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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Pag* 8 of t Pag*a DESCRIPTION 07 FACILITIES - APPENDIX A Nam* of Applicant Address LOS ANGELES k SALT IAKE B o o b T09, 1416 Dodge St., RAILROAD COMPANY Qaaha 8, Nebraska BUILDING AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION: Construct 1,500,000 gallon reinforced con­crete reservoir and settling basin} install 10,400 feat 14" 0.1. pipeline froa reservoir to Main Street in Las Yegas, Nevada} oon-atrvot puaphouse; install 0 booster poaps, fire puap, and rearrange present and provide additional pipelines to eonnect Veils Nos* .8, .. 9, 10 and 11 to new reservoirs construct ad­ditional power line, and install new elroult on present pole line and increase transforaer capacity* 1stlasted oost...................... August t, 1945 $849,640.00