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Telegram from William Reinhardt (Los Angeles) to A. E. Stoddard (Omaha), October 16, 1952


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Nobody had brought up the issue of mineral rights during the negotiations for the water district purchase. To do so now would be a mistake. Even if oil was found on the property, the land's location would almost make it impossible to take advantage of.

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Box 25 Folder 80-11 Vol. 2 of 3 Part 2, LVL&W Co. Proposed Sale of Water Production Facilities of UPRR Co.


    hln001242. Union Pacific Railroad Collection, 1828-1995. MS-00397. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    Los Angeles - October 16, 1952 AES - Omaha: cy WRR, WHE Omaha S-351. The question of reservation of mineral rights has never been brought up in connection with proposed sale of Water Facilities at Las Vegas. I think it would be a mistake to inject this into the present negotiations as it would offer another target for the Objectionists in the area of which there are already plenty. In addition, our studies indicate that the possibilities of oil and gas production in the Las Vegas Valley are remote, and even if such possibilities were good, the lands included in the proposed sale to the District are so located structurally as to almost exclude the possibilities of their being productive. R-147 WR