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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    America is so big! It is impossible to say what is the 'American way7 or the 'American personality.' I wish my American History teachers at home could have taken this tour . . The backyard barbeque has replaced the stage- coach as the symbol of the 'Wild West.' I remember the tour most as a long line of chicken dinners on paper plates, served by the friendliest faces I have ever known . . ." "The educational experience that this tour has given the participants is something intangible which is there for life and which will be shared many times with others back in our home countries . . .1 am now far more able to appreciate the greatness of the nation and its people, and I am sincerely grate- ful for what they have done for my country, and what they are doing for me, knowingly and other- wise . . "The tour is a real adventure . . . Even getting lost was only a good excuse to stop by some scenic lake or river and indulge ourselves with Cokes, music, and some wishful map reading . . ." "I think I can say I have never seen and learned so much in such a short time in my whole life . . ." "When we are enclosed in the world of our own college campus, we tend to forget that there is an infinite number of types of people and ideas scat- tered throughout the rest of the country. To meet these people and to confront these ideas makes the trip exciting." "This trip enabled me to see a substantial part of America: its entire overwhelming variety of end- less contrasts, its weaknesses and strengths, and above all, its people. I am grateful for having had this opportunity for a multitude of reasons, but most qf all, for my new friendships and for my new perspectives and insights into America."