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I agree.45 East 68th Street New York 21, N. Y. July 26, 1955. Dear Al: Dorothy and I were delighted to hear that Jack okayed our broadcast from the Sands. Dorothy still can't believe that she is actually going to see Las Vegas! I have talked to the guy at WOR who acts as liaison on Dorothy and Dick matters, and he is working out all the details with Station KRAM. Therefore, if you should get a call from this local station, asking for an appointment to go over the locatiep of the broadcast, I trust you will not be surprised anaTundle everything with your usual charm and dispatch. * I forwarded pictures to you under separate cover today, and trust they will serve your purposes. If they're not right, just let me know, and we'll send on more. In fact, anything I can do to help you on this end, don't hesi- tate to phone or write immediately. As a couple of par-boiled New Yorkers, we certainly are looking forward to that nice, cool desert of yours. Hoping to hear from you, I remain, Sincerely, Dick Kollmar Mr. Al Freeman Public Relations Dept, The Sands Hotel Las Vegas, Nevada /5