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I agree.CONVENTION CENTER * LAS VEGAS, NEVADA PARADISE ROAD August 4, 1961 TO: Mr. AI Freeman FROMr John A. Goodwill, Ass't* mtL. Las Vegas Convention Bureau RE: - AUTOMOT IVE ENG 1NE REBUILDERS ASSOC iAT ION Mr. James H. Tempi in. Executive V ice-Pres ident for the Subject Association has advised this office that he will visit Las Vegas on August 8 and 9, 1961 for the purpose of surveying convention facilities. Mr. Temp Ii n will be housed at the Stardust Mote! during his brief stay. This Association's requirements fo1 low: Expected attendance: Approximately S,200; using approx. 700 rooms (60 suites) Meeting Rooms: Meeting room space required for approx. 700 people. Exhibits; ApproxinateIy 120 (8'xS0') Conference Booths It may be that during his stay in Las Vegas, Mr, Tempi in will inspect the facilities of your hotel. Any courtesies extended to him will be appreciated. The office for this Association follows; Automot j ve Eng-i ne Rebu i f'ders Assoc i at ion 901 Roosevelt Building Indianapolis 4, Indiana J5: r i