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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, December 1, 1993






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 24 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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uac000759. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President HflvZB 8 50 fill '33 AGENDA SENATE MEETING 24-04 MOYER STUDENT UNION ROOM 201 WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1, 1993 5:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 24-01, 24-02, AND 24-03 IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Senate Committee reports 1. Senate Committee Nominations B. Executive Committee Reports C. Business and Management Reports VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Approval of $1,000.00 for the purchase of a minimum of 1000 keychains to promote safety awareness out of the 2711 Nevada Student Affairs account. VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of $4,000.00 out of the 2706 Student Services Account for Extended Library during the weekend prior to finals and during finals week. This funding will offset additional Cost of security, Janitorial, power, and staff. B. Approval of a monthly stipen for the Senate President Pro-Tempore of $200.00 per month out of the 2702 General Account. The amount will be pro rated from November 18, 1993 to November 30, 1993 and will end on October 31, 1994. C. Approval of $3,779.00 plus fringe benefits for KUNV1s Developmental Director position out of the 2701 KUNV account. D. Approval of $3,052.96 plus Classified position out of fringe benefits for KUNV's the 2701 KUNV account. 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154 • (702) 739-3477 • FAX (702) 597-4606 PAGE TWO Senate Meeting 24-04 New Business Continued E. Approval of $9,000.00 for KUNV's fund raiser out of the 2701 KUNV account, and or out of the 2709 KUNV capital improvement account. A full breakdown will be provided at the meeting. VII. OPEN DISCUSSION VIII. ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with the Nevada Open Meeting Law NRS 241.00 in or at the following UNLV Campus Locations. Beam Hall Business/Economics Building Second Floor White Hall First Floor Moyer Student Union First Floor FDH Humanities First Floor Thomas Beam Engineering First Floor All Senate Agendas Written By Senate President Bud Benneman MSU 160 office 177 Page Three Senate Minutes 24-04 Ways and Means Senator Martin Chair states he would like to talk with anyone who is interested in sitting on the committee and would like to have a brief meeting after the Senate meeting is over. Question, answered about having people interested in being on the committee's. Vote 10-0-0 Bylaws Senator Gordon Chair stated that he has five people interested in being on the committee. Please come and express your interest in being on this committee. Rules Senator Amend Chair stated that if anyone is interested in being on this committee please let him know. Parking Senator Martin states that he has no announcements because he was unable to attend the last meeting. 1. Senate Committee Nominations Senator Martin takes nominations for Ways and Means; Senator Boxio, Senator Vodrazka, Senator Fox, Senator Renteria, Senator Pida,Senator Pobst, Senator Schwartz, Senator Huck and Senator McMillin. Bud Benneman asked all Senator's if they accept their nominations. All Senators agree. Senator Martin takes nominations for Constitution Revision: Senator Amend, Senator Haddock, Senator Campbell, Senator Boixo, Senator Gordon, Senator Block and Senator Pobst. Motion to accept the nominations for Ways and Means and for Constitution Revision by Vodrazka, Second by Senator McMillin. VOTE on motion 17-0-1, Senator Popick abstaining. Page Three Senate Minutes 24-04 Senator Gordon takes nominations for Bylaw Committee;Senator Pobst, Senator Elliott, Senator Popick, Senator Haddock, Senator Allison, Senator Schwartz and Senator Block. MOTION to accept the nominations for Bylaws by Senator Schwartz, Second by Senator Block. VOTE on motion 18-0-0, carried unanimously. B. Executive Committee Reports David Turner representative for the Nevada Student Affairs announced that President Kostman is at the Board of Regents meeting discussing tuition. He reads a letter of response from President Kostman to the Senate (Mr. Turner has copies of letter available for Senators). He then goes on to suggest that Senators talk to the students of their college about these issues. Mr. Turner then reads the report on the minorities at UNLV (Mr. Turner has copies available for Senators). Senator Vodrazka questions about why the questions were handed out only to minorities. Senator Martin states that racism at UNLV is absurd, and something to the extent of majority to minority ect. Martin asks Turner why are we not talking about the key chains if it appears on the agenda. Turner states that they would like to postpone it. Senator Gordon asks about the effect the minority report will have on the University of Las Vegas. Turner states that the report makes the system as a hole look bad. Senator Allison makes the point for the record, a description of the letter that President Joel Kostman took with him to the Board of Regents, it is a letter signed by the Senator's in support of President Kostman. Election Board Director Mike Alloyian, states that he needs people before the Christmas break to be on his elections board. Senator Martin inquires about the new election equipment that is being researched. Mike states that it has been narrowed down Page Seven Senate Minutes 24-04 to two companies and states that this equipment is definitely needed. Organizations Board Ed Marshell announced that last night they held the lottery for basketball tickets. Stated that he will be talking to Senators about having a Senator on the Organizations Board. MSU made lots of money last night because of the ID's needed for basketball ticket lottery. Stated that on January 29 they will be having a leadership workshop, he asked if anyone could help to please talk to him. Stated that O-Board and ski club are working very closely together, and that they are having a sking Olympics. Senator Gordon asked about the basketball lottery. He states that he is hoping that he will be able to have tickets to the first game. Marshell started to talk about supporting a dinner. Senate President Bud Benneman calls order, states that this event has not even been approved through the E-Board. C. Business Management Reports CSUN Business Manager Lori Synder Calison announced that she would like to get to know all the new senators, please feel free to stop by her office. State that she is holding the refund checks for the last elections, if senators know anyone on the list please ask them to come and get them before Christmas break. Needs information on grades from each Senator passed out grade verification forms. Lori then gave each Senator a budget availability report that itemizes money available to each account. She can make these reports available to the Senators in many different ways, please decide the preference and let her know. States to Senator Martin that the information he needs for Ways and Means would be best discussed in her office. Senator Amend asks what a fiscal year is July 1 through June 30. Senator Pobst states to Lori congratulations on her marriage. ( Page Seven Senate Minutes 24-04 Library 24 hours a day during finals week and the weekend before, (the hours and availability of the separate sections in the library, are available at the Library) additional they have tried to post those hours in The Rebel Yell, which has not been successful. Senator Pobst asked about the hours open and which sections would be open late and if the figure of the students who use the library during these extended hours where available. She stated that the entire library is open till mid-night, then the reserve reading rooms will be available all night. The average number of students on the weekend after mid-night was 75 using all space available. Stated that there are some hours that very few people use the extended hours. Pobst states that after midnight, the amount of students using the library decreases. Senator Martin asked if it would be cost effective to use the entire library 24 hours, she answers that overtime costs and security costs make it impossible. Senator Gordon expresses his concerns with spending $4,000.00 on such a small amount of students and asked if funding had been researched in other areas of the university, she stated they haven't looked at any other options and without CSUN this service would not be available. She announced that the cost of opening and closing the Library is less cost effective then to keep it open all night. Senator Pobst stated that the students in her college probable wouldn't use the library. Senator Amends inquired about the majority of the money goes to keeping it open all night. She states that most of the cost goes to security monitors, library help and janitorial services. This money goes for both semesters. MOTION by Senator Schwartz to amend that the item will say Fall of 1993, and Spring of 1994 SECOND by Senator Pobst. DISCUSSION Senator Pobst states that amended she feels that is a good thing. VOTE on amendment 18-0-0 carries DISCUSSION on the amended, amended motion. Now reads for fall 1993 and spring 1994 In favor of the motion as amended VOTE, 18-0-0 Carried ( Page Three Senate Minutes 24-04 B. Approval of a monthly stipen for the Senate President Pro- Tempore of $200.00 per month out of the 2702 General Account. The amount will be pro rated from November 18, 1993 to November 30, 1993 and will end on October 31, 1994. MOTION by Senator Pobst to approve SECOND by Senator Vodrazka. DISCUSSION Senator Gordon asked what is the $200.00 for, Senator Pida stated that the $200.00 is for services of his job, and remains his business. Point stated that the $200.00 is the Pro-Tempore's salary by Senate President Bud Benneman. VOTE 13-0-5, Senator's Pida, Allison, Haddock, Popick and Gordon abstaining. VII. OPEN DISCUSSION Senator McMillin states congratulations to Senators on committee's and wishes them all good luck. Senator Haddock expresses his concerns with the changing of the Senate meeting time from Wednesday to Thursday. Senator Popick expresses his concerns about the meeting time change. States that it would be most convenient for him on Wednesdays. Senator Gordon states that he had planned on Wednesdays as the meeting, he thinks it is a little unfair to change it with out asking anyone but he could go either way. States that his birthday is in nine days. He asks The Rebel Yell to try to write something nice about Student Government. Senator Schwartz states good luck on finials, congratulations to the people who got on committees today. Senator Fox states her concerns with the meeting changing of the day of the week, hopes that there can be a discussion on it. Page Seven Senate Minutes 24-04 Senator Campbell states either day is fine with her (the rest of her statement was too low, I was unable to understand what she was saying) Senator Amend anyone that is interested in the Rules committee please let me know. Senator Johannsson stated that she was very impressed with the Health Center. Senator Renteria announced that the senators dogged their senate secretary, gave his appreciation to Debra Planells. State that he would hope John Pida won't spend all his money in one place. Senator Vodrazka stated he doesn't care about the day of the week that the senate meetings are held, but requests it to be moved up to 5:22. Senator Martin stated that he has a class on Thursday, which would conflict with the moving of the senate meeting. The E-Board one had a Legal Counsel Committee, now we have no legal counsel for students/ He stated he tried to talk to Joel two or three times about this, but nothing seems to be happening, Pat Smith has been advising students in the legal aspect, states he is not sure that is such a good idea. Needs to have a meeting tonight and would appreciate the committee staying after for this meeting. Senator Huck stated good luck to all the committees, down stairs they are handing out condoms, he stated his ear is pierced now and that he needs help studying for his first finals Senator Block hopes that next weeks meeting will be shorter. Senator Allison announces good luck to Senator Huck on his finals. Senator Pobst stated thank you to Jay Jay for planing the Christmas party. Congratulations to all the committees. The change in meeting day should be discussed. ( Page Three Senate Minutes 24-04 Student Body Vice President announced that herself and President Kostman have a class on Thursday night next semester. Senate President Pro-Tempore John Pida announced that he would like to know if the microphone that was in the center of the room worked better, if so bring it back. Senate President Bud Benneman stated that it is stupid to talk about something that hasn't made it to the executive board agenda yet, it could be illegal. Stated that he announced the change in the senate meetings in the senate and the first mandatory elections meeting. Advise people to come by and talk about the day for the senate meeting. The date for Thursday has been planned for along time. The affirmative action report is just ridiculous, they obviously didn't do their research from a militant stand point. It is a poorly done report, and needs to be redone. VIII. ADJOURNMENT MOTION for adjournment by Senator Huck, SECOND by Senator Block. 1LM Senate President Bud Benneman VOTE on motion 18-0-0 carries at 6 1:7