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    RTHE ORIGINAL _ omeikF PRESS CLIPPINGS ?√ß?√ß 220 W. 19th St., NEW YORK 11, N.Y. Tel. CHelsea 3-8860 Cir. (D 7,147) This Clipping From DAILY VARIETY HOLLYWOOD, CAL. ty ARMY ARCHEffP M Oh, my aching back. GOOD MORNING: In spite of her lumbago, and her previous refusal to fly, Rita Hayworth has agreed to^mng it to | Honolulu Wednesday to prevent further delay on "Miss Sadi^Bpiomp??- son." Rita'll have an orthopedic board in her plane berth . H Bob Hope catches up with his family in July and takes 'em all up to Canada for a three-week vacation . . . And for the first time in I-don't-khow- when, Barbara Stanwyck has decided to lie flat on her patio aijsd relax until "Three Coins in the Fountain" starts in Italy this August . . . Liz Taylor's furrowing her doctor's eyebrows by reporting to Mdtro for wardrobe tests on "Rhapsody" today and completing "Elephant Walk" Wednesday . . . Jerry Lewis' seven-year-old, Gary, is selling his pop's autographed pictures at Black-Foxe for 10c a copy . . . Judy Garland's burning up the Bel Air fairways?╟÷taken up golf . . . George Sanders is due back today, sans Zsa (why be redundant). He plans a complete rest . . . Gordon MacRae's youngsters have invited all the neighborhood kids to come over and swim?╟÷au naturel . . . Ronnie Reagan continues to turn down offers from Europe. Says he'll only work in the USA ... A grammar school's going up in Las Vegas. P.S. 6-5. No time for Diana Lynn to take care of the divorce during her one- week stay here before heading to London and "The Moon Is Blue" . . . Never saw Mervyn LeRoy so nervous. At the party he and Alyce Can- field tossed for their book, "It Takes More Than Talent," he was recovering from a TV appearance, and scared about tonight's May Co. Wilshire autograph party . . . Mickey Rooney took over at Charlie Foy's Saturday night and beat the drums for a couple of hours . . . And Katharine Hepburn's building a home in Jamaica . . . The Ty Powers return from Rome July fourth so the August-due baby'll be born in the USA . . . Wonder if Stanley Kramer's paying Donald O'Connor to shill for "5,000 Fingers." Don's "selling" thjj&picture all over town . . . Stan, by the way, has been long-distancing Kirk Douglas to get him to play the lead in "The Comedian." . . . Now I've seen everything on TV. On Harry Babbitt's "Hollywood Opportunity" show they were giving away cars with the purchase of ABC washing machines. Honest! The cars, '38-'41 vintage . . . Asked Dave Chsffien what he'll do with the sexy mats in the to-be dismantled steam room. "Nothing," he said, "they've all been chewed up." WORTH QUOTING: "Wait a minute," said Hy Gardner as Sid Skolsky was about to swallow a huge pill. "There may be a message inside." . . . Beverly Hills Police Chief Anderson: "In 25 years, motion picture people have given us less trouble than any other group." . . . Betty Grable, about Marilyn Monroe: "There's no one in town with so much of the real old-time glamor." . . . George Jessel, telling about the sign at the entrance to the Friars' card room: "Members are cautioned not to play with members." . . . Jim Morgan heard a jockey at the belated track opening: "Glad we won't have to join the ghost riders in the sky." . . . "Rochester" at the Jack Benny rehearsal, when asked if he thought Jersey Joe ^SRfcs^?·ht again: "He will, when I meet him." Jeff DonnelFs true, thur Loew Jr.'s farewi six months shooting TV JFfrom Jack Entratter at and Pat Brown at the plane for San Francisco, he . . . Wait'll England's Shakespear! crewcut! ... It hurts Lisa Kirk Ray. She came stag to Ar- Mayer, who'll be in Israel iller has a $15,000-a-week offer Annie joined Bill O'Connor d when Pat had to catch a packed to take along aloft sees Richard Burton?╟÷in a the loot for special material -first time in five years?╟÷'cause hubby Bob Welles is too busy working on movie scores . . . They'll be bringing Britons back alive from the "Prince Valiant" location now being shot in England?╟÷so many of the parts cast over there carry-over to the Hollywood filming. INSIDE PARAMOUNT: The aftermath of the snapping of "Red Garters" involves $250,000 to re-start . . . Jack Carson arrived last night to talk about the role Don Taylor vacated . . . Don is happy about being out. "I didn't feel good in the part." . . . Rosie Clooney will re-record i her ballads . . . Since he's replacing Mitch Leisen, they're showing the cast George Marshall's "Destry Rides Again" to get the same flavor . . . Leisen claims producer Pat Duggan wanted it to look like a Broadway show "and we just didn't have the cast for it." . . . Another bill for Paramount is the $250 charge from the Pershing Square Garage for the damage and "loss of business" caused by the garaging of the "Elephant Walk" pachyderms . . . Marge and Gower Champion, Al Melnick, and D. A. Doran of Paramount were in a big huddle before the dancers I took off focFNY . . . And, to avoid confusion, Paramount will not make I a sequel to John Ford's "Quiet Man"?╟÷to be called "Big Mouth." FROM (Florida CKppinR Service, Tampa) Miami Daily News FLORIDA 1ARL W/LSON Inside Samoa ,-At Shor's New York^May IE ?╟÷ I went to Samoa the other night with a girl who wore only a lavalava. ! A lavalava's- a napkin that "made it." The girl who took me to Samoa was Roberta Haynes, Gary Cooper's leading lady in a movie made in Samoa. "They can't pronounce their R's," Loberta?╟÷I mean Roberta I said. "They always .talk about' when the U- S. Malines were there. "The Malines left about 1.800 v 1^r-immfmmiNim^- 3 children there. But they . don't I-mind .-The kids do the work, The girls have crazeeee people hab- [?√ß'! its. They have children before vi they get married, and it's ac- ]?╟≤ .cepted. "AtT Aggie's- Boarding House I where I stayed, Aggie said she I wished one of the girls would get I married, settle down and quit N- having children^-^m,. - Samoa At Shor's | But Miss Haynes?╟÷who took me |f to Samoa while sitting in Toots | Shor's?╟÷said the Samoans have a | stern side. ^\\W'": "I got bawled out," she said, I "for wearing shorts." Gary Cooper > was followed | around by the mooneyleyed native girls. He let one of them I cook for him. But he did his own I laundry. It was a pretty sloppy 1 job, too. "The water must have been I muddy," he alibied. When I said Miss Haynes I only a lavalava, I meant i I moa, of course, not in' Shi I She was doing a swimmin, I in "Return to. Paradise,"' wear I her lavalava, 'when some I funny happened . to it. It cam BETTY FURNESS id Erich never permit picl about Milton Berle' )-a-week at thd ?╜W^Sls"laiej' uiftrue! ^17,500 .; . }. Miltii in a new Nielson Lucy ... Mom friend, i Lavalava Lost , itoppe Gary Cooper was trying to drag Freeman, ?╟÷^^ ~,.;,JJis5?Σ≤K-. her out of the water. She thought around with Vic Damone i she, ought to stay in, on account Dinty Moore's heirs were offeree! of not having any lavalava on. L,,-?╟??╟??╟??╟? <?╟≤ ., . . ?√ß ;'.-.- ?√ß. ,, * J ,. . . $150,000 for the restaurant . .1 'But then there were sharks in?√ß?╟?.:... ., ?√ß .?╟? . ' - .1 i the water. . ." she said. |wfc Ma?·s **yf the Army won i ,,.. e--- , 1 , release him (to the GiantsI Must be more darned fun tray- a^er a^ [ eling in Samoa. ,-V^ > ,j|,,' ,Pi v^jl?,,;,<*, ?√ß I In Samoa, the mark of distinc-u Bocky Graziano and four othel -; tion is an umbrella, and when the ^xers wlU tour the summer thel frame 'of an umbrella breaks, aters gmng Shakespeare read] v the owner takes out all the ^ ?╟≤ ?╟≤ ?╟≤ The only spot left ul I pieces, and wears the umbrella. ?Σ≤n ,wlth a \cf^ *hon% H } This has led to many an unkind: adl^s ?Σ≤om at the Coq Rougj | remark about a neighbor lady be-i J^1 the Phone company readl last year'srthls)-' felt" j I | Milton Berle's new conl i ?√ß?√ß?√ß?√ß?√ßmtiszs * * iHiiyll vertible . will be all-white witlf | THE MIDNIGHT EARL ... . iblack leather seats$?·* Small WOO, WOO, Betty Furness' clubs are selling absinthe, thej 1 knits JDave Garroway's socks . . J forbidden drink. I Victor" Moore's in Doctors Hospi-j '^*W&L ?╜-^_^__^_ \m.y. .3-Finger Tommy Brown's TODAY'S BE-ST LAUGH: "Stoi jaround-but undercover. j praising a woman and'r sfce.,thinkd I Linda Darnell's off to Italy [you don't love her any more?╟÷L ?√ß with the Ty Powers via Itai-jkeep it up and she'll think she'J ?√ß ian Aii*-:;_. . Eleanor Holm's soak- too good for you." ?╟÷?√ß Didi DougJ 1 ing up that Miami sun . . . Paul- las. seen "wearing ! umbrella;." RTHE ORIGINAL _ omeikF PRESS CLIPPINGS ?√ß" 220 WfeWth St^tfEW YORK 11, N.Y ?: ^^/-CHelseat 3^8860 |<*if. (S 676.D66) Wl?·& Clipping From PISTON, MASS.^ |k ADVERTISER j Georgeplarke Berle's $5000 a Day Bonanza for U. S. THERE HAD TO BE AN ENIX and. tjiis $35,0OO-li-wM MiltonT(aUnj star of ^fcelevj radio, efe, gagement i Las Veg4?║, a good, r6u3 seven-days *%$20,000j^irrent- ly being dra^wlo?Σ≤b^allulah (^The Great''r???╜WKnead at the same resort?╟÷and just wait un- ti^Tallulah hears about it! ________??a- ?╟≤'~ zmmm Uncle Miltie will be paiS at the rate of $5G00-<a-day, which means that if he does two shows a day, he'll receive $2500 for each show, ahd if each show lasts an hour, he'll be paid at the rate, of $41.66 2-3 a minute, which isn't bad pay, at all. A lot of people, get less, including j Your Reporter. ^~~~mm.- TALLULAH BANKHEAD Her Pay Topped Or, looking at it ffbm another stand-point, he'll be paid at the rate of $l,825,000-a+year, Wftps poor Tallulah is struggling along at a mere $1,040,000. The figures, of$eourse, are ftmtasiao, but the strangest part of it all-is that neither will greatly benefit?╟÷Uncle Sam will get by far-the biggest hunk of it. ?╟≤ ?╟≤ ?╟≤ ?╟≤ Just*what this can mean is best illustrated, perhaps, by a conversation with Victor Borge during his recent successful week at the Plymouth, when he deplored the fact that while in Canada recently he couldn't af* ford to buy his wife a. $2500 fur stole. iii:m''J:ffO_matter of simple arithmetic," he explained. "To"lay out so** much in- cash would mean that I would have to e$rn $14,000 in order to pay for it. Therefore H wasn't a $2500 stole at all. It was a $14,000 stole, and I couldn't afford it." ?╟≤ ?╟≤ ?╟≤ The same fever, incidentally, was evident in Boston last week, with Jimrriy Durante being paid at the rate of $15,000- ^week at the Latin Quarter, ! ?╜Rd with Johnnie Ray receiving ] $12,000 for his seven days work J at Blinstrub's. -EacftJia cinch to earn more than $1,000,000 during the year, and it Jsn't at all unlikely that out of it they'll I get little niore than a bare liv- \ ing. A good living, but bare. And if all this talk of such fabulous pay happens to have j spoiled anyone's Sunday break- j fast, don't let it?╟÷remember, I the more they get, the more they pay to TJncle Sam, and the j less there is to be paid by the ! rest of ulj^rj f There's one more chance' to catch Johnnie Ray before he ', folds his tent and scrams. He'll | still be at Blinstrub's tonight, | the last night of his week-long I engagen|%it. There'll be nothing at the Latin Quarter tonight, to give, the bosses a chance to count the money Durante Jjrough't in, but tomorrow nightjpth,spots start off with new bills. , ;-mW. Atfthe Latin Quarter there'll be aTdistinctly unique personage.^ EyerybodjMfenows about Santoy Davis/,$&& most have seeiinuft on Eddie Cantor's tele- visibri show,,' ??rJMsewhere, but he Jhfts never appeared in per- i son.ih Boston 6r vicMity. And ij}$t"^bofafr^^lFybody, in- i cludj^g la^l "ii^show business, I asseM thatrheNMW$?· about the Ii hottest gJiy ia/^wousiness. Hem: it seem%.%*feart of the I Will Mastin Troii-Wade up of ' his uncle. Will Mastin, and his ; father, Sammy'Davis, Sr. It has \ been going great guns for a few \ years now, with appearances in all the top theaters of the country, most Of the top nightclubs, and on many, many TV shows. Sammy, Jr., is said to be just about the best mimic there is. Your Reporter hasn't seen him, either, so will report further after a good look Monday night.. ?╟≤ * ?╟≤ Sharing honors on the Latin Quarter will be Karen Chandler, Who is reputedly No. 1 on* the juke box hit parade fOr her recording of "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kigs Me!" a record which is said to have already topped 1,000,000 in sales. Sunny Gale, the ""Wheel of Fortune Girl," tops the new bill at Blinstrub's, and she, too, is ?╟?a. juke^6^4arlin'v5s_w^U as the .disk jockeys' favorite babee. Neither she nor Sammy Davis have ever appeared in Boston, but both have appeared in Providence, she at the Ranch House, while Sammy ami the trio were at the Celebrity Club. Ralph Flanagan and his entire orchestra will be at Blinstrub's the week after. m' ?╟≤ ?╟≤ ?╟≤ *:;#p| Joe Pearknan has another recording beauty at the Showbar, Helen Dixon, who is notable for her recording of "The Breeze." In the meantime Billee Holiday, as solid a singer as there is, is packing 'em in at the Hi-. Hat, and Friday_afternoon took the time off to go with Pearl Landers to the Murphy Army Hospitalto sing for the wounded veterans, a mok laudable enterprise. (George Clarke'* column Is a regular feature of the Daily Record.)