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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, March 2005



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    Congregation NerTamid >*s Looking Towards the Future Worship Services March 2005 Vol. XIX Adar I/Adar II 5765 Friday, March 4 6:30 pm Tot Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Shabbat Services Oneg sponsored by The Kabins Family Saturday, March 5 10:00 am Bat Mitzvah of Ashley Kabins. Kiddush sponsored by Kabins Family 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Torah 11:00 am Minyan Study (Beit Tefillah) Friday, March 11 7:30 pm Shabbatone Family Service. Oneg co-sponsored by the Tashman Family & Sisterhood Saturday, March 12 10:00 am Bar Mitzvah of Wynn Tashman. Kiddush sponsored by Tashman Family 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Torah ?00 am Minyan Study (Beit 1lah) Friday, March 18 7:00 pm Purim Family Service and baby naming for Julie & Eric Fisher's son Ethan. Oneg sponsored by the Mann Family Saturday, March 19 10:00 am Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Mann. Kiddush sponsored by Mann Family 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Torah 11:00 am Minyan Study (Beit Tefillah) Friday, March 25 7:30 pm Shabbat Services and Bat Mitzvah of Liza Abrams. Oneg sponsored by the Reiner Family Saturday, March 26 10:00 am Bat Mitzvah of Amelia Sprague. Kiddush sponsored by Sprague Family 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Torah 11:00 am Minyan Study (Beit i ' Sunday March 13,2005 11 am- 4 pm Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Avenue (Near Desert Inn & Eastern) For more information call 733-6292 Shade Tree A portion of the profit from this event will be donated to iili Purim Family Service March 18th 7:00 pm Services begin at 7pm so don?t be late. Kids, break out your costumes! Costume parade, Purim shpiel, fun, fun, fun! Rabbi Akselrad to Speak on Trip to Budapest-Vienna-Prague Join us for services on March 4th, as we are in for an extra special treat! Rabbi Akselrad will have just returned from a rabbinic study mission to Eastern Europe visiting the cities of Budapest, Vienna and Prague. In addition he will visit the concentration camps of Terezin and Auschwitz. This special study mission is organized through ARZA/World Union. ARZA/World Union, North America, is an affiliate of the Union for Reform Judaism and the Reform Movement?s representative to the World Zionist Congress. During his week long visit (Feb 20-27) to this region, Rabbi Akselrad will have an opportunity to visit with Jewish community leaders, political leaders, and historic sites in each of these major cities. Come, Friday, March 4th and listen first hand to Rabbi?s report on the state of anti-semitism and Judaism in Eastern Europe today.From The Rabbi The month of March which usually corresponds to the Hebrew month of Adar brings with it one of the most beloved of Jewish holidays-that of Purim. A fun time celebrated by our Purim Carnival on March 13th and our Purim family services on March 18th, this holiday reminds us that anti-Semitism has ever been a part of the Jewish experience, but nevertheless we have prevailed. It is a holiday that focuses on the importance of the individual to stand up for what he or she believes in, even if it means risking one's life. By the time this rabbi's message is sent to you I will have gone on a very special trip to Eastern Europe where I will visit Jewish communities in Prague, Budapest and Vienna along with concentration camps in Poland. The destruction of these once prosperous Jewish communities is a vivid reminder that Jews have had to pay a high price for their survival. Even so, I know that I will experience more than just the sadness of "what was". I will experience the joy of what Jews and our cultural and religious traditions have created - Synagogues, art, and a rich history that must never be forgotten. The holiday of Purim may dress itself up as purely a children's holiday. But we know that its message is much deeper. Perhaps that is one of the ways that we cope with our past. We mourn our losses, we celebrate our victories, we sanctify our experience through our liturgy, but ultimately we tell the story of what happened so that we will never forget. I look forward to speaking to the Congregation at Shabbat services on March 4th where I will share with you my experiences during this unique rabbinic mission. B?shalom, Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Music Season Sabbath Friday, April 1st Special Guest Steve Dropkin For over 30 years Steve Dropkin has been involved in Jewish music. He began songleading at the Eisner Camp in Great Barrington, MA at the age of 14. Even though Steve has been writing songs little more than 12 years, it is amazing how quickly his songs have found their way into the mainstream of Reform Jewish music. Many of his songs are already standards in Reform camps and religious schools, as well as in worship services. Steve has performed all over the United States, in England, and in Israel; he's been a featured performer at the URJ National Biennial Convention; he's also been at three National NFTY Conventions, as well as 13 CAJE Conferences. He is considered to be a Master Songleader and teacher, and is the founder of the Birmingham Jewish Folk Festival. Steve is currently recording his 5th CD entitled "On That Day", fresh on the heels of his 4th CD "Innerpeace" where he is joined on some tracks with noted Jewish musicians Julie Silver, Rick Recht, Doug Cotier, and Cantor Jessica Roskin. M Join us in welcoming Steve Friday, April 1st, for a very special Music Season Sabbath. Our Ad ? and Children's Choirs will join Steve, along with our Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein, to bring you an amazing Jewish music experience. 2 www.lvnertarmd .?rg Committees & Auxiliaries A d u l t L e a r n in g FIRST MONDAYS QVP to Temple Office 733-6292 "First Mondays" continues Mar 7. These classes cover a broad range of Jewish life - Jewish Contributions to Sports & Entertainment in 20th Century, What is Religion: A Sociological Perspective and The Educated Jew: Survey of Jewish History, Ideas and Peoplehood. There is no charge for these classes but pre-registration is required. Rabbi's Lunch and Learn TUESDAY, March 1st, Noon Bring your lunch and join Rabbi for an open discussion on Midrash. ^OMMITTEES/AUXILARIES Hamantashen Baking SUNDAY, March 6th, 9:30 am Questions? Sheryl Chenin-Webb We're in the kitchen once again baking Hamantashen for the Purim Carnival! Come help Sisterhood, have fun, meet new people! Everyone is welcome. Annual Men's Club Golf Tournament SUNDAY, April 10th Cost is $125/person RSVP to Mike Milano at michael. or Howard Layfer at Once again it will be held at the Las Vegas National Golf Club. Registration begins at 7:00 am, followed by Breakfast and Prac?tice Range, with a Shotgun Start at 8:00 am. Lunch to follow golf. Hole Sponsors, Silent Auction Items and Raffle Prizes Needed. Contact Mike or Howard. Gladiators Arena Football Night MONDAY, March 28th, 7:00 PM THOMAS & MACK CENTER RSVP to Temple Office - Hurry! Space is Limited! The Men's Club and CNT are co-sponsoring an arena football night. Come see the Gladiators vs. San Jose SaberCats for the special price of only $18! This is open to the entire community and sure to be a fun time! Rabbi's Book Review Luncheon THURSDAY- March 3rd, 11:00 am RSVP Linda Goldstein at 260-8747 Questions? Contact Linda Enjoy a catered lunch and good company for only $12 per person as Rabbi reviews the book The Nine Questions People Ask About Judaism, by Dennis Prager & Joseph Telushkin. Get your copy in our Gift Shop for only $10.40. You can save $2 off the cost of this event by using a coupon from Sisterhood's Echad Initiative Coupon Book. (If you don't have one, they will be available for purchase at the door!) All Women's Seder WEDNESDAY, April 27th, 6:00 pm RSVP to Temple office Sisterhood invites you to join them for their Annual Women's Seder, complete with a traditional Seder dinner. Cost is $24 Temple & Sisterhood Members; $36 Non-Members; $15 Girls 13 and under. Seating is limited so get your checks in now, payable to CNT Sisterhood. Sorry, no money will be accepted at the door. MARK YOUR CALENDAR! SchoIar-in-Residence Weekend April 15th - 17th Joel Lurie Grishaver Writer, Teacher, Cartoonist, Storyteller For more information on any of these events, contact the temple office at 733'6292. March 2005 5 Philip?s Message Tust a jJ* 4" A I'm sure that most of you got to see the wonderful Shabbatone service Feb. 11, alw enjoyed the incredible music of Cantor Lisa Levine. It was a Shabbatone service to remember. I want to thank all the talented singers and musicians that we are so lucky to have here at CNT. First, the Shabbatone band, Glori, Ira, Alan, Jay, Eddie, Linda, Brad and last but not least Mike. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication to making this service so memorable. Next, the Adult Choir, thank you all for singing so beautifully and learning the music so quickly. I wish I could list you all here individu?ally, but I don't have the space. Next I'd like to thank Lori Frankl for her rehearsing and leading the Jr. Choir and the Teen Choir members during the service. Thank you to all the Jr. Choir and Teen Choir members, and their parents, for helping to make this service so special. And big thank you to the office staff that help to make these special programs and services go so smoothly. Thanks for your hard work and dedication, it truly makes CNT a special place to belong. Every so often we get to have amazing services like this. But this year, we have another great service to look forward to. Next month on April 1, Steve Dropkin will be here with us for a "regular" Shabbat service that will include the choirs and some of the Shabbatone band members too. How lucky we are to have another great musical service to look forward to. Please plan on attending this Shabbat service. I am bringing Ensemble Vocalists in from San Francisco again to CNT on May 1, for another concert. You may recall them from last year and the great variety of music they sang and performed. Opera, Broadway and world music is the repertoire they are planning for this year's concert. Plan on being wowed and amazed again this year. Tickets will go on sale in April, stay tuned. This year, I am heading up the committee for the Annual Cantors Concert, which will be at CNT on June 5th at 2:00 p.m. I am rewriting the concert format from years past and this years' concert will b^ new, special event to attend. Keep looking for more information to come in future bulletin articles. So, as you can see, this is a very busy start to 2005 for our music program here at CNT. B'Shalom, Philip "Israel, The Palestinians and The Arab World Between Hope and Despair" Tuesday, March 15th At 7:00 p.m. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) & CNT invite you to an evening of empowerment featuring Hirsh Goodman. He was born in Port Elizabeth, South Africa in March 1946 and immigrated to Israel in February 1965. He lived on a kibbutz, served in the army, lives in Jerusalem, has lectured around the world, is married and has four children. Hirsh Goodman is a Senior Research Associate at the Jaffe Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University where he directs the Bronfman Program on Information Strategy. Prior to joining the Jaffee Center in August 2000, Goodman was the Vice President of the Jerusalem Post. In 1990 he founded The Jerusalem Report and served as its Editc^j in-Chief for eight years. He continues to write a regular column "My Word" for The Jerusalem Report and is currently writing Answer to Myself, an autobiographical book on Goodman's feelings about Israel, his home for the past 37 years, due to be published in the fall of 2003. 4" w w w .lvnertam B ?n a i M it z v a h & Y o u t h N e w s Ashley Kabins March 5th Hello, my name is Ashley Kabins. I am in the 7th grade at Becker Middle School. I enjoy playing softball, piano and spending time with my family. My brothers are Josh and Jordan and they are twins. I will become a Bat Mitzvah on March 5th and I am looking forward to celebrating with my family and friends. I hope you can join me on this special day. I can?t wait! NTTY EVENTS Attention all 9th - 12th Graders! March 13th - CarWash Fundraiser April 2nd - All City Purim Masquerade Ball April 3rd - Interfaith Seder April 7th- 10th - Spring Kallah, Arizona Wynn Tashman March 12th ?Hola!? My name is Wynn Tashman. I can speak English and Spanish. I am in the 7th grade at Cannon Jr. High School in all advanced classes. I like to ride my skateboard, swim and talk on the computer with my friends. I play the Snare Drum in the Intermediate Band, play piano, and I?m learn?ing how to play tennis on the school team. 1 am very humorous and love to make jokes, laugh and play. I hope to see you all on March 12 when I get the privilege of reading the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. Jacob Mann March 19th I?m Jacob Mann, a seventh grade student at Greenspun Jr. High School. My interests are competing in baseball, football, basketball and racquetball. 1 also play piano and the clarinet in the school?s symphonic band. I am a huge fan of the Cleveland Indians, Browns and Cavaliers as well as the Ohio State Buckeyes. I have been in Congregation NerTamid?s reli?gious school since kindergarten in preparation for my Bar Mitzvah March 19. Please join my family and me on this special occasion. Liza Abrams March 25th Hi, my name is Liza Abrams. My family and I would be honored if you would join us on March 25 when I am called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah. I chose to help lead Tot Shabbat services as my mitzvah project. I currently attend Thurman White Middle School. I enjoy playing softball and spending time with my family. Amelia Sprague March 26th Hi my name is Ameila Sprague. I am in the 7th grade at Hyde Park Middle School. I will be called to the krah On March 26. I love to draw and paint, I play Jball and baseball too. I enjoy rock and heavy metal music and play the bassoon in the school band. I love animals, mostly my Pomeranian dog Brutus. I hope you will be able to join my family and me as we celebrate my special day. If you would like to attend an event, or have questions, contact Yvonne Weiss-Greenfield at 304- 0605 or or NTTY President Jen Zuckerman Preschool News MARCH - February was another fast paced month here at the Preschool. We all enjoyed looking for the Ground Hog's shadow (which he really did see and so did the children). Of course we all learned about Presidents Lincoln and Washington. We even baked our own Challah to enhance our Sabbath experience. This month will also be an active one here at our school. On Friday, March 25th our students will enjoy celebrating the joyous holiday of Purim. All of the youngsters will dress up in costume and we will get to make our own delicious treats of Hamentashen and even get to make our own masks and give Mislot Manot to our friends. Next month, April, we will have our annual school Seder. All of our children will be ready for this fun experience. It is always a wonderful moment to hear our little ones chant the tradi?tional four questions and participate in all of the traditional holiday rituals. It will be another great day here at CNT. We are already in the enrollment phase. If you are considering a preschool for your child or grandchild, don't be left out because you waited too long. If you're interested please give us a call at the office at 733-6292. TOT SHABBAT Join us for our next service March 4 at 6:30 pm. We start in the Beit Tefillah and then have craft and a snack in room 12. This month's theme will be Purim. Everyone is welcome, ages 2-6. For more information, contact Jana Pleggenkuhle at 733-7252 (evenings). M arch 2 0 0 5 5 Your Executive D irector Meet Our Temple Staff This month I would like to introduce more of our office staff to you. These are just a few more people who make everything run so smoothly here at the temple. This month you will meet our Program Director, our Preschool Direct?^ and one of our two dedicated maintenance workers. These are some of the people who help make this such a ?specfl^ place to belong?. So now when you call, you will be able to put a face with the person on the other end of the line. Irv Roberta, originally from Brooklyn, NY, moved to Las Vegas in 1967. She has been married to Mike for 29 years. Mike has two sons, and he & Roberta have three children together. They joined Ner Tamid in 1995. She began volunteering in the office in 1999, just helping out with whatever needed to be done. It wasn?t long until she was asked to take a permament position in the office. Last year, she was asked to be Program Director and hasn?t looked back since. Roberta Unger Program Director Lois grew up and married in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She is the mother of four daughters and the grandmother of five. Miss Lois, as she is called, has been teaching preschool and Hebrew school for the last 26 years in Las Vegas since moving here. She also helped to establish Ner Tamid?s preschool 6 years ago. Lois Bergman Preschool Director John A. Wierzbinski has been employed with CNT since October 2001. John relocated to Las Vegas from New Port Richey, FL, where he lived for over 20 years, with originally being from Chicago. While resid?ing in the ?Sunshine State? he was employed as an assistant Plant Manager for an elementary school for over 17 years. Since his relocation here, he also took on another position at the Flamingo Las Vegas as a Garden Chapel Host; a position he thoroughly enjoyed. He has two children - a daughter who is an Executive Secretary and a son who is currently in the US Navy. He enjoys movies, shopping, traveling, dining out, and still manages to find time to walk the pooch..."Dino?. John Wierzbinski Maintenance 'Dean TKno. Tinmen. On o^ the e/uldzen who one zeoidento o^ the On-@ampM. *7zeatment "Tlomeo. *7 want you to 6noeo that having a ouitcaoe. a zeal Mitcace zathen than a papen dox on. CfOnSaoie day. 6ao yone a lony way towazde iendiny the meooaye to the childnen t6at they aze impoztant. "Plcaae let t6e eonyzeyantc o^ Tien. 7amcd know that thein e^ozto one well efient. 76e childnen one usually ok thein way oat o^ the pnoynam and fptll o^ the tnanoition to. oay thein *76006 ipM. . dot ao t6e 'Pzoynam. THaKayez. T oee t6ein zecfionoee. and know t6e fmide t6ey to ftae6 t6ecz clot6ee in a oaitcaoe containen (pz t6een joanney to t&ein new placement. 76tan6 youf Stephanie Staniyez - (?,zawiey 'Pzoyzam "THanayez The On - ^ampue 'Treatment Ttyomee J 6 www.lvnertamid .io rg President?s Message Temple Board Scott Stolberg, President Marla Letizia, VP Administration Mike Unger, VP Ways & Means Hillary Torchin, VP Education and Youth Maxine Molinsky, VP Ritual David Shapin, VP Membership Recruitment Andrea Harris, VP Membership Retention David Stahl, VP Social Action Debbie Levy, Treasurer Yvonne Gordon, Corporate Secretary Nanette Spector, Trustee Jordie Primack, Trustee Stacey Yahraus, Trustee Fern Percheski, Trustee Debra Cohen, Trustee Bernie Matusow, Trustee Beth Bromberg, Trustee Beth Falk, Trustee Cindy Jensen, Trustee Sheryl Chenin-Webb, Sisterhood President Dr. Fred Toffel, Men?s Club President Jen Zuckerman, NTTY President A foundation is what all good things are built upon. Paying ongoing operations will always be a challenge. However, several years ago, our board decided we should have a foundation to help support operations. A foundation keeps principle and invests it so the income can help pay for programs. Our foundation is called the CIMT PERPETUAL TRUST. It is very simply a living trust like many people use in estate planning. The trust can only be changed if a super majority of our board votes for the change, and then approved by a vote of the congregation. The board felt it was important that the trust could be modified if it was necessary. However, if it is changed everyone needs to know about it. So what are the restrictions? First, do not spend the principle. Second, the donor can direct the donation into one of six funds and the money will be used for that purpose only. The funds are to be invested in a conservative manner protecting principle while generating current income. Lastly, there is a separate board of five people who oversee this foundation. Well, just about the time we were discussing this, we received an offer on some land in Utah that was left to the temple many years ago. We took this as a sign and used the proceeds to open the trust account. Over the last five years or so, the temple has received several other non-directed bequeaths. Our board has directed most of these donations to the trust and today we now have a six-figure foundation. This is a good start and our board deserves credit for having resisted spending these windfalls. We all know we are moving soon and we are raising money for that purpose. Recently, everyone received their annual billings, lam not asking you to give money to the foundation right now. What I do want to ask you is to remember the temple in your will. None of us likes to think about our own mortality but we do. When Sandy and I did our planning, one of the gratifying things was allocating part of our estate for charity. If you want more information on the CNT Perpetual Trust, please call the office. The board of overseers - Stewart Blumenfeld, Mike Unger, Debbie Levy, Ira Spector, and Scott Dockswell - can also talk to you about the trust and the funds you may direct your donation into. If each of us remembers the temple, even for a small amount, over time there will be enough assets to make it easier for future boards to pay for operations and keep the temple affordable. If you choose to do this, please direct your bequeath to the CNT Perpetual Trust. As we get ready to build the foundation for our new building, let us also build a foundation for our operating future. B'Shalom Scott M arch 2 0 0 5 / Ongoing Monthly Programs Community/Self-Help JACS TUESDAYS, 7:00 pm, Room 6 Are You A Jewish Alcoholic Or Chemically Dependent Person? Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent, and Significant Others, is a self-help/support group. Tell someone you love. New Alzheimer's Support Group MONDAY, March 14th, 6:30 pm In the Library This support group is open to caregivers, family, and friends of loved ones suffering from dementia related to Alzheimer's disease. For more information please call 617-6430. Alcoholics Anonymous THURSDAYS, 7-9:00 pm, Social Hall Now meeting at CNT weekly. For more information, contact the temple office at 733-6292. JFSA Needs Food Questions? Contact temple office CNT delivers food left in the bin in the front lobby to JFSA Community Food Bank. Baby formula, cereal, peanut butter, canned vegetables, pasta, soup, and canned chicken or tuna are always needed. Committees/Auxilaries IHN ALWAYS NEEDS VOLUNTEERS! To Volunteer: Bette Stahl 735-8104 or OR Jennifer Cohen 896-4973 Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) is a community wide program. Plomeless families come to our synagogue each evening for a week, enjoy a hot meal, sleep in one of the classrooms, and then return to a day house each morning. Volunteers are needed to spend one night with them and bring hot meals to the temple. Social Action News % I want to thank NTTY, the students and parents of the Religious School and Janet Schlesinger for their participation in again making Mitzvah Day a success. Plans have been moving along well in preparation for the Teen Inter-Faith Seder April 3rd. If last year?s attendance is any indication, this year?s Seder will be a huge success as well. More information on the Seder will appear in next month?s Bulletin. After evaluating our on-going projects, we are heartened by the difference their success makes in the lives of those who benefit from our efforts. The Committee will be searching in other areas an^| attempting proj ects not yet addressed. We thank the Congregation for your continuing support of the important work your Social Action Committee provides. Do you have a family member or friend who is hospitalized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Due to confidentially laws, there is no notification from the hospitals. Please contact Karen at the temple office at 733- 6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. ROSH CHODESH THURSDAY, March 24th 7:00 pm, Sanctuary Every month the women of CNT gather to celebrate Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the new Flebrew month. The evening blends learning, spirituality and sharing. Presentation topics and speakers vary monthly. Mike Rissien Social Action Chair For more information on any of these programs, contact the temple office at 733-6292. 8 w w w MARCH 2005 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Rabbi's Lunch ft Learn Noon R/S East 4:30-6 pm JACS 7:00 pm 2 3 Rabbi Book Review Luncheon 11 am AA Meeting 7:00 pm R/S West 4:30-6 pm 4 Tot Shabbat 6:30pm Shabbat Services 7:30 5 Bible Study 9:00 am Minyan 10:00 am Torah Study 11:00am 6 7 8 9 io 11 12 R/S 9:15-12:15 Confirmation Class 12:30pm First Mondays Class 6:00 - 6:50 pm 7:00 - 7:50 pm 8:00 - 8:50 pm R/S East 4:30-6 pm JACS 7:00 pm R/S West 4:30-6 pm Sisterhood General Meeting 6:30 pm Sisterhood Board Meeting 7:30 pm AA Meeting 7:00 pm Grades 4-8 Shabbat Dinner 6:00pm Shabbatone Family Service 7:30 Bible Study 9:00 am Minyan 10:00 am Torah Study 11:00am 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 R/S 9:15-12:15 Confirmation Class 12:30pm Purim Carnival 11am NTTY Car Wash Alzheimer's Support Group 6:30 pm R/S East 4:30-6 pm JACS 7:00 pm Men's Club Board Meeting 6:00 pm Holocaust Cmte 2pm R/S West 4:30-6 pm AA Meeting 7:00 pm Purim Family Service 7 pm Note Earlier Time!! Bible Study 9:00 am Minyan 10:00 am Torah Study 11:00arr 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ?or/s M Confirmation NO R/S East JACS 7:00 pm Adult Choir 7:30 pm NO R/S West AA Meeting 7:00 pm Shabbat Service 7:30 Bible Study 9:00 am Minyan 10:00 am Torah Study 11:00an 27 NO R/S NO Confirmation 28 Gladiators Football Night 7 pm 29 R/S East 4:30-6 pm JACS 7:00 pm 30 31 R/S West 4:30-6 pm AA Meeting 7:00 pm April 1 Tot Shabbat 6:30pm Music Season Sabbath w/Steve Dropkin 7:30 pm 2 Bible Study 9:00 am Minyan 10:00 am Torah Study 11:00arr 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R/S 9:15-12:15 Confirmation Class 12:30pm NTTY Rummage Sale 9:00 am Interfaith Teen Seder 4:40 pm First Mondays Class 6:00 - 6:50 pm 7:00 - 7:50 pm 8:00 - 8:50 pm Rabbi's Lunch ft Learn Noon R/S East 4:30-6 pm JACS 7:00 pm R/S West 4:30-6 pm AA Meeting 7:00 pm Grades K-3 Shabbat Dinner 6:00pm Shabbatone Family Service 7:30 Bible Study 9:00 am Minyan 10:00 am Torah Study 11:00am Upcoming April Events April 1st - Music Season Sabbath, with Special Guest Steve Dropkin April 3rd - Interfaith Teen Seder April 10th - Men?s Club Golf Tournament ^ April 15"17th - Scholar in Residence Weekend April 23rd - CNT Passover Seder - Green Valley Ranch April 27th - Sisterhood All Women?s Seder March 2 0 0 ^ 9 Specia l A n n o u n c e m e n t s Sisterhood & M en?s C lub March Birthdays Mr. Michael Adler Samantha Alterman Mrs. Sandra Alterman Dr. Goesel Anson Mr. Kevin Bailey Mr. Michael Bailin Mrs. Ethel Beigelman Mr. Scott Benedict Mr. Gary Beresid Max Berger Dr. Jonathan Bernstein Tracie Birch Joshua Brody Adam Bromberg Ms. Marion Brooks Mrs. Roney Buffman Mr. Jack Bulavsky Mrs. Susan Cane Ms. Vicki Cassman Gregory Celano Rebecca Chalfin Noah Charles Darla Chenin Mrs. Linda Chenin Mr. Jerald Cohen Brianna Conklin Mr. Jason Conklin Ms. Judy Cornett Carli Corpodian Richard Crighton Jeremy Curran Mr. Michael Daitch Jesicah Danto Mrs. Bernice Diwald Mr. David Edelman Mr. Gerald Einsohn Jaelyn Eisenhart Dana Epstein Jennifer Etcoff Mrs. Dorothy Finkelstein Joshua Fisher Dr. George Flushman Sherese French Mrs. Sandi Fried Mr. Frank Friedlander Kathleen Friedlander Mr. Brad Friedman Mr. Lee Friedman Matthew Friedman Sebastian Garner Michael Glanz Mrs. Denise Shapiro- Glanz Mr. Mark Goldberg Mrs. Janette Goldstein Dr. Russell Gollard Matthew Gordon Ms Matilda Green Mrs. Yvonne Greenfield Amy Greenspun Moira Greenspun Jordan Gutstein Mr. Sandy Hayman Mrs. Bernice Hirsh Mr. Edgar Hodis Mr. Vic Hollander Mr. Gilbert Hyatt Jason Jacobs Ms. Cynthia Jensen Mr. Joseph Kahn Sarah Karasik Mrs. Marcia Katz Mr. Morris Katz Mrs. Frances Klamian Mrs. Beila Kunis Dr. Richard Lapidus Hannah Lardent Mrs. Ina Lehr Mrs. Karen Levine Mrs. Mary Levine Jenna Levy Mr. Drew Levy Mr. Michael L. Levy Mr. Joel A. Levy Keely Lewis Conrad Lewis Mrs. Marjorie Lieberman Mr. David Lugo Mr. Alan Mann Jacob Mann Mr. Donald Marcus Mr. Donald Mazer Mr. Michael Mehr Dr. Winifred Meyer Max Miera Mr. David Mizrahi Jess Molasky Mrs. Lynne Moore Mrs. Mette Naness Ms. Patty Nasser Mr. Daryl Nasser Mrs. Faye E. Peresman Angela Plotkin Sara Plotkin Mr. Jerry Polis Mr. Eric Pollero Ms. Maris Pollero Mrs. Ruth Rachild Dr. Leonard Raizin Ms. Ann Roque Jacob Rosenberg Benjamin Rosenberg Molly Rosenberger Mr. Donald Ross Sara Ross Ms. Melissa Roth Eric Rowland Mrs. Florrie Sasner Mrs. Janet Schlesinger Mr. Kenneth Schnitzer Johanna Schwartz Dr. Richard Schwartz Mrs. Sondra Schwartz Mrs. Sandra Sickle Mr. Jason Skoboloff Brenna Stahl Ms. Ellen Sternhill Mr. Scott Stolberg Michelle Stuart Mr. George Swezey Justin Thuna Sydney Thuna Aaron Unger Jeremy Unger Mrs. Helene Unger Lindsay Walsh Mrs. Susan Watman Stephanie Watman Patrick Mark Watson Jonathan William Watsor Clara Watson Josh Weiner Ms. Jennifer Weiss Mrs. Mary Sue Weiss Jacob Woodard Mr. Ron Worth Ms. Lois Zellers Anniversaries Mr. &? Mrs. Keith Alterman Mr. Sf Mrs. Dr. &? Mrs. Larry Lehrner Mr. & Mrs. Mr &( Mrs. Steven Charles Dr. &( Mrs. Mr. Douglas Webb Mrs. Sheryl Chenin-Webb Mr. T.J. Coon &" Mrs. Sheri Cohen-Coon Mr. &? Mrs. Mr. &' Mrs. Douglas Fleckner Mr. &? Mrs. Mr &( Mrs. Sydney Frazier Mr. Sf Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. David Gross Mr. &' Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Grossman Mr. & Mrs. Mr. &? Mrs. Robert Hirsh Dr. &? Mrs. Mr. &f Mrs. Solomon Kamm Mr. &' Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Katz Alan Mann Gerald Marks Raul Meoz Eric Pollero Nathaniel Raichelle Jeffrey Sloane Herman Steiner William Watson Ronald Weisner Bernardo Werner The health fair is over and was a great success due to the hard work of our Men?s Club volunteers. We now are preparing ourselves to host our annual golf tournament. It is being held at the Las Vegas Natioj^k Golf Club on Sunday, April 10, 2005. We will start off with a continenwr breakfast. The shot gun start will begin at 8 AM. Following the round of golf we will have our awards? luncheon with a silent auction and raffles. This is always a fun event for those avid golfers as well as once a year duffers. Make your foursomes now or sign up as an individual and we will team you up. We are still accepting hole sponsors, silent auction and raffle item donations. Call the temple office for more information. In lieu of our March breakfast (The Temple will be closed on our usual morning) the Men?s club is arranging a group to attend the Gladi?ators arena football game. They will host the San Jose SaberCats on Monday March 28, 2005 at 7 PM in the Thomas and Mack. This event is open to the entire Temple and guests. Our special price will be $18. Please contact the Temple office as soon as possible as tickets are limited. This is sure to be a fun time. Yom Hashoah Services will be held Wednesday, May 4th at 7:00 pm at Temple Beth Sholom, 10700 Havenwood Lane in Summerlin. Please remember to light your Yellow candle on the evening of the National Observance, May 4th. When you receive your candle in the mail please send your contribution, payable to CNT Men?s Club. The funds collected will be used to continue this program and support the many other programs of our congregation. The Congregation Ner Tamid Men?s Club appreciates your support. Fred G. Toff el, MD, FACE Men?s Club President Sisterhood - Many voices, many hands, to?day?s women embracing a shared vision There was a lot of ?joy? in the Social Hall on February 5 as Mamie Wins