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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr* Reinh-rdt: I m V&gaa - April 3* 1950 * zyS C oo Hr, 1, E, Bennett la ooimeotlcm with & m pmpmm-Increase in water r&tee, d application f#r M i Better of inforra&tlon I show below the 1st month's readings of the tost meters Installed la cooperation ulth ths city authorities: « & f m c u m Mflcaut 1231 Maryland FKwy 625 So, 3rd flf Ho *B» St. 125 Ho* 1 1 th 1530 So. *A» St. Residential Residential Residential Residential (26 Da) Commercial 11# Da) ..MARSH I960 Pals. Used 33*037 10*687 16*626 16*206 598*070 AMt-ME U 3 0 M s 365 M e 536 c w u 566 Sals 26*919 M s these meterg wars imt&lltd la widely separated, division of the town, & m m m la Suntrldge* Claris;• s Las listedT loaw nHsahnitpr,l dHgoes*t hSaidse ,a fliawgn front anTdr &hoats.h wh*ehree 1ass tm on et,he other three water is used on half ths a r m la lawn* stalled ©aS hteh eo Rosmveerdoal aLlau ntdyepre, aster was & 2-ineh aster in- Sh* following total# of master meter readings stheroewsitn,g total consumption la the city will also be of In­p a l l o r s : JAM 166*720*6: l6l,36l*f" 177*610** m m l 11141*111 1IH H !S»*n6*572 24 j u l t lllp 6 4 p p | M P 5 2 1 *0 0 0 *0 0 0 t o n As k . P«?r Day 1930 5*9 H.O, 6*5 H. o 8,7 ft, O, 17.6 H, 0,