS IT'S INDEPENDENCE DAY with the Hip Hip Hoorays Miss Star Spangled Jazz ALICE QUESSY THAT PERFECT PAIR Pas de Deux ALFREDO MENDOZA and DAROLYN PRIOR A HOLIDAY IN RIO Down South America Way The Glamour-leers and Ice-Squires, the Go Go Girls, Carioca Dancers and Brazilian Dandies The Girl from Ipanema GRETE BORGEN The Boyfriend RAY BALMER THOSE CHICKEN DELITES The Kernel and the Pearl PAUL ANDRE and JOHNNY LEECH HALLOWEEN TIME The Adorable Witches Roxanne Maxcy, Suzanne LaBak, June Leech, Sandy Johnson, Lucille Carpenter and Barbara Schoonmaker The Devil's Disciple RONNIE ROBERTSON AUTUMN HOLIDAYS It's Barn Dance Time The Glamour-leers and Ice-Squires Harvest Moon Hayride featuring TOMMY ALLEN and JUANITA PERCELLY with a Rustic Foursome . . . Randy Brooks, Mike Burns, Linda Adams and Linda Sowell KOSSMAYER'S MULES. "Equine Craziness" A WHITE CHRISTMAS A Glorious Finale with the Glamour-leers and Ice-Squires Presenting ALL THE STARS OF HOLIDAY ON ICE CORPS DE BALLET Linda Adams ?╟≤ Merle Bigman ?╟≤ Allyson Brooks ?╟≤ Lucille Carpenter ?╟≤ Phyllis Clark ?╟≤ Susan Comrie ?╟≤ Candy Frederickson ?╟≤ Ann Henry ?╟≤ Rita Holmes ?╟≤ Karen Jones ?╟≤ Carol Johnson ?╟≤ Kathy Johnson ?╟≤ Sandra Johnson Claudette Kenalty ?╟≤ Terry Kessler ?╟≤ Suzanne Labak ?╟≤ June Leech ?╟≤ Kathleen Moore ?╟≤ Roxanne Maxcy Janice Murphy ?╟≤ Sonia Hashleanas ?╟≤ Marie Opfergelt ?╟≤ Candee Paddock ?╟≤ Darolyn Prior ?╟≤ Jean Rennie Kitty Richardson ?╟≤ Pat Roberts ?╟≤ Nancy Rogers ?╟≤ Barbara Schoonmaker ?╟≤ Margo Shildkret ?╟≤ Susan Shillitto Linda Sowell ?╟≤ Carol Smitheram ?╟≤ Jean Sweetman ?╟≤ Carol Todoroff ?╟≤ Dianne Van Deusen ?╟≤ Joy Weber Nannette Wolf ?╟≤ Eric Anthony ?╟≤ Bob Barrickman ?╟≤ Ron Basten ?╟≤ Gordon Betsill ?╟≤ Randy Brooke ?╟≤ Neal Bruehling ?╟≤ Mike Burns ?╟≤ Bill Cordier ?╟≤ John Foster ?╟≤ Ron Gutman ?╟≤ James Hodges ?╟≤ Ralph Hogan ?╟≤ Lonnie McCall ?╟≤ Gary Magnusson ?╟≤ Preston Porter ?╟≤ Todd Schoonmaker ?╟≤ Donnie Yontz