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    our reasons fo r takin g th is step is that during the past two or three years the Chamber o f Commerce has received le t t e r s from your Mr. M anfield, o f S alt Lake C ity, requ esting us to f i x up a permanent b a ll park and b a ll team, as he f e lt assured that i f we were to do so, he would be able to place severa l teams here dur­ing the w inter season fo r tr a in in g purposes, and out o f th is correspondence and a c t iv it y on his part, we have been able to get every business man in th is c it y in te r ­ested in th is a f f a i r . I can assure you on beh alf o f the business men o f th is town, that i f given a lease or an opportunity to use th is ground, that we w i l l more than do our p a rt. Not alone is the S alt Lake p rop osition fo r tra in in g quarters an inducement, but we have at the present time four teams in the various parts o f the county that are anxious fo r the organ iza tion o f th is p ro p o sitio n . I w i l l s in c e re ly appreciate i t i f you and your company could see your way c le a r to grant us th is request in the near fu tu re •» as.we are now ready to proceed with the permanent or­gan iza tion o f our b a ll team, and are merely w aitin g to fin d out what we san do in the way o f grounds. Awaiting your rep ly , I remain, Very s in c e re ly yours, (sign ed ) Harley A. Harmon.