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    5 Party of the First Part and the said Party of the Second Part equally, each party owning an undivided half thereof, and the s said party of the Second Part to have the exclusive use and con­trol of said pipe and premises for all purposes,(to tap the same with smaller pipes, plugs etc# ) except in case of fires, when the outlet from said tank and the said pipes, plugs etc., and the water in said tank and pipes shall he under lie control of the said Fire Department and the necessary water for the use of the engine and hook and ladder houses may be taken from said pipes free of charge, and in case the pipes of said Party of the Second lart are extended on the streets beyond the points herein described, the said Fire Department by its Trustees shall have the privilege of,attaching and fixing additional fire plugs to the extension of said pipes at the expense of said Fire Department wherever on said pipes the Trustees shall designate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals this 20th day of April, A.D.1372. ( E. A. White, t r u s t e e s :-( m . Schusterich, ( Edwd, Donohue, 00MMITTEE:(* P. McCannon, ( C. H. Light, GOUNTY ( Wm. G. Glissan, 00MMISSI0NERS( P. McCannon, ( M. MeCiuskey, Jno. R. Wilson, Supt. Floral Springs. Water Company,