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    JUL ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 LOS ANGELES San Francisco Portland - Seattle Phoenix, Ariz. Arizona Republic (Cir. 88,637) JW-Vfl j Hollywood Today Cary Grant To Team] With Judy Garland WfeSONSrS- L- at lipifc0&!?╜ ;for dinner al ?-. nighM^go with Sid Luft and! '^nftJ Py L0UELLA I H0L^YV|O^m CNS) ?╟÷ A jluncn^on with Juni Allyson and||,^Ju*g^jiSn.?╜.6v?? .,,.?╟÷ "^'mrmmz* Dick Powell at ffieir beautiful she ha?½&, bfefiSL^is thin in years new home, gave me a chance to nor as well.>\ talk to Dick about his plans at M f_^^i,l'-mr'^-^S j- RKO. He says he's reading scripts BOB -IffeHUM wld like to yiike mad to try to find a new be offja^^ld tiui he's to "story. He's all excited about "The piay offolfe feilyn Monroe in Gibson Girl" which RKO already ("River Of No Return." Owns. -jHpwjsa "I'd like to put Jane Russell in 'Gibson Girl'?╟÷she'd be perfect," [he sai'd. ^hfyfm' "You'd better put me in that picture," June interrupted., "Well, perhaps y?║\?· can be in it, too," he told-hei*._uif__i0^^^?√ß' Paramount is aftiiHrime for "Air Force," a picture soon lojw'S'-w-w. a- ?╟÷"~Fj^K*r#- start. She's had more offers than!he just wants to be told I she can accept, ,,but I believe j ' i"?Σ≤B_Ka?╟÷?╟÷&?√ß?╟≤ -??. ?√ß.- -?√ß?√ß Heflikes the idea of going to 1 Alberta, Canada, on location be-1 .cause there's, fishing there, but! until he's offfcia^ - told he refused to say whether or not he s I gohW* to make movie ^love to I [Marfan. . I S lis not pouting and not ob-I :jecfe to the Mp'nroe picture?╟÷! cJiUens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established fSWS LOS ANGELE^^S San Francisco^ Portland - Seattle she'll turn any one of them down in a minute if Dick gets a story | that's right for her. YESTERDAY I TOLD you that Cary Grant was being sought for both "Sabrina Fair" and Judy Garland's picture "A Star Is Born." , . Now I can tell you that Judy gets Cary. Remember how g66d he was in "Bachelor And The Bobby-Soxer" with Shirley Tem- ^l?╜?^well, I think he and Judy will be excellent, and 1 am glad for her. . And that reminds me, Judy} Hollywood, Cat? Variety -m ?? EVERYONE AROUND the ipeverly Hills j^otel is getting a big kick out m the activities of Father James Keller, of the ^Christopher movement, acting Just like a movie, doctor shooting scenes for ihis?·C|ming "^ show on the terrace.^Mj|p|| j Yesterday the father was putting Skie Farrell, Harpo Marx, and Pat O'Brien through their acting paces for his seriesTjiiaed "The [Player's The Thing." (That title's correct;^. Typesetter, Not "The Play's Tbepljiing.'') I - . Father Keller got a laugh I when he said to his actors, "now, boys, brighteh it up.J_e arent in church you know"* MARL in Hollyw the time j Tallulah^ show at t JETRICIfis back Fafter ha/mg had her liff helping rikhead at jfer closing i Sands infLa I Tallu invil&(|WW?╜ll lafW TP^on the stage wither an#tbe two gals sang a wNk _P v'le En Rose as it w* h|%ir^ung before. Good mn sJbJP^rack Entratter has of f e%ti&i?½mgh a night club i stint at $30,6^5 $ei. week starting in October?╟÷^ she's going to accept! The^fTLas Vegas salaries get higher and higher. The Las Vegas Strip l] ?╟≤*'4f&??i By BILL WILLARD H SAHARA STEW: "Top Banana" and Phil Silvers a plum for the Sahara, but so far Milton Prell says he hasn't a date nor has he dotted final I's on the deal. And,|&he does wrap it up, the only open time for the touring company is mid-July . . . Vaughn Monroe isjslotted prior to Christine's sashay Juab- 14, but if the GI remake doesn't wanna play, perhaps Phil Silvers & gang will cavort at that time . . . StamJLrwin, George Moro, Larry Sloane, and Prell are easting to do a bit of wriggling with BilMffiller, Sahara's booker, and Charlie Yates, Ch|igarogg_^g?·nl . . . Jake Kozloff returned from "Vjfr^H :. ' ~"~ riety Qlu$s convention in Me^co \\ City, aHfiaffed andHamused a??out scuttlebu& of Last Fron^er'jf alleged ^^pS^tojPitt & Ch^nntepests. He denies such a deal, but will have 'a flash soon abouf ne-\# booking setup for shows .1 . Tfallulah signed for return tdf ..Sayd*- in spring of '54 for a month". f^Kath- erine Dunham's opeilng at El . Rancho Vegas tomorrow night will J bring out plenty of lolalites look-iR ing for something different andO exr.itinp- in fk^gjpshows. \ ^ff| <-dlllens B*Wishedl888 ^ANGELES Portland - Seattle San Bernardfn0( Ca/ff f t'^.: MM) . cJLlUn s PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 LOS ANGELES San Francisco Portland - Seattle Hollywood, Calif. Reporter (Cir. 6,821) NITERY NOTES IN BOLLYWOOD Sonja Henie to Skate Out Into Audience in 3-D Film By ERSKINE JOHNSON * HOLLYWOOD |?╟÷ (NEA) ?╟÷ Exclus^erf^petirl: Sonja Henie sill%mglrigiF out into the audience! irf 3-D? Producer M&Ttf Jo Brown has Sonja's word that she will make her movie corner- back under his banner in a big 3-D musical extravaganza. "It's a .matter of timing," Brown told me oh the set of "I Ride Alone," a new 3-D film for Columbia. "If Sohja can get through with her London ice show ' and dates in-.j&khce on. time, we'll start the picture this fall. We've been talking about it for several months. She's very enthusiastic about the idea." The long-expected blowup of the Arlene Dahl-Fernando Lamas romance is near. Arlene's been seeing Raymond Hakim, whom she dated long before Lex Barker came into her life. Lili St. Cyr, the strip queen, has only one page of dialog in "The Son of Sinbad" at *RKO. But with Lili, who needs talk? . . . John Huston's "Richard the III" will be the first full-length 3-D flicker to be made in London. Sir Laurence Olivier may replace Jose Ferrer as Jose doesn't want to lej^e Hollywood?╟÷ and Rosemajjj^aoon^ ON THE UP ANJjjtfpP Vspft ^tohnson's^RsdiscoverJ a song and d?╜uKfe ipan byijack Entratter of Tme"i&ft^ Hptel in Las Vegas mt MGM btfg-eyed ?╟÷"We'd forrotten Van's Jalents," a studio exatutiye sheeswshly con- fess|(J. to lack?╟÷and^aised the stature of fnOvie stars asr in-the- jftjesh. nigHifrcIub ^e^ertainers. r j "I'm isolm^ggji^noivie names,** Entratter.,. toldf .me: after two weeks /bf, jjam-packed business ^thpTah's hoofing, singing and breezy chatter. "But they must be movie stars with talent. They can't just stand up there with a take-a-look-I'm-a-movie-star at- fitud^ff*?Θ╝| It was Entratter, now produc-" ing the lavish shows at The SandSj who lured the first Hollywood star, Jane Powell, to play the Copacabana Club in New York v two years ago. Now he's ,reia4^pr sign more movie names for Tfie Sands, with negotiations already on for Marie Wilson, Marlene Dietrich, Bill Bendix, Pete#;: Lawford and others. Errtratter's always on the prowl for. jSUper-gorgeous dolls, to decorate his sh0^s?? but even in Hollywood it isn't easy to find them, he admitted. Thirty girls with movie chorus experience turned out for his last audition. He hired only two of the daz- zlers. "A movie camera can hide defects," he told me. "A night-club spotlight can't." SEPARATON DID IT The separation caused by their careers, Director Don Siegal is saying, backgrounded the breakup of his marriage to Viveca Lindfors, Now directing "China Venture," Don told me: "No marriage can last when the partners are at opposite ends of the country?╟÷Viveca's career took her to New York. The divorce is entirely amicable. There is no bitterness on-either side." Mona Freeman's mother is poised for that ocean hop with daughter ?╟÷ another log on the fire that could spell marriage to Bing Crosby. Peggy Lee, who wrote the mu- ^^^ sic and lyrics of her new record j hit, "Who!s Gonna Pay the Check?" wires: "My song is positively not in- * j spired by the legal battle be- t tv^n Marion Davies and Charlie ' Morrison over the Johnny Ray I party." Nancy Olson is forsaking Hoi- { 1 lywood for a year or more. When . j the stork delivers the second ( | bund1- j-?╜-r- n?╜-A***ii??wr..*M ?╟÷m ~?╜+. H uiilen s PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 LOS ANGELES g San Francisco* Portland - Seattle Louis/ AVmitrong, currently at the San^s^WofCTf/Las Vegas, set by Asso- c"RnwWOoking Corp. for a concert in Oakland June 28. Joe Chastek is honoring Jimmy McHugh with a testimonial dirjner for ASCAP members and the press June 29 at Vagabond's House. Josephine Premice's stay atllfhe Bar of Music has been extended to*l\jne 24. The Sportsmen's Quartet, now at the Park Lane, Denver, opens&t Cal- Neva Lodge, Lake Tahoe, Aug. 7 for two weeks. Singer Guy Cherney set for four weeks with Ray Noble's orchestra at the Hotel Roosevelt, New Orleans, starting June 18. Billy Gray?╟÷,Patti Moore and Ben Lessy, also Larry Green's trio, held over at Billy Gray's Band Box until July 14. Comic Don Rice placed by CAC with the Jan Garber orch rev|re at the Sham rock Hotel, Houston, for two weeks 1 starting Sept. 1 5. ; Trumpeter Jimmy Oliver gets a leave from brother Eddie's Mocambo orchestra to open lune 18 with a combo of his own Las Vegas, for six New York, N. Y News (Cir. 2,354,444) :?195$ fe* ^Gitild Old nEumvpRK By ED SULLIVAN The Passing Shaw Gov. William B. ITmstead, of North Carolina, unwittingly upset I Some-sort of plot.. Local celebs this week received courteous letters 1 from the Governor, saying he would certainly consider their pleas in I behalf of two rapists, and two murderers. JLocals shot back wires to I the North Carolina Governor, saying that* they hadn't written him, I knew nothing aboyt thecases, that theM names had been used_ without I any authorization, I stars, will folfcw. ^hegoesint* get $100,000 f Gold," by T. R, jierite Piazza, one of the comelier Met s lead .and pick up some night club f . i.Rain not only is hurting south- Carnival to the extent of $30,000. with an advance of three-quarters of ! Rodgerj^&ammerstein till. . . . Jimmy Boys will " 1$) tour. . .'.. Biog of Caruso, "Showers of , , _. ?╟?.. Yb^i^fWTiit the stallsHliis Fall via Harcourt, Brace. I Timed, with Met's TOi ann'y. , . . Sam ^Snead a year older . . . Bob 1 Kanzler of the Ford clan, marries Judith Ann Frost, June 26. . . . Far- 1 ley Granger ^romancing Elaine Stewart. ... A daughter for the Byron Pauls, cbs-tv. . . . Marlene Dietrich t?? Summer at Southampton. . . .^ il JackJB^Gleason hopes the new Queen has a long run at the Palacej^x^1^ ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS OJPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York TAMPA, FLA. TIMES Circ. D. 47,303 JUN 4 1953 &n Hollywood Shelley Infers May lose Role Clare Booth Luce's Life May Be Rli^ftlsT By SHEILAJ Hbllywo ters wil^cream; *but: ijKfooks | a sur^^ing'thata^iorine, LeeJRiokey, at th Las Vegas -wiuA&i.:] a great-.^es^; Rosie O'ClotHlPjr*!^ spending a fortune oh telephone calls to Jose Ferrer in Honolulu . . . Gary Cooper will meet wife Rocky and! daughter Maria when they ^arrive in France next month, and allj three will then motor through; Europe. Before Yul Banner returned to New York,fe confabbed with C. B. De Mille ^play Herod in "The Ten Commandments" . . . Evelyn Keyes sees only Mike Todd in Man&ittan. Hate to say this, but! in-snfej^^ier^denials. it could be,; serious. *%ne guy has a way with] him. J?╜^|pPpaid wants- to film the j life o^Clare Boothe Luce . . -. IJ J hear from France that "Dusty" NegU|^^!has hired the same di- vorc#|awyer that Rita Hayworth I AfwCj^js-screaming-again be- [.cause,j^nnie Crain ofl^e bright I red hkii^M- plotting to star there in "Duwotc the Jungle||t|. . She and Debbie Reynolds, .iQ&dental-1 :.ljj*'.fi'play their oWniffl^thers in *'Gehtpmen Marry Mganettes," with ptafeum hair, yetiig| Vincente Minnelli isJ??owling.l Metro yi^il not lend hij^ out to| direct i^^ptnovie version "pi "Ok-J lahom^^Te has too muqfr to dot at hoj^^ffhe Long, Lon| Trail"| with .^^P^'and Desi Arnaz, Gonejs ipelly^s^pprigadoon," aam^ fhenfe "!HdBkl??l^^ly-. Fi&n" wft_m>annyr' Kayer. \WM; Margaref^b'Brien Y^iliMp "Kisa I and Tell"'iW,Summer stock, then! "Feg-'eV My^llMt" for ~Gilbert| Miller on Broadway.