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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, January 27, 1997






Includes meeting agenda and minutes, along with additional information about letters. CSUN Session 27 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000883. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President STUDENT SENA TE MEETING 27-06 Monday, January 27,1997 Moyer Student Union Room 201 6:30p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Director Reports 1. Nevada Student Affairs; DIRECTOR VALERA 2. Elections Board, DIRECTOR REID; 3. Organizations Board, DIRECTOR BONGHI; 4. Student Services, DIRECTOR TOLBERT; 5. Entertainment and Programming, DIRECTOR CASTILLO; 6. Office of Student Information DIRECTOR HAMILTON B. Senate Committee Reports C. Faculty Senate Committee Reports D. Residence Hall Liaison Report E. Business Manager Report VI. PUBLIC COMMENT [in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)] VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS r^o CO ' o i f* ~s o o . 5 ° OOa; tr> VIII. NEW BUSINESS B. Action Item: Discussion/ Approval of expending an amount not to exceed $5,000.00 to purchase 30 lots of bluebooks (1,000 per lot) to encumbered out of the CSUN 2702 (Gen) account, (Student Services Budget) Action Item Discussion/ Approval of performance contract for comedians Willie Barcena and Gregg Behrendt. (See attachment 1) CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 C. Action Item Discussion/ Approval of purchase contract for Las Vegas Thunder tickets. (See attachment 2) D. Action Item Discussion/ Approval of service provider contract for Peter Bellon, Esq. (See attachment 3) E. Action Item Nomination/ Election of 5 UNLV students for the Board of Regents Outstanding Students Awards. IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS X. GOOD OF THE SENATE XI ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law(N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank & Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President V' <E 30 C-f Zo o MINUTES "" ^IJcL,, v ' - H -- > ••' ft; :: n O = SENA TE MEETING 2 7-06 Monday, January 27,1997 Moyer Student Union ^ ^Sg Room 201 6:30p.m So3 CALL TO ORDER: SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.. II. ROLL CALL: PRESENT Jeremy Aguero Steven Amend Heather Anderson Ben Campbell Leia Fleischman Stephanie Gonzales Nicole Lehman Frank Lideros Kyle Lopez Terry Moore Veronica Perez Margaret Persch William Price Robert Solomon Joey Song Matt Stark Joaquin Trujillo Heather Hunt Laura Zurek ABSENT Alesia Hayes(excused) III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE announced that Minutes 27-03 were up for approval. SENATOR ANDERSON expressed a concern for APHP, not that they felt hostility from the Senate, but that they felt pressured into saying yes to the loan even though they may not have wanted it. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 SENATE MINUTES 26-06 / JANUARY 27, 1997 SENATOR LOPEZ stated that he was present on the 25th of November. SENATOR MOORE stated that he was also listed as absent and then as abstained. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE moved into a vote of approval of the Minutes 27-03 as corrected; the Minutes were approved as 18-0-0. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS: SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE announced that SENATOR BRIGGS and SENATOR QUINCY are no longer on the Senate because they are ineligible; and SENATOR SCHIFF has resigned. He also announced an Open Forum for Discussion of the Consensual Relationship policy will be held on Wednesday, January 29, at 9:00 p.m. in the Dining Commons. He encouraged everyone to attend and emphasized that this forum is focused on a specific issue, which is a good thing. SENATOR PEREZ reminded the Senate about a Workshop this Sunday from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. in Room 203 of the MSU and that there will be refreshments. She passed out the memo and requested members of the Senate to tell her in their closing comments who will be there or is planning on coming to the workshop. SENATOR PRICE stated that his new phone number is 895-5341. V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS: A. Director Reports: NS A DIRECTOR VALERA informed the Senate that the Carson City trip was successful; he also stated they're pretty much happy and doing alot of research. He mentioned that a law school will be coming up, a new library, and a couple of other things. SENATOR TRUJILLO added that he had talked to Mark, the gentlemen who asked the question about the Math Labs; and reported that they straightened everything out. He answered alot of his questions, including the questions about parking outside. DIRECTOR VALERA, in response to questions, stated that Governor Miller did give some of his support if possible; the location of the new law school is still being decided whether it will be around campus and downtown; Joyce and the Vice President had taken care of the letters to President Clinton. VICE PRESIDENT MILLS reported on behalf of ELECTIONS BOARDS DIRECTOR REED and reported that DIRECTOR REED has been working on the upcoming elections, been getting packets ready, and has sent out proposals of requests for price quotes to those companies within the Western United States that do professional 2 SENATE MINUTES 26-06 / JANUARY 27, 1997 election-type services and has received some feedback; the best bid so far was for $9900.00. VICE PRESIDENT MILLS , on behalf of ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAMMING DIRECTOR CASTILLO, reported that Comedy Night went well, but he was disappointed the attendance wasn't better; he was also interested in doing a Tailgate for the basketball game against Fresno if it happens here, but the details are still being worked out and wants the Senate to help them get ready because Thunder tickets are coming up and they need all the help they can get; he announced that the nomininations for the Faculty Excellence Awards were due in at the end of tonight's meeting. SENATOR ZUREK entered the room at 6:45 p.m.. DIRECTOR VALERA spoke on ORGANIZATIONS BOARD DIRECTOR BONGHI's behalf and stated that there will be an O-Board meeting next Tuesday, MSU 201, at 5:00 p.m. and the tickets were all sold out. Former STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTOR TOLBERT announced that Career Day is coming upon us on February 26 and everything is going good; he asked for applications to be turned in no later than 12:00 p.m. on Friday. He further announced that for the Fashion Show, Dress of Success, they want student models of all colors, of all classes, of all races... so all those that are interested please call Career Services and give them your name; they will not be paid for it, but will receive lunch, get to go to the reception, and possibly get T-shirts and other stuff. OFFICE OF STUDENT INFORMATION DIRECTOR HAMILTON announced that they did all the advertisements for the Comedy Night and decided to go with the color prints, Big and Bold; they have a display case downstairs. She further announced that Thunder tickets go on sale on Wednesday, January 29; the game is on Friday, February 7; and the tickets will be sold on Wednesday starting at 11:00 with the usual table in the front. B. Senate Committee Reports: SENATOR AGUERO announced that the BYLAWS Committee met today, 44 made it through, and it will be on the agenda. He wanted to say thanks to all of the people on his committee for all of the hard work; and announced that BYLAWS will be having another meeting on Monday, February 10, at 5:30 p.m. in the Senate Chambers and another on February 17 and another on February 24, all at 5:30 in the Senate Chambers. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE added that basically after next week BYLAWS is going to be weekly at 5:30 p.m. in the Senate Chamber. SENATOR PRICE stated that the WAYS AND MEANS Committee will determine a meeting time for next week after tonight's meeting. SENATE MINUTES 26-06 / JANUARY 27, 1997 SENATOR TRUJILLO announced that the RULES AND ETHICS Committee are having an Open Forum in regards to the Consensual Relationship Policy to get more students' input to be more representative of the student population. The Open Forum will be Wednesday at 9:00 p.m.. He also expressed students' concerns about not being well informed about what the policy entails; he gave copies to the RA residence halls, who could distribute it to anybody on their floor as it directly affects the residence hall students. He suggested that everyone come out in full force. In response to questions; he stated that PROVOST FERRARO's office may send some people from the WOMEN STUDIES Committee to show up at the forum; and he stated that he will pass out copies of the policy. SENATOR ANDERSON announced a plan to have a meeting for a CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION Committee at 5:30 p.m. next Monday. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN announced that there will be a Campus Safety Meeting Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 3:00 p.m.. It will probably upstairs in the new conference room in the MSU. SENATOR LEHMAN stated that tickets for the basketball team are almost gone. C. Faculty Senate Committee Reports: SENATOR PRICE announced there will be a KUNV Advisory Board meeting at 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, January 29. Former SENATOR FISK stated that there was a FACULTY SENATE CURRICULUM Committee meeting at on 24th; the committee approved a number of changes entered and the requirements, i.e., the number of classes added to the Department of English and Liberal Arts. SENATOR SOLOMON stated that they are interviewing the candidates for the Dean Search in Open Forum and asked for interested individuals to submit their names. SENATOR ANDERSON stated that regarding the Dean Search for Business, they're to the point of where they're bringing people in; she'll let them know when they're here because they'll also have Open Forums; they're goal is at least 10 students. SENATOR PERSCH stated that the Dean Search for Health Sciences is in beginning phases; the ad went out the first part of December; they got 25-30 applications back so far; and the final date is February 1. He added that they figure they'll have between 40-50 applications to review; and their next meeting is Feb. 10. 4 SENATE MINUTES 26-06 / JANUARY 27, 1997 D. Residence Hall Liaison Report: SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE stated that they should have a new liaison soon and inquired about the elections. E. Business Manager Report: BUSINESS MANAGER JIM MOORE listed the weekly expenditures; thanked everyone for their cooperation and help; and stated that he will have the financial reports and will let everyone know how the Senate looks in comparison to the budget as far as revenue goes in the next week or two. He had five items, expenditures since the last meeting. They were a $14 expenditure for graphics, pliers, etc.; $68.00 with the printing group for business cards and for Senators being reimbursed; $49 for office supplies, etc.. ; $7.56 paid to Joe Mills for reimbursement of postage expense; and $143.77 for Service Merchanice for purchase of a microwave and a coffee maker. Lastly, he stated that he will probably have the expenditure for the fliers for Comedy Night available at the next meeting. VI. PUBLIC COMMENTfin accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)] DIRECTOR PIPER passed out the results of the student perception survey and asked for input. DIRECTOR TOLBERT explained that any organization can put a group together and compete with other organizations for the Unity Jam; he stated that if someone wants to be a host they should see SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. He also announced that he was representing the BSA about their agenda in February for Black History Month; they are doing a black movie series(60's, 70's, 80's and 90's) with predominately black actors; it will be all month long in February and take place every Sunday at 6:00 p.m. in the MSU. He added that they will be having some Jeopardy, and if anyone would like to compete in that, there is a mandatory meeting on February 3. He announced that the Unity Fest starts on March 5 and the Unity Jam will be on March 4. SENATOR BRIGGS wanted to say thanks to everyone; she enjoyed working with everyone; and hopefully will be back again. //Applause// VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending an amount not to exeed $5000.00 to purchase 30 lots of bluebooks (1,000 per lot) to be encumbered out of the CSUN 2702 (General Account), (Student Services Budget). 5 SENATE MINUTES 26-06 / JANUARY 27, 1997 Motion to approve was made by SENATOR SOLOMAN, seconded by SENATOR ANDERSON. Item A was Approved as 19:0:0. B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of performance contract for comedians Willie Barcena and Gregg Behrendt. Motion to combine items B - D was made by SENATOR ANDERSON; seconded by SENATOR MOORE. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE refered to Items B - D as contracts for expenditures the Senate had already approved. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN stated that for particuliar reasons she requested (Item) B not be a part of that combination; the Senate wants it. She stated that she wanted that as a separate item. The move to Combine Items B - D failed unanimously (13:0:0). Motion to approve Item B was made by SENATOR ANDERSON, seconded by SENATOR AGUERO. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN expressed her concern about approving a contract that the Senate had not agreed to. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE stated that the reason the event happened before the contract is because the Senate did not meet last week; it was Martin Luther King Day and they couldn't get the contract in time. He further stated that legally they (the Senate) cannot pay unless the contract is approved. SENATOR TRUJILLO agreed with SENATOR FLEISCMAN due to the fact that it is improper procedure, but also asked the Senate to look at the nature of the item and approve it in light of it being improper procedure. SENATOR AGUERO stated that the people on the contract weren't the ones that made the mistake; they can't penalize them for the mistakes that they (the Senate) made. SENATOR LIDEROS stated that they needed to be paid and they did a good job, but brought up the question of how can it be prevented from happening in the future. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE answered that the Senate should have the director get his contracts with the spending items in the future. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN answered SENATOR LIDEROS' question; her suggestion was immediate revamping of BYLAW 39; she stated that unfortunately the way BYLAW 39 reads is "5 days before the Senate meeting and within 48 hours to the Senate meeting immediately in our (the Senate) boxes and it doesn't say anything about the date of the invite." Item B was approved as 15:1:3. (SENATOR FLEISCHMAN opposed/ SENATORS ANDERSON, SOLOMON, AMEND abstained.) C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of purchase contract for Las Vegas Thunder tickets. Motion to approve Item C was made by SENATOR PEREZ, seconded by SENATOR AGUERO. Item C was approved unanimously as 19:0:0. D. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of service provider contract for Peter Bellon, Esq. ( 6 SENATE MINUTES 26-06 / JANUARY 27, 1997 Motion to approve Item D was made by SENATOR AGUERO, seconded by SENATOR MOORE. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE stated that he comes in on Tuesday and Wednesdays; he has fixed hours when he comes into the office; sometimes if he wants he'll meet with students on his own time. SENATOR MOORE yielded the floor to PRESIDENT ROSENTHAL, who clarified the service provider's hours. Item D was approved as 19:0:0. E. Action Item: Nomination/Election of 5 UNLV students for the Board of Regents Outstanding Students Awards. SENATOR HUNT exited at 7:23 p.m.. PRESIDENT award. ROSENTHAL explained the award and the criteria of the SENATOR AGUERO moved to nominate SENATOR MOORE, seconded by TRUJILLO. SENATOR MOORE moved to nominate SENATOR AGUERO, seconded by SENATOR TRUJILLO. SENATOR PRICE moved to nominate SENATOR TRUJILLO, seconded by SENATOR AGUERO. SENATOR AGUERO declined. SENATOR AGUERO moved to nominate SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE PEREZ, seconded by SENATOR ZUREK. SENATOR GONZALES moved to nominate SENATOR PERSCH, seconded by SENATOR STARK. SENATOR STARK moved to nominate CHIEF JUSTICE MOSS, seconded by SENATOR ANDERSON. SENATOR ANDERSON moved to nominate SENATOR PERSCH, seconded by SENATOR PEREZ. SENATOR PEREZ moved to nominate SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE and also STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT ROSENTHAL, seconded by SENATOR PRICE. SENATOR SOLOMAN didn't have a nomination. SENATOR PRICE moved to nominate DIRECTOR VALERA, seconded by SENATOR SONG. 7 SENATE MINUTES 26-06 / JANUARY 27, 1997 SENATOR LIDEROS moved to nominate constituent ASSIA BAKSHIA, seconded by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN moved to nominate former SENATOR FISK, seconded by SENATOR SONG. SENATOR PEREZ moved to nominate constituent GRACE LYNN, seconded by SENATOR MOORE. SENATOR PEREZ declined her nomination. Motion to close the nominations was made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR STARK. Vote to close the nominations were 18:0:0. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE read the nomination list as MOORE, AGUERO, PRICE, MOSS, PERSCH, LAXAGUE, ROSENTHAL, VALERA, ASSIA BAKSHIA, DAVID FISK, and GRACE LYNN; proceeded with the Division of House Roll Call Vote, which was approved as 18:0:0. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE stated that they will try to narrow it down to the five highest people to receive a vote; ties will have to go run-off. SENATOR AGUERO and SENATOR TRUJILLO took personal priviledges at 7:39 p.m.. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE read the results of the nomination as: LYNN, ROSENTHAL, BAKSHIA, MOORE, and PRICE. Roll Call Vote was passed as 18:0:0. IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS VICE PRESIDENT MILLS asked for each college's Teacher of Year nominations. PRESIDENT ROSENTHAL discussed his trip to Washington; stated that it was a great experience. He farther discussed the State of the State address in Carson City; said education as a whole was a big thing on the agenda. He announced that the Regents are meeting this week at Community College on Thursday and Friday; and encouraged everyone to attend the open meeting. He refered to the last meeting about approving a homecoming for next year; wanted to change the date from October 11, which is a jewish holiday, and change it to September 27. He added that the Budget looks really good. Furthermore, he announced that the CSUN Preschool is looking at a couple of programs; they are looking for a fund guarantee from the Student Government to make sure that the program can fund itself. Lastly, he believes that the receptions have been fixed; they are working on the final annex and CBC, etc... SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE added that he is glad that homecoming will have to be changed to the 27th because it will have to be a night game which will probably increase attendance and make it alot more fun. He said that the the Carson City trip was productive; they talked to alot of legislators; they attended a reception at the governor's mansion; and they talked to as many (of them) as they could. He stated that 8 SENATE MINUTES 26-06 / JANUARY 27, 1997 reactions were mixed about the new law school. He added that the lobbyist for UNLV, Rick Bennett, gave the picture that the law school is somewhat controversial, but the majority supports it; at what level they'll fund it is still something that is still up in the air. LAXAGUE went on to say that the library is a done deal; the Senate is losing a few Senators and he doesn't want to break up the rhythm; wants to press forward. He stated that Wednesday night at 9:00 p.m. in the Dining Commons, Be There or Be Square, that's Open Forum on the Concensual Relationship policy. He supported having Open Forums that are focused with a specific issue; (they) are the wave of the future. He thanked Will and Joaquin for putting this forum together. He reiterated the Senate Workshop at 4:00 p.m.; and he encouraged people to come to the meetings. SENATOR MOORE thanked everyone for voting him as one of the Regent's outstanding students; stated that there is no greater honor than receiving an honor from your peers; he stated that he will attend the workshop. He stated that he looks forward to a good semester; and reiterated what President Laxague said about not breaking their rhythm, they've got it going. He said that Michelle, Michelle, and Jonathan will all be missed. SENATOR AGUERO stated that he will not be there on Sunday. He congratulated all the outstanding students; it is a great honor; he is very proud. SENATOR ANDERSON stated that she can't believe that Michelle is leaving her; she is so upset. She stated that she will let Veronica know if she'll be at the workshop. She complained about the receptionists making personal phone calls on the job. SENATOR PERSCH congratulated all those who are now outstanding students at the university; and she wished them good luck. SENATOR LIDEROS welcomed the new Senate Secretary. He thanked JOE MILLS and TERRY ROSENTHAL for their support. SENATOR GONZALES stated that she will be attending the workshop. She also brought up the fact that if Homecoming is in September, will elections also be held in September. SENATOR PRICE announced that they are accepting applications for Orientation Leader for this Summer. He said that he hoped to see everyone at the game Thursday night, good to hear all the tickets were sold out. He thanked everyone for electing him as one of the top students for the Regent's Board. DIRECTOR BRIGGS encouraged students to go to the basketball games. SENATOR LOPEZ stated that he will be at the workshop. SENATE MINUTES 26-06 / JANUARY 27, 1997 SENATOR LEHMAN stated that she will not be at the workshop. SENATOR AMEND stated that he will be at the workshop. SENATOR CAMPBELL congratulated all of the outstanding students and stated that he will be attending the workshop. SENATOR SONG announced that they want to do a BARBEQUE and asked for input. SENATOR SOLOMON stated that they would be teaching the receptionists on Saturday; he will not be able to make it to the workshop. He announced that this year Kid's Day may be in beginning of September, or he might move it up a little bit this year. SENATOR STARK stated that he will be leaving; congratulated all of the outstanding students. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN announced that she is very interested in re-evaluting our position to increase DIRECTOR CASTILLO'S stipend in light of recent events; and therefore, she will be submitting that for the next agenda. She welcomed back PRESIDENT ROSENTHAL; stated that the majority of Senators sitting in the meeting where non-Greek, so apparently whoever wrote the opinion peice in the newspaper on Thursday has probably never attended a Senate meeting, much less is aware of what the Senate does. She stated that she was happy to see the news editor (at the meeting), but suggested that maybe the opinion editor needs to be at the Senate meeting also. She stated if he is going to be writing peices about us (the Senate) that he should go right ahead, she doesn't mind being called a "bull-dog", but she does mind ill-informed opinions. She added that we (the Senate) lost a couple of good Senators, and she is very sad to see that happen; however, she recommended that they stay at student-at- large status, stay on their committee; and also recruit people to fill their seats so that they don't have empty seats on the Senate, which gives them opportunity to really revamp the orientation process of Senators coming into the Senate when it's already in session. She asked the Senate to look into the whereabouts of the snack machine that was in the embassy. SENATOR ZUREK had no comment. SENATOR PEREZ stated that Carson City was great; she stated that they let us know that it really does make a difference to have them go up there. She added that there are alot of outstanding students in here, not just those who were nominated and elected. Motion to adjourn was made by SENATOR AGUERO, seconded by SENATOR PERSCH. Vote to adjourn was approved as 18:0:0. 10 SENATE MINUTES 26-06 / JANUARY 27, 1997 SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m.. Joe | ^ a g u e * / Tricia L. Nix SENATE PRESIDENT SENATE SECRETARY Note: All minutes are subject to summation. 11 UNIV UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA LAS VEGAS TO: FROM: RE: DATE: I'd like to thank you for your assistance in gathering responses to the Student Perception Survey. I appreciate very much your willingness to help as we begin a comprehensive institutional assessment program. The results of the survey will be especially helpful as we focus our attention on students' perceptions of their experiences at UNLV. Survey results will be shared with university administrators, faculty, and staff in order to advance the university's goal to become more student focused. Dr. Terry Piper, Ms. Candice Troke, and I have written a summary of the survey results. The summary is attached. If you have questions about the survey, please feel free to talk with any of us. Again, thank you for your help. CSUN Senators Rebecca Mills, Special Assistant to the President1 Student Perception Survey January 21, 1997 Special Assistant to the President Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Research 4505 Maryland Parkway • Box 451023 • Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-1023 (702)895-3561 • FAX (702) 895-1503 UNLV Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Research Student Perception Survey Results Background Information UNLV's strategic plan, developed during the 1995-96 school year, establishes future direction for the university. As the institution strives to become more student focused, one of seven goals set in the planning process, it will be important to assess our efforts and our progress. The Student Perception Survey is one attempt to better understand what UNLV students currently think about and how they feel about their UNLV experience. It is important to remember that the purpose of the survey was to establish baseline data about student perceptions. Survey Procedures On November 18, 1996, Aaron Rosenthal, CSUN President, distributed to each CSUN Senator a cover letter and forty copies of a survey instrument, developed by Dr. Rebecca Mills, Dr. Terry Piper, and Ms. Candice Troke. Senators were instructed to select individuals that represented the range of diversity among UNLV students (age, gender, ethnicity, class standing etc.). Completed surveys were returned by December 6. Survey Respondents 283 surveys were returned; the total included 3 graduate students, 71 seniors, 86 juniors, 70 sophomores, and 50 freshmen. Responses from the three graduate students were eliminated from the data analysis due to the small number. Undergraduate respondents were 47.5% male and 51.8% female; .7% did not report gender. The majority of the respondents, 66.1%, indicated that they were taking 12-17 credits, and 87.5% of the respondents reported that they lived off campus. The ethnic breakdown of respondents was: 63 .2% Caucasian, 16.1 Asian or Pacific Islander, 9.6% African American, 6.1% Hispanic or Latino, 2.5% Native American; 2.5% did not report ethnicity. As a group, survey respondents were younger than the total student body. 37.9% indicated that they were 20 years old or younger, 40.5% were 21-25 years of age, 21% reported being over 25 years of age, and .7% did not indicate age. The average age of UNLV undergraduates is 25. Results Participants were asked to indicate the extent to which they agreed with 15 statements using a 5-point Likert scale. A response of 1 indicated strong disagreement, 2 indicated disagreement, 3 indicated a neutral response, 4 indicated agreement, and 5 indicated strong agreement. Respondents overwhelmingly indicated that they planned to graduate from UNLV; part-time students agreed less strongly with this statement than did full-time students. Forty percent of the respondents indicated that, in relationship to all other commitments, a university education was their highest priority; another 47% indicated it was near the top. The majority of respondents indicated satisfaction with their experiences as a UNLV students indicating that they felt a sense of pride in UNLV and were receiving a quality education. Over 64% indicated that they felt they were treated with respect by university personnel. Interestingly, a smaller percentage (42%) agreed that UNLV personnel are concerned about their success, and 33% felt that "decisions made by university personnel take into consideration students' needs, desires, concerns." The university's goal about students says that "all members of the university community will focus on and be committed to student learning and development; they will place students at the center of what they do and how they think thereby creating a true learning community within which UNLV's students can meet their educational objectives." The survey items with which respondents indicated the least agreement were "Decisions made by university personnel take into consideration students' needs, desires, and concerns" and "If I were experiencing difficulty on campus, I would know to whom to go for assistance". The new goal directly addresses these and other issues covered by the survey.