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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Hill ), 1944 Hr. Wo have an application Contractor, for a site on our in fdursotmr Hioarla cter aSohtl dflaecri,n g on Bonanza Road. there Is ItIh]re m8a0p' Ifnrdoincattaegse btheet woenelny S vtaaotaen Hoyi gwhew ahya vDee ­partment and E. A. Thomas. Shldler, to whom we leased about a year age has new returned to Las Tegas and geexnpeerctals btuoi lrdeicneigv seu psphliipemse;n tls ao ffa cltu,m behre, sptiaptee,s haan d now b«« three earloads coming, one from Portland and two from Los Angeles. we have an application for this same alts from Heeley-Hyars, who are at present oooupylng the alts hleowaesveedr ,t o tEh.a t AH.r .T hTohmoamsa usn deexrpe sctubs -tleoa sree.t urTnh heeyr est aatbeo,u t Aouwng.u st I1 u anndedr stthaenyd w otuhledy lhiakvee tsoh ihpapveed aIn s lt.wtoe ooafr ltehaedier of pipe from Provo while they have been on lease. * *111 be glad to have you ooasl&er these two applaipcpaltiicoannst sa.n d lSehtl dmlee rk niosw a st haptr eXs enshta rlle cesaiyv itnog thhies >shrloaull do mna kteh et hlee elleeay-sHee yteor sH eleelaesye-,H yaernsd loar mwiyt ohphionlido n action whatever for the preeeat In view of the fast t this is the last available site on Honansa Road.