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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    lifts Vegas - January 25# 1951 Hr. is. Reinhardts In connection with the preparation of the 1951 w reooajaendod inet&ll&tion of sew H u m to serve of Bosons* Hoad and West of' the Hailro&d trash*. e asitidm Taotwend Bceosrtth of which was as follows! htohuesyi nagr ep prorj^e&cnti itgo pblee aosp efrcart edt hbe ye atrhle yL aceo nsVetgraumc tBioouns oinfg m Mi u1t6a0t eta-iit the westerwlhyi cphr woilloln gabtei loonc oatfe Wda sJhuisntg Wteosnt A roefn aB# .S trXetet I as nadn Stiocuitpha otfe d that this project will inolade an additional ho hones before it Is completed, Engineers for the Public Housing Administration are toy hare been adrleed by the Board of ftre Underwriters that asduepqpluya ties fpirroev pirdoetde cttoi osenr ecsa'n ntohti sb ear eaaf.forded unless additional water ®£« **** ' Preseanbto pulta Hnas y o1f atnhde wPeI h*ar eeo boetaennp rleaqtuse sttheed e of*o®rj aansoes*uareanntc e tot additional water supply will be arall&ble by t o alddle of the wSattreeret faonrd d oBsoensa ntziea Husoeo da wnhdi fcihr lea p rIontaedcetqiuoatne a ntod Xs urpepcloy mmseufnfdi ceiarelnyt baepfproorvea hlo tof w etahteh earb.ove projects in order that work nay be oonolefc of 12* C. I. rioe line In Bonanza Hoad $18,960 11ns In Bonanza HHo_aId andt rcaonnssittr#u cptipe booster station ho,3ho c. X* pipe line 13450 Representatives of the Public Housing Authority advise £alp*prVerhleonts #i1v1e1 tbhea t eontuirr perleys einnta desquupaptley otof wsaertveer steher vniengw ptrhoej eWcestt a nSdide facility in the area. m s entire area Is served by an existing 8* line at & H. B. Johnson