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I agree.1085 S a lt lak e C it y , Wtah,C' / August 16, 1955# > Water H l^ it - Loo Angeles & S a lt lak e B a ll rea d ' Company*. . . . O ffic e Memorandum: The s e tte e w ith referen ce to the a p p lic a tio n f o r ap p rop riation o f §4 see# f t # o f underground w ater in Juab County, Utah, male t o the S ta te Engineer, came to us by Sr# Barr sending us a copy o f a l e t t e r from W ill Hoyt o f Hephi to th e Los Angeles & S a lt Lake R ailroad Go*, l a t e r Semriee Department, S a lt lak e C it y , Utah* Where the o r ig in a l went 1 do not know. In accordance w ith a con versation w ith Mr# P ra te r I sent Mm the papers, which he has returned w ith h is l e t t e r to me o f August 15, 1955* In the absence o f d ire c tio n s to the con trary th is Department w i l l f i r s t in v e s tig a te our t i t l e to th e w e ll l a qu estion , and then i f the fa c t s are s u ffic ie n t upon which to base a p ro te s t one w i l l be f i l e d upon the ground th a t the d r i l l i n g o f the w e lls re fe rre d to in the n o tic e may the flo w o f th e Soiap«ny*s w e ll* This o f f i c e has no resord o f our t i t l e to the Company w e ll o r how i t was secured, CC-Mr. F* H* Enieker Mr, B. 1* Bennett Mr. H* c . liana Mr. B* H. P ra te r VngBiai %Hd 3kbiJ>