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? L V L a n d W C o . used w o o d stave pipe exclusively In new construction and replacements until 1927, when cast Iron pipe Was Introduced Into the system. About that time the wood pipe began tjo be expensive to maintain on account of termites, and penetration by tree and shrub roots. All w o o d pipe and wrought iron pipe In the entire system has been rep l a c e d w i t h cast Iron, the greater part of thej replacements being carried out in 1941. The change will eliminate the former losses of w a t e r due to leakage in the mains. It also will reduce future maintenance costs to a minimum. Me t e r s are not permitted under a state 1 aw affecting Cxties of over 4,500 population, and there is a prodigal use of water, particula r l y d u r i n g the heated term when very high temperatures prevail. The l o w wat e r p r e ssure resulting from the gravity jsystem - ranging from 35 to 20 po u n d s - has had a bearing upon the waste observable In sprinkling lawns; a n o t h e r removable item of loss has bedn seen in negligent operatio n of air c o n d i t i o n i n g apparatus, of which there is much in the city. From time to time the attention of the public jhes been directed by advert i s e m e n t s in the city newspapers to the wadte of water by consumers, and such educational work will, it is hoped, produce lasting results. There is a city ordinance relating to wasteful use of water, passed in July, 1939, but it has not been enforced. Ladt year, however, the city assigned a special uniformed officer during trie heated term to look after the wa s t i n g of water by any and every mdans, and the LVLandWCo. p a i d one half of hie salary. The results were) very satisfactory. The LVLandWCo.'s water rates conform to a schedule fixed by the Public Service Commission of Nevada and mdde effective on Sept. 1, -7-