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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, June 12, 1979






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 8 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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uac000006. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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AGENDA SENATE MEETING #6 June 12, 1979 Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #5 IV. Executive Board Announcements A. Report on Withdrawl Policy Changes V. Executive Board Nominations A. Yell Editor VI. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board B. Entertainment & Programming Board C. Radio Committee D. Bylaws Committee VII. Old Business A. Yell Editor (vote) B. Vacant Senate Seats (vote) 1. Education College: Robert "Ray"Corbett, Kelly Tuchman 2. Hotel College: Peggy Racel, Charles Weinberger 3. University College: Robin Hunt VIII. New Business IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment MINUTES SENATE MEETING #6 June 12, 1979 Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 I. Call to Order The sixth meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was called to order by the Senate President at 4:00 p.m. in Lounge 203 of the Moyer Student Union Building. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Bill Haldeman Marie Ropell Byron Blasco Carol Tarpley Nina Ross Shellee Willden Lisa Wolfbrandt "Skip" Kelley Jeff Wild Nick Santoro Sandy Williams (excused late) Marty Burzinski Pam Roberts David Martinez (excused late) Cindy Si mi a Absent Dave Craddock (excused) Shawn Carder (excused) III. Approval of Minutes #5 There were no comments or corrections to the Minutes of Senate Meeting #5, therefore, they stood approved. IV. Executive Board Announcements A. Report on Withdrawal Policy Changes The Senate President announced that everyone should have received a memorandum from her in your boxes which explained the changes in the Withdrawal Policy according to Dr. Glennen. If anyone has any questions, please see her in her office. . Nominations for Hotel College and Education College The Senate President announced that Peggy Racel has withdrawn her nomination for the Senate seat in the Hotel College and Kelley Tuchman's nomination has been withdrawn for the Senate seat in the College of Education. Day Care Center President Campbell informed the Senate that he met yesterday with Dean Kunkel, David Martinez, and several parents. He further informed the Senate that they have formed the Pre School Board, but they do not have an Operating Policy as of yet. He also informed the Senate that they had suggested one way the Board should be set up and he suggested another way in which they seemed to go along with. The Board will consist of four parents, two people from the Education Faculty and one Senator. The ex-officio member of the Board will be the Vice President for Educational Services, the CSUN President, the Dean of the Education College, the Program Coordinator, who is Evelyn Ludeman, and one parent. (Sandy Williams arrived at 4:04 p.m. - excused.) Minutes - Senate Meeting if6 June 12, 1979 Page President Campbell further informed the Senate that this Board will basically be an advisory Board, however, the Board will have a lot of "say so" as to what goes on down there with the Day Care Center. He also announced that bids-have gone out for construction of the Center and one will hopefully be accepted by the first of July. He also informed the Senate that Evelyn Ludeman's position has been classified and her contract is for $14,214 per year. (David Martinez arrived at 4:06 p.m. - excused.) Radio Station Call Letters President Campbell informed the Senate that they did receive some call letters for the Radio Station but they do need more. Board of Regents Meeting President Campbell informed the Senate that he attended the Board of Regents Meeting last Friday and he spoke with Chancellor Baepler and several other people on the Agenda Item for the next Board of Regents Meeting concerning a request for funds from the Regent's Special Projects Fund and the M.A.F. issue. He was informed that the two might be put together, therefore, at the next Regents Meeting the request for funds from their Special Projects Funds for $90,000 or $95,000 for the Radio Station will come up and at the Meeting after that the M.A.F. issue will come up. USUNS Conference President Campbell informed the Senate that the Executive Board and Marty Burzinski will be attending the USUNS Conference this weekend and they report on the Conference at the next Senate Meeting. Vice President Wyman introduced one of the Clark County Community College Senators who will be going to the USUNS Conference also. V. Executive Board Nominations A. Yell Editor The Executive Board nominated both Dennis Berry and Marc Charisse for Editor of the Yell. VI. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board Vice President Wyman reported that there will be a Meeting of the Appropriations Board tomorrow, June 13 at 2:00 p.m. in her office and interested may attend. B. Entertainment & Programming Board At this time the Chairman of the Entertainment & Programming Board was not present, but it was announced that there will be a meeting tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. in his office. C. Radio Committee There was no report of the Radio Committee. Minutes - Senate Meeting if6 June 12, 1979 Pa ge 3 D. Bylaws Committee Jeff Wild read the Minutes of the last two Meetings of the Bylaws Committee, and announced that the next Meeting will be on June 19 at 2:00 p.m. Jeff Wild then moved to approve the Minutes of the Bylaws Committee, was seconded; there were no objections, therefore, the Minutes stood approved. The Bylaws Committee submitted Bylaw If2 to be voted upon at the Senate Meeting on June 26. B. Entertainment & Programming Board At this time the Entertainment & Programming Board Chairman was present. Dave Gist reported that they have set dates for both Homecoming and Oktoberfest. He also reported that on July 4 they are going to try to have a concert out on the field, featuring Sharod, from 9:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. He further reported that they are finalizing the Film Packet and will be going with Swank Motion Pictures for one semester and Films Incorporated for the other semester. He also announced that the first Board Meeting will be tomorrow and they are starting to work on the lectures. VII. Old Business A. Yell Editor (vote) President Campbell to nominate both candidates for Yell Editor and that each candidate be allowed to address the Senate individually for five minutes, and that a Roll Call votes be taken, and was seconded. Lisa Wolfbrandt then moved to divide the question, vjas seconded, and accepted. A vote was then taken on the first part of the motion which was to allow both candidates to address the Senate which passed unanimously. Discussion then took place on the second part of the motion which called for a Roll Call vote. Lisa Wolfbrandt then moved to amend this part of the motion to vote by secret ballot, was seconded, and passed with nine in favor, five opposed, and no abstentions. Dennis Berry addressed the Senate and answered all questions asked by the Senate. Marc Charisse then addressed the Senate and answered questions asked by the Senate. President Campbell then moved to limit discussion for five more minutes, and was seconded. "Skip" Kelley objected to the consideration of that motion which failed with only six in favor. David Martinez then moved to limit any further questions, addressed to Marc Charisse, for five minutes, was seconded, and passed unanimously. President Campbell then informed the Senate"that by nominating both candidates the Executive Board is trying to speed up the process of selecting a Yell Editor. If we were to nominate only one candidate a vote against him would obviously be a vote for the other person. For this reason, we felt it was in the best interest of all concerned to nominate both candidates so that the matter can end today and get on with our business. I want to state that the Executive Board still supports Dennis Berry for this position. Dennis is very capable of putting out a quality newspaper that we can be proud of." More discussion then took place on the floor. Nina Ross then called for the question, was seconded, and passed with none opposed. A vote was then taken by Secret Ballot for the Yell Editor. Dennis Berry won the position of Yell Editor by receiving ten votes, Marc Charisse received four votes, and there was one abstention. Minutes - Senate Meeting if6 June 12, 1979 Page 4 B. Vacant Senate Seats (vote) 1. Education College: Robert "Ray" Corbett 2. Hotel College: Charles Weinberger 3. University College: Robin Hunt Bill Haldeman moved to approve Item B as a whole since there was only one candidate for each seat, was seconded by Lisa Wolfbrandt, and passed with one abstention. VIII. New Business There was no New Business. IX. Open Discussion The Senate President informed the Senate that she would like anyone who would like to leave the floor during the Senate Meeting please ask her permission first because quorum may be lost and then the Meeting would have to adjourn. "Skip" Kelley informed the Senate that if anybody is interested in formulating a policy or resolution about the new Withdrawal Policy please meet after this Meeting is adjourned. Carol Tarpley informed the Senate that the Bill Onorato Memorial Fund is still not yet completed and she would like to see something done about it. The Senate was informed that the Executive Board will take care of this. X. Adjournment Due to the lack of further discussion or business the Meeting was adjourned. The sixth Meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate adjourned at 5:31 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: Respectfully prepared by: Lorraine Alderman Senate President Rene Bernier Senate Secretary CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 TO: All Senators DATE: June 11, 1979 FROM: Lorraine Alderman, Senate President g/gt&i^n^o- ) SUBJECT: Withdrawal Policy I spoke with Dr. Glennen on Monday concerning the new Faculty Senate Withdrawal Policy which is the following: Free Drop Period Six Weeks Drop with Advice Two Weeks Drop with Serious and Compelling Reasons Seven Weeks * Since the Faculty Senate approved this new policy, it will be taking effect Fall 1979. The only action the CSVN Senate can take is to write a resolution asking the Faculty Senate to reexamine the Withdrawal Policy with whatever recommendations this body might have. Concerning the inconsistency of the WP/WF Policy of UNLV with that of UNR, Dr. Glennen states that system-wide committees have been established twice for the purpose of unifying academic standards such as Withdrawal Policies for the state of Nevada. Both times these committees have been unable to come to agreement because UNR and UNLV cannot come to terms as to which policy they will compromise on. If you have any questions concerning my investigation, please contact me. rjb cc: Danny Campbell Lise Wyman Dr. Glennen Dr. Cassesse Faculty Senate