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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    fUCK WILLIAMS*Van morn there*8 one other subject t would like to bring up! a couple of years ago we started checking it out* but at , one time there was an extremely good model of boulder Dm floating around* Mr* Albright and hisbrother put it out. It would mm to me that the Boulder Dam model, if it could be put back into working con* ditlon at a reasonable rate* might be a batter display for Southern Nevada rsther than the newspaper from Virginia City or the Reno yLji Northern Nevada area* Might be worth looking into anyway, and finding % ?√ß some figures on it and getting some pictures and presenting it to the" ?╟≤;,V $ committee. UMVEY mmmiCHtLet me ask something! when you say present it to the committee, you?╟╓re presuming that this committee has some money to spend, and 1 don?╟╓t think It does, so therefore, it Just seems to me that anybody with any Idea is going to have to get financing from somewhere other than the Chamber of Commerce promotion Committees RICK WILLIAMSi 1 don?╟╓t mean for the committee to back it Harvey, but merely to present It to the committee to see if It?╟╓s acceptable to everyone* i> ?╟≤ T '.W ?╟≤ ..a....1-4J 'GAL FREBMNt Nobody has case up with the money, because very frankly we genuises haven?╟╓t come up with the Idea. How do yap expect people nty when you don?╟╓t know what you want them to spentfmoney B| , irJ cly \ ?√ß . | , ' to see if it would be acceptable to all concerned, and from that stage it could be determined Whether we wanted to go after the money to present* Gilli MURPHY* How big a display is it. ft WILLIAMS* eighteen feet! display myself* dill, as I recall, it?╟╓s about fifteen feet wide, or it has been a number of years since 1 have seen the HANK KOVELLi Where?╟╓* the money for this Jack Tell display to come from? ' HARVEY Same proposition* tjlfiicli ALBRIGHT i That model is one of three that Jack and I built. We built the first one in 1933 that went to the Pomona &oi:ld?╟╓s Fair, then we built another model that we sent around the country for a period of two years and was shown to many, many thousands of people. Mean* time we entered into a lease agreement with Ernie Dragio for the Lid Majestic Theatre} some of you won(t remember this, you haven?╟╓t been here that long, and then we built this model here, took over four years to build it, weighs over 8000 pounds, fee have testimony letters from Walker Young, Frank Crow, Harper, Harper, head of the U. S* Bureau of Recreation and every place* It was to be the state?╟╓s ex* hi bit at the New York World?╟╓s Fair} cost over $50,000 to build this model and over four years of time went into it* It Is a complete working model In every detail} it shows the river being divereted