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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    63 186 SHOT - DUKE He sees King Louie escaping and screams out: DUKE I'll bury you without a note being blown1 WIPE TO: 187 INT. PRINCESS' CHAMBERS NIGHT COME IN on the Princess then DOLLY BACK to include the Duke and Baron Kook. PRINCESS Yes, forsooth, it is the truth, I am in love with King Louie, the muth?╟÷ (shakes head) ... the most. DUKE I see. PRINCESS And he loves me. A stud, a stud, my kingdom, for that stud. DUKE You fully intend to marry him then? PRINCESS Ye s... The nefarious wheels are turning like mad in the Duke's diabolical little brain; he throws a look over at Baron Kook who shrugs. DUKE I wish nothing but your happiness, my dear. I will do as you desire. In fact, I shall dispatch a gift to him, a decanter of the rarest wine for his noble tastes. You may enclose a note. PRINCESS Yes, a note. I must tell him of my love. She crosses to the writing table and sits. The Duke nods to the Baron and they exit.