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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, July 10, 1984






Includes meeting agenda and minutes along with additional information about the admendments to bylaws and appointments. CSUN Session 14 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000434. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SENATE AGENDA 10 July 34 Meeting //14-33 MSU 201 4:00 p.m.. MOVER STUDENT UNION JUL 5 1984 Approved ay: Assistant Doctor I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #14-31 IV. Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations VI. Board, Committee, and Director Reports VII. Old Business A. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement (2) * 2. Business and Economics (2) 3. Hotel Administration (1): William Bacon 4. Education (2) VIII. New Business A. Approval of Appointments 1. Fill vacant Senate seats 2 . Michelle DeTillio to Vice President Pro Tempore 3. Nellis and Tom Hawley to Radio Board 4. Bellon to Bylaws 5. Fischer to 11 y B.udget 6. Cohen to I AC a n d Yell Editor . B. Motion to suspend the rules (Bylaw 1, Item II,A,3) to permit consideration of Items C and D. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA. LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS. NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 AGENDA #14-32 (continued) page 2 C. Amendment to Bylaw #22 - Varona « D. Amendment to Bylaw #22 - Fischer E. Approval of Stipends nominated by the Executive Board 1. $150 per month for KUNV News Director;and Beverage - - Manager 2. $100 per-mo nth for-"KUNV • Grant Coordinator ..and the Senate President Pro Tempore ' 3. $75 per month for the Vice President Pro Tempore, the Assistant Beverage Manager, and the Entertainment and Programming and Intramurals Vice Chairmen., from August 1, 1984 through April 30, 1985, with January 1985 contingent on Senate Approval. F. Senate Agenda Requested by Senator Cohen - Approval of Compensation levels. 1. Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman: $175 permonth plus a fee waiver 2. Entertainment and Programming Board Vice Chairman: $100 per month 3. Nevada Student Affairs Director: $275 per month plus a fee waiver 4. Nevada Student Affairs Director: $250 per month plus a fee waiver. 5. Yell Editor: " $275 per month plus a fee waiver 6. Yell Editor: $250 per month plus a fee waiver Yell Managing Editor: $200 per month for August, September, October, November; and % of December 1984; and % of January; February, March, April, and % of May 1985 8. Yell Managing Editor: $175 per month for August, September, October, November, and % of December 1984; and \ of January, February, March, April, and % of May 19 85. G. Approval of payment to MSU from 900 account, for I.D. Booth expanses CSUN portion for 1982 through 1983 not to exceed $891.32 and 1983 through 1984 not to exceed $737.99. H. Approval of purchase of 10 pencil sharpeners at a cost not to exceed $210'.00, 6 for BEH, and 4 to be distributed by the Executive Board. " AGENDA //14-32 (continued) '«. page 3 IB I. Approval of UNS Regents Proposed CSUN Budget 1984-5. J.. Approval of CSUN Amended Budget 1984-5. K. Approval of Fee Waivers for KUNV News Director and Chief Engineer, and for Beverage Manager . , L. Summer Meeting Schedule of the Senate - Discussion/Action IX. Open. '.Discussion * * • o X. Adjournment. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS - SENATE MINUTES > 10 July 84 Meeting #14-33 I. CALL TO ORDER •> - ' K.^ Senate President Pro Tempore Ohriner "called the meeting to order at 4:06 pm. II. ROLL CALL Senate President Pro Tempore Ohriner called the roll of the Senate: Present Absent Senator Braire Senator Frehner Extt*ve#l Senator Bellon Senator Geary Senator Cohen Senator Smith Senator Colquitt Senator Doubrava Senator Nellis - late Senator Nichols Senator Ohriner Senator Souris Senator Varona There being a quorum present, the meeting continued. There being no objections, the President Pro Tem appointed Senator Cohen as Parliamentarian for the meeting. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES #14-31 There being no objections, the minutes were declared approved, with corrections. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS Vice President Fischer yielded the floor to the representative from the firm under consideration for the CSUN Reader Board Project. Bruce Schneider addressed the Senate and demonstrated the system. V. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS No nominations were presented. The President Pro Tempore announced that the Executive Board had hired Susan Dute as CSUN Receptionist. VI. BOARD, COMMITTEE, AND DIRECTOR REPORTS Senator Cohen stated that the Entertainment and Programming Board needs Senate members. Senator Varona stated that Student Services also needs Senate members. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE MINUTES #14-33 page 2 Senator Bellon stated that KUNV needs volunteers for news reporting. Vice President Fischer explained the minutes of the Appropriations Board. Senator Colquitt moved to approve the minutes. Senator Bellon seconded the motion. The President Pro Tempore reminded the Senate that approval of the minutes does not approve the action items. Such items must"appear^ asr agenda items. The motion passed with 9 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstaining, with the Senate President.Pro Tempore not casting a ballot. Vice President Fischer moved -to suspend with the rules and move directly into Items I. and J. under New.EBusiness VIII., to consider the budgets. Senator Cohen seconded-the motion. The motion passed with 9 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining, with the "Senate President Pro Tempore not casting a ballot. VIII. NEW BUSINESS I. Approval of UNS Regents Proposed CSUN Budget 1984-1985. Vice President Fischer moved to approve the UNS Regents Proposed CSUN Budget 1984-1985. Senator Braire seconded the motion. Senator Varona asked Pam Levins, CSUN Business Manager, to address the Senate. Mrs. Levins explained that there was not much of a choice in this matter, that the Regents had approved this budget some time ago, and that the next item would amend the budget into a working budget for CSUN. The motion passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. J. Approval of CSUN Amended Budget 1984-1985. Senator Colquitt moved to approve the CSUN Amended Budget 1984-1985. Senator Braire seconded. CSUN Business Manager Levins again addressed the Senate. NSA Director Michelle DeTillio spoke against approval of the 911 account, stating that it was not enough money to run the NSA during a legislative session. Senate President Pro Tempore Ohriner stated that changes could be made at a later time, that there is no need to hastily change the budget until such time as figures are presented. NSA Director DeTillio stated that she would require a secretary for NSA and that the Appropriations Board had cut the $2,100 from the budget for a secretary. CSUN Business Manager Levins explained that it was the intent of the Executive Board to make available a secretary to the NSA Director via the CSUN Secretarial Pool curcently under formation. SENATE MINUTES #14-33 page 3 Vice President Fischer stated that this years budget for NSA was significantly greater that last year's budget. He stated that the Operating Control is about double that of last year due to this being a legislative year. CSUN Business Manager Levins explained that the decrease in the ^ monies in stipends reflects the Senate change. • NSA Director DeTillio explained that she felt it imperative to have her own personal secretary so that she could depend on one person to maintain'rfecords and be available at odd hours during the Spring. Vice President Fischer explained"'.that-we could transfer money into NSA if a need is presented at a lafter time, but recommended that we do not do so until the need occurs. NSA Director DeTillio said that she does not want to ask for money at a later time, that she wants to know what the budget is going to be for the year to project costs. She further stated that the Operating Control was not enough to effectively operate the NSA. Senator Cohen asked the NSA Director what she plans to do in the next year and how much it would cost. The NSA Director outlined a few projects including trips to Carson City 2 surveys, a co-sponsorship with E&P, among other things. Senator Cohen asked for some figures on these proposals. The NSA Director was not able to present figures or cost break-downs. Senator Varona moved to amend the budget by taking all money from the 911 NSA account and putting it into the 906 Contingency account. Senator Nichols seconded. Senator Nellis stated that he opposed the amendment and was very dissappointed in the NSA Director's report and the lack of a clear proposal. After much discussion, Senator Varona withdrew his motion with Senator Nichols concurring. The motion to approve the CSUN Amended Budget 1984-1985 was approved with 10 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. r - VII. OLD BUSINESS A. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement (2) No nominations were made. SENATE MINUTES #14-33 page 4 2. Business and Economics (2) Senator Bellon nominated Scott Widmar. Senator Ohriner nominated Paul Acker. -3. Hotel Administration (1) No nominations were made.,-. 4. Education!(2) o ' v \ « \ No nominations were made. o VIII. NEW BUSINESS * " ' S A. Approval of Appointments 1. Fill vacant Senate Seats. Senator Bellon moved to approve William Bacon to fill the Hotel Adminstration seat. Senator Nichols seconded the motion. William Bacon addressed the Senate. The motion passed with 9 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining, with Senate President Pro Tempore Ohriner not casting a ballot. 2. Michelle DeTillio to Vice President Pro Tempore. Vice President Fischer withdrew this nomination. Items 3. through 6. Senator Varona moved to approve items 3 through 6 as a whole. Senator Bellon seconded the motion. The President Pro Tempore called the vote, but did not report, since a Senator was not allowed to propose an amendment. There being no objection, the President Pro Tempore would allow that Senator to speak at this time and propose his amendment. Senator Bellon objected. The objection failed with 2 in favor, 8 opposed, 0 abstaing, with the President Pro Tempore not casting a ballot. Senator Nellis moved to divide the question. Senator Souris seconded. Senator Bellon asked if he could make an amendment. The President Pro Tempore stated that an amendment could not be amended. The motion to divide the question passed with 9 in favor, 1 opposed (Bellon), (Cohen) 1 abstaining, with the President Pro Tempore not casting a ballot. 3. Nellis and Tom Hawley to Radio Board. The motion passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstianing, with the Senate President Pro Tempore not casting a ballot. 4. Bellon to Bylaws The motion passed with 9 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstaining (Bellon), SENATE MINUTES #14-33 page 5 with the Senate President Pro Tempore not casting a ballot. 5. Fischer to Faculty Budget The motion passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstaining, with Senate President Pro Tempore,not casting a ballot. 6. Cohen-tp-IAC and Yell Editor Senator Nellis moved to further divide the question. The motion was seconded. .The motion passed with 8 in favor, 1 opposed (Bellon), 1 abstaining" (€ohen), and the Senate President Pro Tempore not casting a ballot. . ' >:N»V The motion to approve Senator Cohen to IAC passed with 9 in favor 0 opposed, with 2 abstaining (Cohen, Braire). The motion to approve Senator Cohen as Yell Editor. The motion passed with 6 in favor, 1 opposed (Nellis), and 4 abstaining (Braire, Cohen, Nichols, and Souris). Senators Bellon and Nichols left the meeting at 5:52 pm. B. Motion to suspend the rules (Bylaw 1, Item II, A, 3) to permit consideration of items C. and 3D. No action was taken at this time. C. & D. were not in order. E. Approval of Stipends Nominated by the Executive Board No action was taken at the time. F. Senator Cohen withdrew all items listed in Item F. G. Approval of payment to MSU from 900 account for I. D. Booth expenses CSUN portion for 1982 through 1983 not to exceed $891.32 and 1983 through 1984 not to exceed $737.99. No action was taken. H. Approval of purchase of 10 pencil sharpeners at a. cost not to exceed $210.00, j6 for BEH, and 4 to be distributed by the Executive Board. No action was taken. I. AND J. were acted on earlier. K. Approval of fee waivers for KUNV News Director and Chief Engineer, and for Beverage Manager No action was taken. SENATE MINUTES #14-33 page 6 L. Summer Meeting Schedule of the Senate - Discussion/Action Senator Varona moved that the Senate meet on every other Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. beginning July 17, 1984 through and including August 28, 1984. Senator Braire seconded the motion. "The motion passed with 9 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. IX. OPEN DISCUSSION There was no-d±scussion.w . < X. ADJOURNMENT 4 \ v. ~"x v ' •» - v.- The Senate President Pro Tempore adjourned the meeting at 6:04 p.m.