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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    (boh Hr# a* s• toddard) Mr. lit . Reinhardt } Kr. 4 * ft. | « i M MMrr.* :i* fHr.u HSsultotloane r)} Mr* •?** ft* Johnson*} Mr. Calvin B. Cory) one copy of revised sheets to each December 17, 1951 M 4705-11-22 £,$ Mforb.- lliae s Ss.r viSeceot tC,o mSmeicsrseitoanr ye f loved* Carson City, Nevada ©ear Mr. 3eett t 1 enclose first devised sheet fiCS le* 2, first ftevl sed bast raci Me. 5 and Original beet P9«K So. H in the tariff of water rats* of the Las Vega* Land and hater Cenpeny at Las fegss, §«md«. These sheets eliminate nets Is from rots I ton 1#.. f and establish new rates for motel* sudor rots Its* 371. The rats changes mentioned ars set node voluntarily by the Las Vegas Lord and Water Company, and the tariff shoot* efeove mentioned are sent to yen for filing; solely in essnli- anss with the Order of the Coawlseicn dated ©eeaaber 10,1951* will oh purports to have hoes node st a go nor a 1 session of the *emmia&iom on Deeesther 7, 1951* The above mentioned rate $bonnes are node and the tariff sheets are sent yon for filing under protest for the reason that the Order of the Cosesission above mentioned is walawfal m 4 arbitrary for the following reseon** 1 . It provide# for a retreective reduction in rates. 2 . the rate ehangea required farther reduce the revenues of the Las Vegas Land and water -Son­ya ny and take its property withoot due process of law. 3. Tho Crier i# not supported by the evidence, hot is contrary to the evidence in X a 1 Backet ho. 127. 4. tfs aro informed and believe that the Order was made as a result of s complaint made by the no-