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upr000067 174


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angel**# Msreh 26* 1C&3 X~7$34 W * S« S* Bnnitlt |Co * Up# stu* Eeinhardt Hr# Calvin is* Cory Mr* W« H« Johnson sap* 6* 1# Bates Mr* £»» A* Haag) Eeferrlng to your letter #f Stsrefe 19# 19S3# regard* ing proposed agreement with Las Vegas Valley later Districts m ' k m ® carefully reviewed tills draft# and flad tkis following ©orreetions should be nodes 3. Line 2g» 4* s & m lit Add "and springs* after wells. Chang* the word two to "three* psasplng stations* (1 * Charleston i - Clark m . § » -Bonanza Villas) Fisas 11* I tew s*fif 0bsng4 *B* to *L*» . !«%w©@a L and 0* Change *Lm to *»*# between i and P. Should be Should be 1 1 . Xtssi B i t Delete entire A© line there now* , Line 10$ Chang® w l "at* to "and« ieeeisd word should be "solid*# nob sold* With the above ©orreetl©m 9 the wording of proposed i p M i l oonforias to my wndsrstsadlng Of all the eonditlone and provisions we desire to teslude therein. E* L* Adssisea*